How much is He Taiji's franchise fee

2021-11-02 15:30:29 Source: 91 Franchise Network read: 0 times Friendly tip: Be cautious when joining in because of investment risks!

There are many ways to make delicious steamed stuffed buns, especially in the production of steamed stuffed bun food, there are many cooking methods, but also formed a different taste. He Taiji's fried food has satisfied many customers. People like the food here very much, especially in the production of fried food. How much is the franchising fee for He Taiji? For more detailed information, please refer to the introduction below.

  • Brand name: He Taiji Fried Chicken
  • Industry: Restaurant > snack
  • Number of stores: 200
  • Investment amount: 100000~200000 yuan

There are many ways to make delicious steamed stuffed buns, especially in the production of steamed stuffed bun food, there are many cooking methods, but also formed a different taste. He Taiji's fried food has satisfied many customers. People like the food here very much, especially in the production of fried food. How much is the franchising fee for He Taiji? For more detailed information, please refer to the introduction below.

After He Taiji joins the store, as long as the qualified friends can consult the company and send their contact information, the company will send you a specific information about the required cost conditions and related products. Under normal circumstances, when opening a store, it is necessary to know how to obtain the brand management right, and the franchise fee will be about 40000 yuan. The company has been continuously improving its own food for a long time, and has developed a variety of flavors of fried dumplings. The headquarters has also constantly improved its product categories to make the traditional food better. In order to maintain a better taste during the production process, the production process and materials are carefully used, so that the products can be more fragrant and crisp.

Most of the company's products are made by hand, using specific equipment, so as to maintain a better taste, faster food delivery, and a large number of one-time meals, which can meet the needs of more consumers. The fried bun looks white and soft. It tastes fragrant and has the smell of sesame and scallion. The fried bun has a crispy taste, bright golden bottom and rich ingredients. The company can also bring different tastes to everyone according to the taste needs of consumers. It has stronger competitiveness in the market and has become a store that people often choose.

To sum up, how much is the franchise fee? Everyone should be able to understand the detailed expenses. The company also has its own product portfolio, which can help consumers improve their performance. Similarly, the kitchen equipment needed in the store will be supplied in time to meet the cooking needs of the products. The after-sales service was also of a high standard. They were able to understand the operation of the franchise stores in a timely manner and help more franchisees solve their operational problems.

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