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Hanfu Palace Barbecue
  • Franchise industry:


  • Suitable for:

    Additional items of free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment in existing companies

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Distribution agency cooperation

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:


  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Hanfu Palace Barbecue Introduction to joining

 Hanfu Palace Barbecue

With the rise of all kinds of catering brands, the independent barbecue hotpot catering model stands out among a catering brand and becomes a catering consumption model favored by a large number of consumers. Hanfugong Barbecue is a catering brand that allows customers to choose their own ingredients and bake or cook independently. Hanfu Palace Barbecue has been praised by customers who have come to Hanfu Palace Barbecue for their own choice of stones and various delicious ingredients. Hanfu Palace Barbecue not only has various ingredients and seasonings, but also has chefs to make delicious food on site, to meet various choices of consumers. Hanfugong Barbecue has barbecue and hot pot. The barbecue has been developed in advance, and the hot pot base is also the choice of consumers, so that customers who come to eat can cook the ingredients according to their own preferences.

Hanfu Palace Barbecue will irregularly develop delicious condiments and new dishes to keep customers fresh and loyal to the brand. Hanfu Palace Barbecue is not very good at making products. Chefs can make delicious ingredients as long as they strictly make them step by step according to the production steps of ingredients. All kinds of ingredients and ingredients of Hanfu Palace Barbecue are directly purchased by national well-known businesses to improve/increase food quality security , which can solve the worries of food materials. Service is very important in the catering industry. Self service catering brands such as Hanfugong Barbecue pay more attention to service, update the missing dishes in a timely manner, and help customers to recycle and replace dinner plates. Although it seems to be a small matter, it is an important aspect of consumers' consumption experience.


Hanfugong Barbecue has its own market foresight and understands that with the development of the catering industry in the future, it will continue to be loved by consumer groups in terms of self owned hot pot barbecue. For this reason, Hanfu Palace Barbecue wants to expand the brand market, find some partners who are willing to fight with the brand and work together. During the development period, the brand will always be behind the partners and become a solid and reliable force behind the partners. Joining Hanfu Palace Barbecue will bring the independent mode to more places!

Hanfu Palace Barbecue Franchise advantages


  Brand advantages of Hanfugong Barbecue:

Core I

Pioneer and leader of domestic barbecue chain brands

Hanfu Palace combines traditional barbecue with local food taste to create a popular Korean barbecue catering chain brand in China, open up a gap in the domestic catering industry, and create traditional skills and catering experience in line with local taste. From raw material procurement to food processing, from kitchen layout to food packaging, quality is strictly controlled in every link security To ensure that every meal that arrives at the customer can be eaten safely.

Core II

Inheritors of palace cuisine characteristics and pioneers of modern health barbecue

Hanfu Palace, a catering brand with a long history, is a palace cuisine with a sense of history and a palace production with inheritance characteristics. The unique taste and enjoyment that has lasted for thousands of years. From palace delicacies to folk delicacies, Hanfu Palace will bring the unique flavor with unique customs to every guest, so that the food culture can be inherited and continued.

Core III

Building a Business School System for Catering Chain Enterprises

Food and beverage competition is becoming more and more fierce. Maintaining a unified operating method and taste is a good way to retain guests. Many partners have no foundation and no experience. To this end, Hanfu Palace has built a business school system. From the front office to the back kitchen, from procurement to cost accounting, the business school can meet the knowledge needs of partners, and has delivered a batch of talents to the catering industry!

Core IV

Kitchen is an essential condition for catering brands

The role of the kitchen is not only product production and processing, but also to unify the national standardization from product to taste. In addition to the optimization of products, the important core is the optimization of store processes, which has played a decisive role in reducing costs, reducing consumption, reducing inventory, and then reducing staffing and management processes!

