How much does it cost to join in Kaifeng Tianji Rice Noodles

2021-12-07 09:55:04 Source: 91 Franchise Network read: 0 times Friendly tip: Be cautious when joining in because of investment risks!

Rice noodle is a popular snack at the moment, and has always been popular with consumers, with huge demand. Therefore, various rice noodle chain brands can be seen everywhere. As an outstanding brand in the rice noodle industry, Fengtianji Rice Noodle has always enjoyed high popularity.

  • Brand name: Tianji Rice Noodles
  • Industry: Restaurant > Rice Noodles
  • Number of stores: 300
  • Investment amount: 100000~200000 yuan

Rice noodle is a popular snack at the moment, and has always been popular with consumers, with huge demand. Therefore, various rice noodle chain brands can be seen everywhere. As an outstanding brand in the rice noodle industry, Fengtianji Rice Noodle has always enjoyed high popularity. In recent years, more and more stores of Fengtianji Rice Noodles have opened. Many entrepreneurs like this project and want to join in. So, How much does it cost to join in Kaifeng Tianji Rice Noodles? Let's take a closer look.

How much does it cost to join in Kaifeng Tianji Rice Noodles

How much does it cost to join in Kaifeng Tianji Rice Noodles? In fact, there is no standard answer to this question, because the costs of creating a Fengtianji rice noodle in different cities are different. For example, if you want to open a store in a small city, you only need to prepare 100000 yuan for all the links of opening a store. If you open a store in a big city, the cost of opening a store will be higher, about 200000 yuan. Of course, if our economic strength allows, we should prepare more working capital to avoid unnecessary trouble in opening stores.

In addition, in order to support the franchise operation of entrepreneurs, once successfully joined, there will be more support in brand, research and development, marketing, marketing, management and other aspects of the franchise. From site selection to decoration to operation, you can solve your business worries in a one-stop way and achieve your dream of becoming rich.

Future of Fengtian Rice Noodles

After many people engaged in the project of Fengtianji Rice Noodles, they not only earned the cost invested in a short time, but also made their families live a good life, which is enough to show that the project is more reliable. In addition, people's lives are getting better and better, and the demand for food is also growing, so joining Fengtianji Rice Noodles can have more space for development. Therefore, its stores have become more and more open in recent years, even in some remote areas.

The above is about How much does it cost to join in Kaifeng Tianji Rice Noodles I hope it will be helpful to you. Fengtianji Rice Noodles is very popular in the market and has a good market prospect. Entrepreneurs who join Fengtianji Rice Noodles can continue to operate and develop for a long time. Interested friends, come and join us.

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2024-06-12 01:01:15 Jianggan District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 60.177.23*

If I am interested, please contact me; It is better to be within 100000 yuan.

2024-06-11 02:50:06 Shanghai 61.171.139*

If I am interested, please contact me; About 20 square meters.

2024-06-08 04:13:32 Shandong 39.79.2*

At present, it is the stage of investigation. I hope to consider whether to invest after understanding the details

2024-06-06 23:21:46 Baotou City, Inner Mongolia 58.18.28*


2024-06-03 10:23:24 Dalian, Liaoning 42.249.47*
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