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Uncle Huang Maocai Joins
  • Franchise industry:


  • Suitable for:

    Free Entrepreneurship On the job Investment in Existing Companies Add Graduate Entrepreneurship

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Franchise cooperation of distribution agency

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred and twenty

  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Uncle Huang Maocai Joins Introduction to joining

Franchise hotline: 13774367248 15800693448

Huangshu Maocai, with a small investment, has no off-season throughout the year, standardized process, and the product is updated throughout the year. The core base material has a good taste, The whole country sincerely invites franchisees to join.

Huangshu Maocai, authentic Maocai, is easy to master. The head office supports the whole process. It is hot all the year round and has rich taste. You can open a shop without experience. Strict regional protection is required. Dining+takeaway. You can master core skills in three to five days and open a shop easily.

Uncle Huang Maocai Brand Recommendation Officer: Host Li Weijia

Origin of Huangshu Maocai Brand——

It is said that during the Three Kingdoms period, Sun Shangxiang, the Princess of Soochow, married Uncle Liu and moved to Xishu. Although Uncle Liu was gentle, the Princess was always unhappy. Zhuge Liang, the military adviser, saw the mystery. The Princess came from Soochow and could not get used to the Sichuan food. How could she not be homesick for a long time? So the Imperial Kitchen was ordered to cook the soup with river delicacies to make Maocai, which can also be dipped into the ingredients after drinking the soup. Combining the freshness of Soochow and the spiciness of Sichuan, it finally helped Uncle Liu win the princess's favor. From then on, the two people played harmoniously.

The founder of Huangshu Maocai accidentally found this story recorded in unofficial history, and began to look for more relevant records. Ms. Liu Zhengmei, who inherits the classic cuisine and is inspired by this funny story, takes the promotion of Chinese cuisine culture as her responsibility, takes traditional cuisine as her mission, traces back to the past and asks the present, gathers and integrates the wisdom of many cuisines and history, devotes herself to making ingenious products, restores this cuisine with a thousand years of history, and creates a favorite to guide the modern cuisine style with ancient methods and new charm.

Uncle Huang takes vegetables, picks up the pure and authentic ingredients of nature, and gathers a nourishing and rich delicacy. Any wisp of fresh fragrance is dense and diffused. In the enjoyment of the variety by people, rich and simple, you can feel the prosperity of the tip of the tongue in boiling soup, and taste the essence of food that has been passed down for thousands of years.

The strength of the enterprise is strong, and the franchisees are supported to open stores

Shanghai Dingnian Catering Management Co., Ltd. is a catering chain enterprise with the development concept of carrying forward the traditional Chinese food culture. It is a company that tailors catering brands for small entrepreneurs. It is a company that tailors catering brands for small entrepreneurs. The company has strong experience in market operation and provides partners with mature store opening mode and operation management.

Huangshu Maocai is another great work of Shanghai Dingnian Restaurant in 2017, which promotes traditional local cuisine and focuses on the memory of local delicacies. Breaking the disorderly situation of the domestic traditional Maocai market, taking the cultural heritage of Chengdu Maocai alone, inheriting and preserving the classic red oil Maocai of the old Chengdu, using ingredients representing the memory of the old Chengdu, successfully unlocking the memory of the classic taste of the old Chengdu, and introducing a small soup Maocai based on healthy and delicious ingredients such as small rivers, fresh seafood, small mushrooms, and so on, drinking soup and dipping ingredients first, It is suitable for all ages. In addition, the sour tomato soup is popular with young women because it tastes hot and sour. Rattan pepper and hemp soup is full of power and amazing taste buds!

Uncle Huang's Maocai has attracted many customers:

Uncle Huang Maocai, Maocai that can drink soup, the more you eat, the healthier you will be! Delicious and delicious, the sales are slow, the original taste is authentic, the nutrition is rich, and the food is delicious!

Fresh ingredients, delicious without discount!

Fresh ingredients, vegetables, seafood and meat are selected, which are rich in ingredients and fresh in taste.

The seasoning is good, but it's delicious!

