How much is the franchise fee of Chongqing Wanma Chuanchuanxiang

2021-11-29 15:32:39 Source: 91 Franchise Network read: 0 times Friendly tip: Be cautious when joining in because of investment risks!

In many cases, the more obscure the food products are, the more potential they will become popular in the market. For example, Chuanchuanxiang, which has the same characteristics as hotpot and Malatang, has opened up a new world for itself with its unique catering form. According to statistics, Chuanchuanxiang has now become a new choice for many young people to eat. Chongqing Wanma Chuanchuanxiang is the focus of attention when choosing brand stores. Called by the market, Chongqing Wanma Chuanchuanxiang franchise business was officially opened. Do you know how much Chongqing Wanma Chuanchuanxiang franchise fee is?

  • Brand name: Chongqing Wanma Chuanchuanxiang
  • Industry: Hot Pot > Small hotpot
  • Number of stores: 3
  • Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan

In many cases, the more obscure the food products are, the more potential they have to become popular in the market. For example, Chuanchuanxiang has the same characteristics as hotpot and Malatang, but it has also opened up a new world for itself with its unique catering form. According to statistics, Chuanchuanxiang has now become a new choice for many young people to eat. Chongqing Wanma Chuanchuanxiang More importantly, it is the object that people focus on when choosing brand stores. Called by the market, Chongqing Wanma Chuanchuanxiang Franchise chain business is officially opened, I know Chongqing Wanma Chuanchuanxiang How much is the franchise fee Is it?

Chongqing Wanma Chuanchuanxiang, a spicy and delicious specialty snack, is a popular food that everyone likes to eat. Only a delicious and healthy brand can survive in the catering industry for a long time. Chongqing Wanma Chuanchuanxiang It is in this category.

Through continuous improvement, Chongqing Wanma Chuanchuanxiang has incorporated more than 20 Chinese medicinal materials into the base material to provide customers with healthy nutrition and a truly delicious feast. And constantly improve the richness of food and the diversity of tastes. One store includes a large number of delicious food, consumers are not tired of eating for a long time, and there are many franchisees revenue

Why we can trust Chongqing Wanma Chuanchuanxiang The brand chooses to cooperate with it because Chongqing Wanma Chuanchuanxiang has a strong company strength and holds many store resources. Can be Entrepreneurship They provide good stores, resources and comprehensive site selection supervision suggestions.

Chongqing Wanma Chuanchuanxiang How much is the franchise fee?

Chongqing Wanma Chuanchuanxiang The franchise fee is only about tens of thousands of yuan, but if we want to start a real business, we need to take into account the store construction costs. Basically, Chongqing Wanma Chuanchuanxiang In the process of opening a store, about RMB 340000 yuan is needed.

In addition, Wanma Chuanchuanxiang Joining Conditions And these:

one . Have certain economic strength and management ability.

two Honesty, love the catering industry, and bear hardships and stand hard work.

three Recognize the business philosophy of the headquarters and adhere to the implementation.

four Requirements for store area 80-150 Square meters.

Chongqing Wanma Chuanchuanxiang The question of how much the franchise fee is has been explained above. When you opened the store, Store location selection Can consider Commercial center, prosperous area, catering area of universities and middle schools, residential area, catering area of large factories, etc I believe there will be many gains.

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