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Hanlin Hall
  • Franchise industry:

    Health>Personal Care Shop

  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship

  • Origin of the brand:

    Taiyuan, Shanxi

  • Business model:

    Franchised cooperation of distribution agency, free chain and direct sale of others

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred

  • Investment amount: 10000~50000


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Hanlin Hall Introduction to joining

   Hanlin Hall escorts your health
   Trust me to guarantee your life
   Rhinitis Store Joins Hanlin Hall
   Great market potential for TCM health industry
   The mode is mature, fast and easy to start

 Hanlin Hall joined

   Emerging industries emerge at the historic moment, broad market, blue ocean, etc

Nasal repair industry is a new industry born in recent years. According to incomplete statistics, the number of patients with various types of rhinitis in China has reached 325 million, which means that one out of every three people is an ongoing or potential rhinitis patient. Rhinitis patients seek medical treatment everywhere. In 2017, the total sales of the rhinitis health market reached 238.7 billion yuan, with a huge market share and broad prospects for the project.
Hanlin Nose Repair Hall is a powerful brand of rhinitis repair. Compared with the traditional rhinitis treatment method, Hanlin Nose Repair Hall is a physical therapy method of "one cleaning, two repairing and three nourishing". Pure Chinese medicine preparations were selected and applied to the inside of the nasal cavity to reach the focus directly, non-toxic, which was unanimously agreed by the majority of patients in terms of the treatment plan.
   Do you suffer from recurrent rhinitis
Often sneeze, often runny nose, often stuffy nose, dyspnea
Headache, local headache, insensitive sense of smell, increased nasal secretions
   Hanlintang Rhinitis Physiotherapy
   Yiqing Clean the nasal cavity and remove foreign matters in the nasal cavity
   Second governance Smear powder to dredge the nasal cavity and reach the focus
   Third repair Sterilize and diminish inflammation, remove allergen
   Four nourishments Secondary repair to isolate external waste toxin

 Hanlin Hall joined

   VS Common physiotherapy methods

   Nasal spray 3. When I was young, my nasal cavity was uncomfortable, and it was easy to cause drug rhinitis
   Inject and take medicine
   Cotton swab The use is painful, slow and tedious
   Quadruple therapy No operation, no injection, no medicine
   Yiqing Use Hanlintang nasal drops to clean the nasal cavity, soften the nasal mucosa, and discharge the garbage and toxins accumulated in the nasal mucosa and nasal cavity for a long time;
   Second governance Use a cotton swab dipped in Hanlintang Rhinitis Powder to smear the nasal cavity, and the respiratory leakage goes straight to the focus;
   Three repairs Use Hanlintang Plaster to clear the lungs and expel toxins, diminish inflammation and germs, and expel germs, nasal garbage and toxins;
   Four nourishments Use Hanlintang Phase II Repair Cream to promote the metabolism and growth of cells in nasal mucosa, repair damaged cells in nasal mucosa, and form a protective film in nasal cavity to isolate external garbage toxins.

Hanlin Hall Franchise advantages

 Hanlin Hall joined

   The eleven major systems support 360 ° in many aspects, which is considerate and meticulous

   1. Decoration support: Provide store decoration design for franchisees.
   2. Training support: Provide new store opening training.
   3. New product support: The company will continue to develop new products and update products according to market changes to better adapt to consumer demand and increase terminal sales to achieve goals.
   4. Preferential support: Formulate annual preferential policies based on sales volume.
   5. Personnel support: Dispatch supervisors to assist the opening of new stores.
   6. Improve training support: Hanlintang Business School provides franchisees with quarterly upgrading training on operation, management, sales, new products and other related skills.
   7. Expansion support: The company will send investment promotion managers to hold small investment promotion meetings for regional agents.
   8. Advertising support: The company has launched online and offline advertising campaigns to expand brand awareness.
   9. Operation support: Assign special personnel to solve the operation problems of franchisees in a timely manner by telephone, website forum, email, WeChat platform, written feedback and other means.
   10. Promotion support: During major holidays, the company provides free online and offline promotions to support the terminal to drive sales.
   11. Annual Meeting Support: The annual meeting is held every year to commend the powerful franchisees and invite the industry to provide strategic planning for brand development. The franchisees can be eligible for free participation.

 Hanlin Hall joined

   Eight free programs help Duoduo to join

1. Free site selection service.
2. Free store decoration design.
3. Free training for opening new stores.
4. Provide free opening promotion scheme.
5. Provide free opening promotion for new stores.
6. Provide door head decoration for free.
7. Provide follow-up operation support for free.
8. Logistics fees are exempted for subsequent orders.
Hanlin Hall Franchise conditions
Hanlin Hall Franchise process
Consultation and understanding - physical store investigation - application for joining - signing of written agreement - store design - store decoration - headquarters distribution - formulation of publicity plan - store staff training - store opening

User consultation

  • How to do it How much is the cost

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Hanlin Hall! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-15 23:42:15 From China  39.166.97*
  • Interested in joining

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Hanlin Hall! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-14 00:54:39 From Yongji City, Shanxi Province  60.222.216*
  • Want to investigate

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Hanlin Hall! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-09 23:12:48 From Xuyi, Jiangsu Province  49.95.146*
  • I want to join. Can I send some materials

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Hanlin Hall! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-06 20:11:56 From Jiangsu Province [Telecom]  49.95.42*
  • From 0 to operating budget

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Hanlin Hall! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-06 18:37:36 From Henan Nanyang [Unicom]  42.232.79*
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Friendly tip: The content of this page is only for reference. In order to reduce investment risk, we suggest you to do more investigation, consultation and comparative analysis before investment. Some brands are not open for franchise, please refer to the official information of the brand.

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