To be a man, we should follow: character is the principle, attitude is the foundation, and ability is the foundation.

 To be a man, we should follow: character is the principle, attitude is the foundation, and ability is the foundation- Yunyang Taoge Blog

Only with vision can you have a realm, only with strength can you have charm, only with ideas can you have a way out, and only with achievements can you have a position. Government comes from the right, wisdom comes from knowledge, wealth comes from talent, and position comes from the right!

Conceptual ratio ability It is important, planning is more important than implementation, action is more important than commitment, choice is more important than effort, perception is more important than disclosure, creation is more important than proof, respect for life is more important than others' opinions!

Direction is more important than speed, wisdom It is more important than hard work, and learning is more important than education, opportunity than relationship What you want is more important than what you do!

Intelligence is more important than knowledge, quality is more important than intelligence, and awareness is more important than quality. Direction is more than method, motivation is more than ability, and life is more than work!

Clear thinking is more important than hard work, mentality Being right is far more important than being realistic, choosing the right direction is far more important than working hard, and doing the right thing is far more important than doing the right thing.

The pain of growth is far better than the pain of regret, and the joy of victory is far better than the comfort of failure!

Having foresight is more important than having assets, ability is more important than knowledge, talent is more important than machine healthy Than have money Important!

Ideas determine the way out, ideas determine the direction, and personality determines fate life style Decide on health!

What seems to be missing is gold money In essence, what is missing is concept, what is missing in destiny is choice, what is missing in bone is courage, what is missing in belly is knowledge, what is missing in career is perseverance, and what is missing in action is change!

 To be a man, we should follow: character is the principle, attitude is the foundation, and ability is the foundation- Yunyang Taoge Blog

Backwardness means backward ideas, and poverty means poor head. Many people do not have good opportunities, but do not have good ideas. Not that we don't accept new ideas, but that we are unwilling to abandon old ones!

belief change thinking , thinking changes mentality, mentality changes action, action changes habit, habit changes character, character changes destiny. To change your destiny, first establish your faith!

Mentality determines the vision of seeing the world, and action determines the state of survival. If you want to live with dignity and show yourself extraordinary, you must change your mind and dare to fight against fate!

If things can't be changed, change yourself; If you can't convince others, try to convince yourself. If the mountain cannot be crossed, the man will go there!

Destiny is not giving up, but working hard. Destiny is not luck, but choice. Destiny is not waiting, but grasping. Destiny is not a noun, but a verb. To change your destiny, change your mind first!

It is not today that decides today, but yesterday life Of attitude It is not tomorrow that determines tomorrow, but what today does for the cause. Our today is determined by the past, and our tomorrow is determined by today!

Winning does not depend on physical strength but on intelligence, and success does not depend on miracles but on track. The key to success is not whether you can get good cards, but whether you can play the bad cards well. The most important thing in life is to know where you are going!

Not that there is no water in the well, but that it is not deep enough; Not success comes slowly, but giving up quickly. It takes courage to get one thing, and wisdom to give up one thing!

The sun and the moon are the same. Four seasons are the same when you come back from the dead. The odd and the positive are mutually generated, and the cycle is endless. Opportunity breeds challenge, and challenge breeds opportunity. This is a law that has been verified for thousands of years!

 To be a man, we should follow: character is the principle, attitude is the foundation, and ability is the foundation- Yunyang Taoge Blog

The seeds will be dried to death on the cement floor, drowned in water, and take root and germinate in fertile soil. Choice determines fate, and environment creates life!

Those who know how to avoid problems are better than those who know how to solve problems. In this world, when you don't know what to do, it may be the best choice to let nature take its course. The winner is often not ability but idea!

What you see at home is always home, and what you go out to see is the world. If you put money in front of you, you will always see money. If you put money where it is useful, you will see the world of money.

Giving people money is the worst policy, giving people ability is the best policy, and giving people ideas is the best policy. wealth You can't buy good ideas. Good ideas can earn billions of dollars. The biggest market in the world is in people's minds!

We should use action to control emotions, not let emotions control actions; Let the mind enlighten the wisdom, not let the ear dominate the mind. The difference between people is mainly in the area between the ears!

People who have no foresight must have immediate worries. When people are good, they should find a spare tire. When people are bad, they should find a way out; When you are proud, you should find a way out. When you are frustrated, you should find a way out!

children Poverty is doing parent Because when he was young, his parents didn't give him a correct outlook on life. Parents' concept is the starting line of children's life!

What belief, choose what attitude; What attitude, what behavior; Any action will produce any result. If you want to get good results, you must choose good beliefs.

Sow an action and reap a habit; Sow a habit and reap a character; Sow a character and reap a destiny.

Thought will become language, language will become action, action will become habit, habit will become character. Character will affect life!