Core 5

900 operating stores and 20000 square meters of operation center

Hanfu Palace has a large brand operation center in the industry, including: space design, customer service operation, new media marketing and other 10 departments. Our benefits are not words, but actions. The 20000 square meter operation center provides you with advantages in the necessary business links of site selection, design advertising, customer service, store operation, food material purchase and distribution, Fully reflect the importance of chain platform.

Core VI

1000 special logistics lines, direct delivery and distribution to all cities

While brands in the same industry are still making brands, Hanfugong International Catering Management Co., Ltd. has quickly established a logistics base and special logistics lines that can radiate across the country to ensure that in the process of cooperation, it will provide more cooperation support to brand partners and ensure that The door of the country Shop product security With health, we can better reduce the operating costs and pressure of brand partners, and truly do it. We help you to do every detail of your business.

Core VII

Electric grilling replaces carbon grilling, which is environmentally friendly and healthy

With the continuous progress and development of the economy, the living environment of Chinese people is also constantly challenged. No matter whether it is Beijing haze or air pollution, any city will face more or less environmental challenges, country Relevant departments also constantly strengthen the control of catering pollution. As a domestic Korean food enterprise, Hanfu Palace follows country Policies and requirements, quickly update and replace the equipment. So far, we have established a database of the equipment used by our 800 operating stores, and cooperated with three equipment agent factories, just for the sake of the restaurant operation philosophy of "healthy barbecue".

Core 8

We don't sell "dishes", but scenes

How to run a traditional barbecue restaurant well? It is not enough to rely on good products and services alone. It is still necessary to constantly update and change in combination with the current market demand, so as to better cater to the customer group. The gradual application of Internet thinking has changed the dining habits of customers, and the post-80s and post-90s children have also become the main consumption force, We are committed to changing the traditional barbecue with Internet thinking management The mode is to use the marketing method of single product to create results, combined with multi-dimensional Internet thinking, to create different barbecue restaurants faster, which is conducive to communication and experience.


   Hanfu Palace Barbecue Franchise Support:

1、 Location selection and evaluation:

Hanfugong Market Department will, according to the franchise budget, the design requirements of the city's business district and store, spare no effort to assist each partner in selecting the store site, and assist the franchisees in any city in the country to carry out a field survey of the store site they are looking for, investigate the buildings, business districts and customers, and evaluate the feasibility of opening a store. Any store must adopt We are allowed to open stores only after the assessment of the headquarters.

2、 Decoration works:

In order to ensure the unified image of Hanfu Palace, the design of the restaurant is carried out by the designer designated by the headquarters, who provides complete decoration drawings free of charge. The restaurant decoration works shall be contracted out by the appropriate engineering team, and the headquarters shall send personnel for supervision and guidance, Joining The supervisor is responsible for supervision. You can also directly sign a decoration cooperation agreement with the company headquarters, and the company's engineering department will design and decorate the store.

3、 Human resources assistance:

Before opening the store, provide personnel recruitment, personnel system reference materials and assist franchisees to recruit new employees. After opening the store, the headquarters will send a paid coaching manager to the store for coaching, Joining If the store has additional manpower needs, after coordination, the headquarters will also provide paid support and often hold in-service education and training. In addition, Sena Impression Business School will regularly hold trainings such as Store Manager Training Camp to constantly improve the quality of store staff.

4、 Complete education and training:

Hanfu Palace strictly implements the trilogy process of training. First, theoretical training of Sena Impression Business School focuses on technical theory and store operation theory; Step 2: Practical operation of physical stores. All trainings without physical stores are paper-based tiger Hanfu Palace strictly implements the practical operation of physical stores, and combining theory with practice is the king of training! Step 3: Marketing personnel come to the store to help before opening Joining Train employees and prepare for opening. At the same time, in order to strengthen Joining The headquarters will hold corresponding consensus meetings irregularly for the communication between participants.

