How much is it to join the yogurt bar

2021-08-24 17:34:57 Source: 91 Franchise Network read: 0 times Friendly tip: Be cautious when joining in because of investment risks!

Yogurt is one of the common drinks. It is no exaggeration to say that yoghurt has become a necessary food consumption in people's lives, and the huge market consumption demand has also infinitely promoted entrepreneurs' plans to join this industry.

  • Brand name: yogurt bar
  • Industry: Restaurant > Dessert
  • Number of stores: 499
  • Investment amount: 100000~200000 yuan

Yogurt is one of the common drinks. It is no exaggeration to say that yoghurt has become a necessary food consumption in people's lives, and the huge market consumption demand has also infinitely promoted entrepreneurs' plans to join this industry. In my opinion, the popular yogurt bar on the market is one of the better entrepreneurial options.

Despite the inconspicuous yogurt bar stores, as the representative of healthy drinks, the yogurt bar stores on the market are in good operating condition. On this basis, choosing to join a chain of yogurt bar brand stores has become the entrepreneurial decision that entrepreneurs rely on. However, there are good projects. The next concern of entrepreneurs is naturally the practical entrepreneurial issue of how much it costs to join these yogurt bars, because this is greatly related to the ability and ability of entrepreneurs.

How much is it to join the yogurt bar? In fact, the answer to this question can not be summarized in a few words. The funds required by entrepreneurs are different in different environments and scales. In order to let everyone have a clear understanding of this question, I will take a 30 square meter yogurt bar in a second tier city as an example to elaborate on its joining costs.

The cost of joining yogurt bars is generally divided into joining fees, store rent fees and equipment purchase fees. According to the different market strategies of different brands, the joining fees are about 100000 yuan, the store rent fees are about 120000 yuan per year, and the equipment purchase fees are slightly cheaper, about 10000 yuan to 20000 yuan. To sum up, the cost of opening a 30 square meter yogurt bar in a second tier city is less than 300000 yuan, which is worth considering for most entrepreneurs who want to join.

Of course, entrepreneurs who want to really join the yogurt bar need to make further entrepreneurial consultation with relevant brand headquarters based on their own actual situation to seek comparison accuracy In the opinion of Xiao Bian, the entrepreneurial prospect of yogurt bar is worthy of every entrepreneur's expectation.

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