How much is the joining fee of Shangshanfang Congee Shop

2021-12-08 16:00:21 Source: 91 Franchise Network read: 0 times Friendly tip: Be cautious when joining in because of investment risks!

We can always see all kinds of delicious food in the shopping malls and food cities. Is it true that the food eaters cannot resist the temptation? Shangshanfang porridge shop is a shop that is popular with consumers, and it is also the choice of many entrepreneurs. The brand has a wide range of consumers in the market, so as long as a store is opened, customers will always come. How much is the joining fee of Shangshanfang Congee Shop? You need to understand this problem before joining the brand.

  • Brand name: Shangshanfang Congee Shop
  • Industry: Restaurant > Chinese food
  • Number of stores: 100
  • Investment amount: 10000~50000 yuan

We can always see all kinds of delicious food in the shopping malls and food cities. Is it true that the food eaters cannot resist the temptation? Shangshanfang porridge shop is a shop that is popular with consumers, and it is also the choice of many entrepreneurs. The brand has a wide range of consumers in the market, so as long as a store is opened, customers will always come. How much is the joining fee of Shangshanfang Congee Shop? You need to understand this problem before joining the brand.

How much is the joining fee of Shangshanfang Congee Shop?

Shangshanfang Congee Shop is a brand established in 2016, mainly to provide consumers with a variety of nutrition. Zhou has received a high rating in the industry, which is also recognized by consumers. For such a hot market, it naturally attracts the attention of entrepreneurs. To join a brand, it is necessary to prepare the relevant expenses. County level cities need to prepare about 180000 yuan, prefecture level cities need to prepare about 210000 yuan, and provincial capital cities need to prepare about 240000 yuan. The above is about 65 square meters of stores, but these costs are only estimated costs, and there will be some differences with the actual expenditure.

What support can I get when I join Shangshanfang Congee Shop?

1. Brand image support

When joining Shangshanfang Congee Shop, the head office will implement free decoration and design for each franchise store, so that the overall decoration design image of each franchise store is consistent with that of the head office, and the indoor space can be better used.

2. Free training support

The head office of Shangshanfang porridge shop will provide free training for each franchisee, including product production, store operation, and how to deal with crises.

There are obvious advantages for entrepreneurs to choose to join Shangshanfang porridge shop. Even if you are a novice in the catering industry, the head office can provide you with corresponding support and policies after you choose to join the brand, making your entrepreneurial path easier. How much is the joining fee of Shangshanfang Congee Shop? A franchise fee of tens of thousands of yuan will enable you to open a store smoothly. If you want to know more about the franchise fees in your region, you can click Consultation.

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