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[Heidian Sushi] Heidian Sushi is invited to join us

  • Industry Restaurant > Sushi
  • Total number of stores fifty home
  • Investment amount 10000~50000
  • Franchise region whole country
  • Origin of the brand Hunan
  • Date of establishment 2012-01-10
  • management model agent
  • Suitable for people Free entrepreneurship
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  • In our life, when choosing a good restaurant, we should put it first. When choosing delicious food, we should put the taste first. A sister of mine recently opened a shop to sell sushi. She has a good taste there. She has all kinds of sushi and is very comfortable. Her shop is called Hedian Sushi Shop. The franchise fee is about 51600 yuan. The company also sent people to guide you, making your work easy. These have more and more roles in our life, which is still very good.

  • Whenever we walk on the street, we pass by a sushi restaurant. For the sake of stuttering, a friend of mine opens a sushi restaurant called Hedian Sushi Restaurant, which costs 56100 yuan. What's more, the delicious food he makes attracts many customers. In our place, there is a large passenger flow, which is not bad. These are playing more and more roles in our life, which is still good.

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