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[Jinziyu Plant Hair Salon] Jinziyu Plant Hair Salon

  • Industry cosmetology > Hair nourishing
  • Total number of stores one thousand four hundred and three home
  • Investment amount 50000~100000 yuan
  • Franchise region whole country
  • Origin of the brand Zhengzhou, Henan
  • Date of establishment 2016-02-18
  • management model Franchise cooperation, free chain
  • Suitable for people Free entrepreneurship
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Introduction to Jinziyu Plant Health and Development Center

Advantages of Jinziyu Plant Development Center

   The six major advantages of the project are qualified
   1、 Increase single store revenue
Let more people use plants to nourish their hair, quickly let more people away from chemical damage to health, and make hair care a way of life. Let consumers feel the good experience of product quality, considerate service and standardized process in the store, and improve the revenue of single store. The hard power of the product keeps the franchisee profitable. The landing training enables the franchisee of Yangfa to continue to increase their earning capacity. The brand strength protects the franchisee's continuous earnings.
   2、 Multi industry supply chain
   Hair nourishing Integrating research and development teams from universities, scientific research institutions, industries, partners, etc., to constantly realize the continuous iteration of hair care high-tech products in the field of hair health. High standard production system. The product production process can be monitored and traced, and the quality is supported. Procurement, warehousing, production, sales, logistics, stores, the fine management of the whole supply chain. Fast, timely accuracy Convenient and low-cost support for building supply chain capabilities.
   3、 13 year operation foundation
Unified brand image (unified brand visual image, unified store visual image). Standardized service processes (standard service scripts, standard operation techniques, and standard operation processes are easy to learn and master). Regional protection, authorizing the use of brands, so that franchisees can enjoy brand value exclusively in the specified regions. Famous brand, high social popularity, good reputation, with its own flow, boosting the operation of franchise stores. The product framework is clear and the products are popular (there are many products, including cash register products and drainage products). The core product is pure plant (differentiated and competitive).
   4、 Organizational power superior
The founder has operated for 13 years (with concentration). The project leader starts at the grass-roots level (actual combat). All cadres have more than 3 years of service experience (ability). An external group of people composed of good franchisees can provide real support for everyone.
   5、 "Coaching" training system
The flow of people is equal to the flow of money. Expand the flow of customers quickly and catch a lot of people.
   6、 Good technical skills
Core technical links: boiling Chinese medicine, mixing powder, applying oil, massage, applying powder, wrapping head, shoulder and back relaxation;
Operation process specification: special vessel preparation, health and nutrition of auxiliary materials, strict temperature control, standardized operation details.
   The "nanny style" service supports the alliance in many ways
   Four day basic training service
   major Lecturer, monitor, monitor assistant, franchisee.
   Decoration and house finding services
Assist in finding store locations, customizing decoration drawings, distributing unified decoration materials, and guiding installation.
   Various services for class groups
Assisted in house finding and decoration, guided technical exercises, taught how to send WeChat friends, and taught how to operate seed users.
   Easy to order group service
Teach how to use the company's ordering software. Mobile phones and computer terminals can be ordered online, which is convenient and fast, and the logistics progress of goods can be queried.
   Opening and closing services
The company will send employees (the company will bear the food, accommodation and transportation expenses of employees during the period of leaving the store) to support the opening of the store for 3 days.
   Retraining and upgrading service
The company holds recurrent training meetings on a regular basis, and franchisees learn for free. Learn with the problems in the business process, with strong pertinence and greater improvement.
   Specialized group oriented service
Promotion group, trial operation group, pre opening group and activity group.
   Business school level faculty
The faculty is strong, and many teachers not only have solid theoretical foundation, but also have rich practical experience.

Conditions for joining Jinziyu Plant Development Center

1. The applicant is a natural person who is over 18 years old, has high school education or above, is healthy, and has entrepreneurial aspirations.
2. Trust the brand's extraordinary influence.
3. Franchisees should have enough operating funds to bear all costs required for franchise, such as rent, decoration costs, equipment costs, material costs, etc.
4. The site selection of franchise stores should conform to Hair nourishing Standards given by the company headquarters.
5. Obey the unified brand management of the headquarters and actively maintain the company image.
6. Franchisees must have good communication skills and have good local contacts.
  7、 Hair nourishing Franchisees should be enthusiastic about joining businesses, not just on the spur of the moment, but seriously.

Joining process of Jinziyu Plant Health and Development Center

1. If you want to join, you can leave a message or call us Hair nourishing Join the hotline, we will check whether it is suitable according to your location, and send relevant information.
2. Investigate the situation and development trend of the local consumer market, analyze and select the address of the franchise store (the headquarters can assist in site selection).
3. Both parties meet to discuss specific joining matters and clarify joining Hair nourishing Intention.
4. Determine and clarify the cooperation mode, rights and obligations of both parties.
5. Pay various fees and sign the franchise agreement.
6. The regional agent will arrange on-the-job training and make preparations during the training.
7. After training and assessment, preparation for opening and enrollment.

Join information of Jinziyu Plant Health and Development Center

  • Brand name: Jinziyu Plant Health and Development Center
  • Suitable for: Free entrepreneurship
  • Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan
  • Regional authorization: Zhengzhou, Henan
  • Brand establishment time: 2016-02-18
  • Development mode: Development of franchised area of single store for agent free agency in distribution area
Get more franchise fee information (we will keep it strictly confidential)
Franchise fee: element
bond: element
management expense: element

User consultation

  • If I am interested, please contact me; Five or six million.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Jinziyu Plant Hair Care Center! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-10 19:06:50 From Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province, China  42.4.162*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 80000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Jinziyu Plant Hair Care Center! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-08 00:09:40 From China  39.190.137*
  • I'm a deaf mute. Send a message

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Jinziyu Plant Hair Care Center! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-06 09:52:16 From Hetian Prefecture, Xinjiang [Telecom]  49.117.163*
  • Please send me the relevant rules Thank you!

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Jinziyu Plant Hair Care Center! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-31 16:44:41 From Wuhan, Hubei Province  59.173.29*
  • Interested in the project

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Jinziyu Plant Hair Care Center! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-31 04:19:23 From Tangshan City, Hebei Province  60.3.155*
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