Most influential jokes in 2019

1. Miss Zhao Si, Zhang Xueliang's mistress, has been following Zhang Xueliang since she was 16 years old. One year later, it was adultery; Three years of following is cheating; After 60 years, it will become eternal love!

The important enlightenment of this matter: "Many things are not done, but how long you do them."

2. At the beginning of the Republic of China, the famous prostitute Little Fengxian, if she followed migrant workers, would be the target of pornography; If she follows Cai E, she will stay here forever; If she follows Sun Yat sen, she may become the national mother.

The important enlightenment of this matter: "It's not what you do, but who you do with."

3. The women's bathroom was on fire, and the people inside were in disorder and naked body Running outside, I saw a large crowd of white flowers on the street. An old man shouted to cover them. All the naked women suddenly woke up, but there were three important parts on their bodies. They couldn't cover them in a hurry and were at a loss. At this time, the old man shouted, "Just cover your face, the following is the same!"!

The important enlightenment of this matter: "Under special circumstances, it is impossible to focus on all aspects of work, and we should focus on the key points."

4. A young woman reported: I will money I put it in my bra and was stolen by a handsome guy in a crowded subway; The policeman wondered: You didn't notice such a sensitive place? The young woman blushed and replied: Who would have thought that he was looking for money?

The important enlightenment of this matter: "Let the customer's money be stolen unconsciously in a pleasant experience business model "

5. A company pasted a note on the urinal: a small step forward, a big step forward, but there were still many urine stains on the ground. Later, the company carefully learned a lesson and redesigned it as: if you can't urinate in the pool, it means you are short; If you urinate outside the pool, it means you are soft. As a result, the ground is much cleaner than before.

The important enlightenment of this matter: "The investment advice to customers must be specific, accurate and hit the nail on the head."

6. One day, the female secretary said solemnly: Mr. Gu, I'm pregnant. Mr. Gu continued to look down at the document, then said with a faint smile: I have already been ligated. The female secretary was stunned for a moment and said with a smile: I'm joking with you! Mr. Gu looked up at her, took a sip of tea, and said: Me too.

The important enlightenment of this matter: "People who work in the Jianghu should not panic when something happens. They should first let the bullets fly for a while."

7. Three men went to propose marriage. Female parent: Please introduce yourself. A said: I have ten million. B said: I have a luxury house worth 20 million yuan. The parents were very satisfied. Just ask C, what do you have at home? C Answer: I have nothing but one children , in your daughter's belly. AB was speechless and left.

The important enlightenment of this matter: "The core competitiveness is not money and houses, but people who have their own in key positions."

8. A boss is tired of playing with a mistress, but the mistress is getting older, and if forced marriage fails, tens of millions of compensation will be demanded. The boss thought: to kill the mouth, then the CFO offered a plan: to improve the cultural level, the boss invested 100000 yuan to let the junior on the EMBA class. The boss in the class was like a cloud, and the junior boy charmed the whole class all of a sudden. Within two months, the waiter ignored the boss and paid him a million yuan of hush money.

Case enlightenment: "The most effective way for enterprises to dispose of non-performing assets is packaging transfer, rather than discarding and self digestion."

Hope for a good article Brother Yunyang Taoge To help share or promote, please poke the icon I want to submit. I want to contribute

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