5、 Assistance of operation guidance:

Before opening the store, we will work out the schedule of store opening preparations, assist them in completing the store opening work, and assist them in planning the opening publicity and promotion activities. After opening the store, relevant personnel of the headquarters will irregularly go to the franchise store for supervision and guidance, and hold monthly business review meetings with the franchisee every month to help improve restaurant management, improve performance, find and solve problems; If there are operational problems, you can also put forward demands and ask the headquarters for assistance.

6、 Publicity and promotion activities:

In order to promote the business performance of the franchised restaurant, the headquarters will provide the following promotional assistance according to the actual business situation of the restaurant:

Assist brand partners to carry out opening publicity and promotion activities.

Assist brand partners to launch national and regional promotional activities.

Assist brand partners in single store marketing activities.

Assist brand partners in launching new products.

7、 Assistance in commodity planning:

The headquarters has a planning and R&D department, adopt Professional market research and analysis, planning the combination of commodity phases, and formulating corresponding commodity prices to meet market demand; Determine the elimination and introduction of commodities according to market changes; The headquarters is constantly carrying out new product research and development and semi-finished product development functions to constantly introduce new products and improve the market competitiveness of the restaurant.

8、 Restaurant management accounting system:

The headquarters will train the accounting personnel of the franchised restaurants to introduce the advanced restaurant management accounting system, so that brand partners can do digital management of restaurant operations from the financial statements, so as to discover problems, find out the causes, prescribe the right medicine to the case, and improve business performance.

Hanfu Palace Barbecue Franchise conditions


1. Strong entrepreneurial spirit, business background and experience, and understanding of the industry; They are willing to devote themselves to the operation and management of franchise stores and strive to maintain the reputation and image of the enterprise.

2. Have the basic concept of enterprise management, be able to accept the business philosophy of the enterprise, obey the unified management of the headquarters, and have a full understanding and understanding of franchising;

3. Have a qualified mentality of joining, fully aware of the existence of any joining; Have certain capital strength and qualified capital credit.

Hanfu Palace Barbecue Franchise process


1. Consultation

Telephone consultation to fully understand the joining information of Hanfu Palace Barbecue or make an appointment to the headquarters for inspection time and the person in charge.

2. Apply for joining Hanfu Palace Barbecue

Show the relevant certificates and explain the cooperation intention, the investment manager explains the cooperation requirements and details, fills in the cooperation application form to determine the relevant intention, and the headquarters reviews the single store or agency qualification.

3. Field visit

Investigate the situation of Hanfugong Barbecue Franchise and the strength of the headquarters.

4. Sign the contract

Sign the contract, issue the letter of authorization, pay the fees, establish a full set of customer tracking service archives, and systematically train the product manufacturing technology and process, self owned process, store management, marketing strategy, etc.

5. Assist in store preparation

According to the guidance of Hanfu Palace Barbecue Headquarters, select the appropriate store location, provide the Hanfu Palace Barbecue Headquarters with the shop floor plan and photos, and carry out the preparatory work according to the guidance of the headquarters. When opening, the headquarters will provide door-to-door guidance, launch advertising and select auspicious days for opening.

6. Opening and subsequent support

Improve operation guidance, support new product research and development, and provide equipment maintenance and raw material distribution services

User consultation

  • If I am interested, please contact me; Do not exceed 90000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Hanfu Palace Barbecue! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-13 16:49:38 From Cicheng, Ningbo, Zhejiang  39.188.234*
  • How much 60 square meters do I want to invest in this brand

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Hanfu Palace Barbecue! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-13 16:25:04 From Ningxia  42.63.80*
  • I am interested in this project, please contact me tomorrow

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Hanfu Palace Barbecue! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-08 12:48:49 From Gansu Province  42.91.7*
  • How to cooperate

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Hanfu Palace Barbecue! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-06 08:34:39 From Fuzhou, Fujian Province  61.154.153*
  • Reply me

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Hanfu Palace Barbecue! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-31 10:28:33 From Haidian District, Beijing  61.51.77*
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