How much is the franchise fee of Yipin Roast Pig Feet

2021-10-31 13:15:49 Source: 91 Franchise Network read: 0 times Friendly tip: Be cautious when joining in because of investment risks!

Roast pig's hoof is a leisure food that many people like very much. There are roasted pig's hoof food stores in major cities in China. Many excellent roasted pig's hoof food brands have a high level of craftsmanship in the production of products. They can form a product advantage gap with many roasted pig's hoof food on the market, and are loved by consumers with more outstanding roasted pig's hoof food. As a star brand in China, Yipin Roasted Pig Feet has more than 3000 brand stores in China. Its outstanding market development has attracted the attention of many entrepreneurs. How much is the franchise fee of Yipin Roasted Pig Feet?

  • Brand name: Yipin Roasted Pig Feet
  • Industry: Restaurant > barbecue
  • Number of stores: 100
  • Investment amount: 100000~200000 yuan

Roast pig's hoof is a leisure food that many people like very much. There are roasted pig's hoof food stores in major cities in China. Many excellent roasted pig's hoof food brands have a high level of craftsmanship in the production of products. They can form a product advantage gap with many roasted pig's hoof food on the market, and are loved by consumers with more outstanding roasted pig's hoof food. As a star brand in China, Yipin Roasted Pig Feet has more than 3000 brand stores in China. Its outstanding market development has attracted the attention of many entrepreneurs. How much is the franchise fee of Yipin Roasted Pig Feet?

Yipin Roasted Pig Feet Headquarters is an excellent catering management enterprise in Shanghai, China. It has strong strength in food research and development, project promotion, food production and many other aspects. The brand development model of self-produced and self sold has strong competitive strength in many aspects. Then, how much is the franchise fee of Yipin Roast Pig Feet? The brand basic franchise fee of Yipin Roast Pig Feet is 100000 yuan, and the scale required for opening a store is between 30 and 50 square meters. The investment required for opening an entrepreneurial shop is lower, which is very suitable for many small and medium-sized franchisees. The shop size is less than 30 square meters, and one or two people can easily operate, The amount of investment in early distribution is only about tens of thousands of yuan.

In the production of products, Yipin Roasted Pig Feet selects the former pig's trotters, and uses the brand's self created bittern to bake them through the fire, and with the brand's self matched seasoning, it has outstanding taste. It tastes fat but not greasy, crisp and tender, and other product characteristics, which is not always consistent with the modern consumer's concept of food selection. In just two years, Yipin Roasted Pig Feet has opened more than 100 brand stores in many regions of the country, and has established brand regional headquarters in Guangzhou, Beijing and other regions of China.

Then, how much is the franchise fee of Yipin Roast Pig Feet? For many interested franchisees, Yipin Roasted Pig Feet is a very reliable franchise project choice. The development achievements of more than 3000 stores are enough to witness the brand's market appeal strength. Many successfully constructed chain stores can bring successful development suggestions to new chain stores.

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