Credit Card

 Why are some bank cards called "savings cards" and others "debit cards"? What's the difference between them?

Why are some bank cards called "savings cards" and others "debit cards"? What's the difference between them?

My friends who often deal with banks may find a problem, that is, banks have many bank cards, and different bank cards have different names. For example, some are called credit cards, some are called savings cards, some are called debit cards, some are called credit cards, and all are bank cards. Why do banks have so many different names? Do you know the difference between them? The issuing time of the savings card is quite long. I will not elaborate here. In short, long ago
 If the credit card is paid in full on time every month, will the bank hate such customers?

If the credit card is paid in full on time every month, will the bank hate such customers?

Yunyang Taoge believes that most people will use credit cards every month. After overdraft, they will return them on time. There is no overdue credit card or installment service charge. It seems that banks will hate such customers? In fact, everyone is wrong. The bank does not hate these customers, but likes them very much, and would like to have more such customers. This is why the bank has been promoting credit cards. The bank cannot guarantee that those who promote card handling will have late fees, and will handle installments, but in the same way
 Credit card binding mobile consumption and direct POS card swiping have a great impact on personal credit

Credit card binding mobile consumption and direct POS card swiping have a great impact on personal credit

With the popularity of Alipay and WeChat, people now like to pay by mobile phone. Most of them use bank cards to bind Alipay and WeChat code scanning to transfer payment. This kind of payment method is convenient and fast, eliminating the cumbersome cash transactions. What's the difference between credit card binding WeChat and Alipay consumption and direct card payment? Yunyang Taoge tells you here that the difference is really big, and it will also affect your credit card limit and even the loan! Speaking of credit cards
 How does the bank find out the cash out of your credit card and the consequences of cash out

How does the bank find out the cash out of your credit card and the consequences of cash out

Cash out of credit card will bring very serious consequences to individuals. The bank of the light will directly reduce the amount or even seal the card for you. At the same time, you will be listed as a high-risk customer by the bank. It will be more difficult to apply for credit card and handle loans in the future. Cash out of the heavy ones is illegal. Be careful to face criminal risk responsibility! No matter whether you cash out or not, banks will look at you with these behaviors. One is that many people cash out with large amount of frequent card swiping, which is also a cap swiping transaction, although banks encourage more
 Write off your credit card. Don't make mistakes in these things, or you'll regret it for life!

Write off your credit card. Don't make mistakes in these things, or you'll regret it for life!

In today's fast-paced life, almost everyone has several credit cards. Sometimes it is troublesome to manage when there are too many cards. At this time, someone must want to cancel. So, what should we pay attention to when canceling credit cards? In fact, when canceling a credit card, the most important thing is to ensure that there is no more or less money on your card. So, if you are going to cancel a credit card, you should first stop using the card
 In 2019, the era of free will come to an end, and Alipay will no longer be free to repay credit cards.

In 2019, the era of free will come to an end, and Alipay will no longer be free to repay credit cards.

It's time to come. For those who like to pay back their credit cards with Alipay, please note that the service fee will be charged from March 26, 2019. The era of free is over, and the new rules of Alipay are coming. If you have credit cards, please read them quickly. From March 26, 2019, the credit card replacement service of Alipay began to charge. According to the Announcement on Adjustment of Credit Card Repayment Service Rules issued by Alipay last month, today is the beginning of
 If you accidentally make mistakes in these matters, you will regret it!

If you accidentally make mistakes in these matters, you will regret it!

In life, almost everyone has several credit cards. When there are too many cards, it is sometimes difficult to manage them. At this time, someone must want to cancel them. So, what should we pay attention to when canceling credit cards? In fact, when canceling a credit card, the most important thing is to ensure that there is no more or less money on your card. So, if you are going to cancel a credit card, you should first stop using the card. After the bill is issued