If habit is not restrained, it will become life Our necessities and bad habits can change the direction of life at any time. It is often difficult for people to change their habits, because they are the ones who create habits, and as a result, people become slaves to habits!

What matters in life is not where you come from, but where you go. When you are immersed in your work, you must look up to see where you are going. Wrong direction, efforts in vain!

It doesn't matter where you come from, but where you go. The most important thing in life is not where you stand, but where you go. People will never lose themselves as long as they don't lose their direction!

The only constant truth in this world is change, and any advantage is temporary. When you take this advantage, you must take the initiative and then take the next advantage. This requires forward-looking determination and wisdom!

Asking questions is far more difficult than solving them, because solving problems is technical, while asking questions is revolutionary. There is no shortage of wealth around us, but a lack of vision to find wealth!

 To be a man, we should follow: character is the principle, attitude is the foundation, and ability is the foundation- Yunyang Taoge Blog

The change of ideas does not change things themselves, but only the understanding of things. But ideas can change people, and people can change the world. The most important thing in life is character, attitude, ideology and life sense of worth

Changing ideas means changing everything that can be changed and adapting to everything that cannot be changed. Changing the concept means weeding out the old to bring forth the new and emancipating the mind!

Experience is important, but the correctness of ideas plays a decisive role. Experience can only do a good job of ready-made things, while ideas determine the long-term direction. Thinking concept is higher than work experience.

What can you be? The only limit is the frame in your mind. Your external world always reflects your internal world. If you want to improve the external world, you must try to change the internal world!

There is no longer road than feet, no higher mountain than people, no impossible things, only unexpected people. It is not mountains and seas that block your progress, but a small grain of sand on the sole of your own shoes!

Familiar habits, familiar routes, familiar days, there will never be miracles. Changing the way of thinking, changing the habit and changing a living way will often create unlimited scenery!

When something happens, enjoy it if you like it, avoid it if you don't like it, change it if you can't avoid it, and accept it if you can't change it. It's your idea that you can't accept it. Don't blame the thing itself.

Can not change the world, can change the concept; Can not change things, can change the mood; You can't change others' views, you can change your own!

If the wind direction cannot be changed, the sail can be adjusted; Unable to control the weather, you can adjust your mood. If things can't be changed, change your mind.

If you want things to change, first change yourself. Only by changing yourself can you change the world. Man's greatest enemy is not others, but himself. Only by defeating himself can we overcome difficulties!

In social life, it is inevitable to cooperate with others. What kind of people to choose as their friends and partners is a real question worth thinking about.

 To be a man, we should follow: character is the principle, attitude is the foundation, and ability is the foundation- Yunyang Taoge Blog

character The first is principle.

People have their own interest demands. The key is what the purpose of interest demands is. Some people jump up and down, dig holes in the sky, form cliques, play tricks on each other, and play tricks on each other, just for their own personal interests (power, money, status, etc.). Such people may be more capable, good at confusing people, and sometimes seem to be upright gentleman Or the face of benevolence, righteousness and morality, in fact, the heart is very dirty and vicious. It is better for such people to keep a distance. They must not become friends or cooperative partner Of. Although it is impossible for us to act as saints and make selfless contributions, only one person with a kind, benevolent and honest heart can help us through difficulties together.

Attitude second is fundamental.

There are always failures or sleepiness in life, but only those who can persevere with dedication and tireless attitude will have the possibility of success. The opportunist is a friend in good times, and will be the first to abandon you in adversity. Mr. Lu Xun said: It is reasonable that the backbone of China is those who are still running behind, and those who see such athletes and do not smile. Therefore, we should not only look at the appearance of a person, but also his attitude towards life and work.

Most of the children of rich families have been spoiled since childhood. Generally, there are few who can bear hardships and few who can do anything. People who have experienced hardships since childhood can stand the test of wind and rain. To judge whether a person has the potential for development, we should combine his personality, family situation and ideological situation. The key to the failure of many smart people is the lack of a serious and hard working attitude. It's not that fellow travelers can't get together after all. It's only by choosing friends who share the same ideals that we can truly make friends.

The third is the foundation.

People should never look only at ability, because sometimes ability is just a basis for human development. Some people may not have strong ability in some aspects, but they have great help and support for themselves and can also become good partners. Some people who think they have strong abilities and high level are difficult to cooperate with others. Moreover, abilities are complementary. Mutual support and understanding will lead to common progress and improvement. If you have one idea and I have one idea, everyone will have two ideas.

People can't be omnipotent. In cooperation, we should always put character and attitude in a more important position. We are an impetuous era. People focus on the results rather than the process. No matter what you use, achieving your goal is success. We emphasize competition. In fact, cooperation is far more important than competition.

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