More than a dozen spices are carefully prepared without adding too much oil and salt seasoning, so that diners can eat with ease.

The soup is fresh, and it is cooked every day!

Boil fresh soup every day, the taste of the ingredients and the healthy and delicious soup bottom.

Uncle Huang Maocai is a delicious dish with four flavors and four seasons of business. It has captured countless fans and amazed everyone's taste buds!

A bowl of fresh soup+fragrant rice+special snacks, a shop doing business all day!

Uncle Huang Maocai Joins Franchise advantages

Eight advantages of joining Huangshu Maocai

1. Accurate positioning: Product positioning: Maocai is a Maocai in the Maocai industry that focuses on health, fashion and delicacy. It introduces small fresh soup base, tomato soup base and authentic Chengdu red oil soup base. The taste is loved by all consumer groups, men, women and children.

2. Star endorsement: The Maocai brand endorsed by domestic stars has set off a new trend of Shanghai style Maocai.

3. Low investment and high revenue: The store design image, comfortable and fashionable dining experience, meet the consumption needs of contemporary people.

4. There is no off-season throughout the year: Simple operation, no experience, no chef, rich products, no off-season throughout the year!

5. Process standardization: Standardized product operation process, unified physical store training, and full guidance of experienced trainers.

6. Health: The store is free of oil smoke, convenient, sanitary and quick to use.

7. Taste: The company distributes the core ingredients uniformly, with uniform taste and delicious taste.

8. Rapid product update: Regular R&D and launch of new products, and regular capital investment every year by the headquarters of Huang Shu Maocai, partners can enjoy delicious food!

Brand support

The company has a strong brand competitive advantage, and has been verified and selected by the market Idol Li Weijia speaks for her. Use the successful, simple and easy to copy market operation experience of the headquarters, combined with multi-directional promotion and publicity, to make the partner operation updated.

Team support

With perfect company system, mature operation management and years of catering chain experience, personalized services are provided according to different cities and different people, and partners are developing steadily and continuously.

Training support

Trainers track and guide the whole process, perfect training system, and partners get all-round skill development. The company provides strict training management from the early store location, interior decoration, food selection, material preservation, food standards, takeaway platform construction, etc.

Site selection support

The company has a site selection evaluation team, provides customers with mature site selection manuals, assists partners in planning stores, and selects stores with high cost performance.

Decoration support

Provide decoration support and unify the store image. The brand fashion elements match the product positioning. The overall decoration design planning is customized according to different stores, and the company guides the decoration process. Solve all problems in the decoration process for partners, and unify the decoration style of the store.

Operational support

The supervisor regularly tracks the operation of each store, provides customized suggestions to help adjust and improve according to the problems encountered in the operation of different stores, and assists partners in formulating the overall operation strategy.

R&D support

A large amount of money is invested every year to support new product research and development. The R&D team regularly develops new products according to the market demand in different periods. The partners surpass the market rhythm and improve the market competitiveness of the cooperative stores.

Material allocation support

Support the distribution of core base materials and special raw materials. Use the logistics distribution system to quickly and conveniently transfer materials Delivery to stores.

A continuous stream of customers signed up to join:

Uncle Huang Maocai Joins Franchise conditions
Uncle Huang Maocai Joins Franchise process

User consultation

  • If I am interested, please contact me; 200000~300000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to joining Uncle Huang Maocai! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-12 18:40:09 From Tanggu District, Tianjin  59.41.95*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; About 50000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to joining Uncle Huang Maocai! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-10 18:25:24 From Jining City, Shandong Province  39.68.2*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; RMB 1.5/20 million.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to joining Uncle Huang Maocai! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-07 02:49:26 From Huaibin County, Xinyang City, Henan Province  61.158.147*
  • I want to know the franchise information

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to joining Uncle Huang Maocai! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-02 23:17:13 From Henan Province  42.229.75*
  • Franchise materials required

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to joining Uncle Huang Maocai! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-31 14:59:00 From Guangzhou, Guangdong [Telecom]  61.144.117*
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