How to join Happy Hamburg

2021-12-07 14:02:15 Source: 91 Franchise Network read: 0 times Friendly tip: Be cautious when joining in because of investment risks!

Nowadays, hamburger franchise stores are blooming everywhere, and new products are constantly introduced as various brands of hamburger franchise stores emerge one after another to meet the changing needs of consumers' tastes.

  • Brand name: Le Hamburg
  • Industry: Restaurant > hamburger
  • Number of stores: 255
  • Investment amount: 100000~200000 yuan

Nowadays, hamburger franchise stores are blooming everywhere, and new products are constantly introduced as various brands of hamburger franchise stores emerge one after another to meet the changing needs of consumers' tastes.

Among them, the development of Happy Star Hamburg is obvious to all. The brand has been established for a long time and has won the trust of many consumers. How to join Happy Hamburg? The details are as follows:

1. Franchise consultation: entrepreneurs consult with headquarters consultants on relevant matters and ask for relevant information by telephone, fax, online message, etc.

2. Visit the company headquarters and projects on the spot. Understand the feasibility of the project.

3. Discuss in detail with the franchise department of the company to clarify the intention.

4. Review of materials and capabilities of franchisees by the headquarters.

5. The headquarters of the company signed a franchise contract with the franchisee.

In addition, according to the information learned by the editor, in addition to paying a certain franchise fee, Happy Hamburg also needs certain decoration fees, publicity fees, equipment fees, utilities, etc., with a total cost of about 50000 to 100000 yuan

In addition, based on the difference between the franchise cities and the franchise scale, the franchise fees will also vary. For specific details, please consult our customer service to obtain the corresponding franchise information, so as to have a clearer understanding of the franchise fees of the project.

Brand joining is subject to practice. As the initiator of standardized Chinese fast food, Happy Hamburg fast food brand has been constantly exploring and studying since its opening, and has absorbed the business philosophy of western fast food. It has created completely replicable and highly standardized product and service standards, improved the operation mode of traditional Chinese fast food, and laid the foundation for rapid replication and franchise.

So far, how does Happy Hamburg join us? Listen to the explanation of Xiao Bian, and I believe you also have some understanding about it. Brand joining is subject to practice. Here, I would like to wish you all the best and success in your business.

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