How much is pancake and fruit franchise store

2021-09-28 11:45:33 Source: 91 Franchise Network read: 0 times Friendly tip: Be cautious when joining in because of investment risks!

Pancakes and fruits are one of the most common snacks. They are big in size, delicious in taste, and affordable. They are very popular among diners. Mouth lingering fragrance is a food brand specializing in pancakes and fruits. It combines traditional techniques with modern catering, and introduces a very rich variety of pancakes and fruits, which can meet the needs of people of all ages, and is very popular in the market. Many entrepreneurs are also interested in joining this brand, but do not know how much the pancake and fruit franchise store costs? Next, answer in detail.

  • Brand name: pancake fruit
  • Industry: Restaurant > a pancake
  • Number of stores: 50
  • Investment amount: 10000~50000 yuan

Pancakes and fruits are one of the most common snacks. They are big in size, delicious in taste, and affordable. They are very popular among diners. Mouth lingering fragrance is a food brand specializing in pancakes and fruits. It combines traditional techniques with modern catering, and introduces a very rich variety of pancakes and fruits, which can meet the needs of people of all ages, and is very popular in the market. Many entrepreneurs are also interested in joining this brand, but do not know how much the pancake and fruit franchise store costs? Next, answer in detail.

How much is pancake and fruit franchise store

Generally, pancake and fruit stores don't need to be very large, just a few dozen or twenty square meters, which means that the threshold for joining is relatively low, and most entrepreneurs can accept it. The cost of Kouliuxiang Pancake Fruit is set according to county-level cities, prefecture level cities, provincial capital cities, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other super tier cities, including decoration costs, equipment costs, raw material costs and opening publicity costs.

The total cost of county-level cities is about 64000 yuan; The total amount of prefecture level cities is 80000; 101000 provincial capital cities; Beishang Guangshen 123000. However, this is only an estimate of the cost. After all, there is a gap in the consumption level between cities of the same level, so the amount may fluctuate. If you want to know the exact cost, you can contact customer service on the official website of Liuxiang Pancake and Fruit, and the other party will give you a more specific cost according to the actual situation.

Advantages of Lingxiang Pancake and Fruit Joining

1. Market advantage: This is obvious. Modern people have a fast pace of life and a great demand for food that can be bought and eaten right away. In addition, pancakes, fruits, meat and vegetables are nutritionally balanced and can be eaten at three meals a day, including leisure, so the market is naturally large;

2. Product advantages: The delicious pancakes have a good taste and a wide variety of fruits, which can meet the different needs of diners. The operation is also very simple. The delicious pancakes can be completed according to the process, which is very convenient and fast;

3. Store advantages: The store of Kouliuxiang pancake and fruit can be large or small, can be a store in store model, or can be an independent store, which is very flexible. Entrepreneurs can make practical choices according to the funds at hand.

In addition to the above advantages, the headquarters of Liuxiang Pancake and Fruit will also provide one-on-one teaching. Even if you are Xiaobai in the kitchen, you can quickly produce satisfactory food. There are so many answers about "how much is the pancake and fruit franchise store", and interested friends can take action immediately.

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