There are 18 rules for happy life. When you calm down, you are suggested to read and collect them.

 There are 18 rules for happy life. When you calm down, you are suggested to read and collect them- Yunyang Taoge Blog

Never love in the past, never be confused in the present, never welcome in the future.

01. Simplification circle

Have your own "clean" circle, yes life A great blessing. A clean circle does not need to be too large or too complicated. People in the circle are all people who like themselves, and also people who like themselves. In such a circle, there are no intrigues, no intrigues, everyone is honest with each other, and everyone has a comfortable and happy life.

02. Focus on 10%

life It is always full of all kinds of things, but the really important thing is that 10%. If you want more, your heart will be scattered. If your heart is scattered, your ambition will decline. If your ambition fails, your thinking will not reach its goal. Discard 90% of the unimportant things in your life. Maximize the use of their time and energy, do something useful, so as to achieve greater happiness and happiness. For example, painting, poetry, reading, dancing, etc., just spend some time and focus on it, and then the trivial and mediocre life will become lively!

03. Doing Good Every Day

As the saying goes, do not do evil because it is small, and do not do good because it is small. Kindness is even more a blessing. The more you do good, the deeper your blessing will be. One-man fate It does not necessarily depend on one big action. More often, it depends on his small acts of kindness in daily life.

04. Throw something every day

computer After a long time of use, many garbage files will be left, which will seriously affect the running speed. The computer will become faster if these garbage are removed. Similarly, the mind also needs to clean up the garbage frequently. Timely remove the psychological garbage such as greed, comparison, narrowness, arrogance, stubbornness, prejudice and so on, and turn it into a healthy Sunshine, sincere and kind-hearted, strong and happy, always young and energetic people.

 There are 18 rules for happy life. When you calm down, you are suggested to read and collect them- Yunyang Taoge Blog

05. Life list

Everyone has their own life list, but most of the items on the list are not arranged by themselves. We can try to modify our life list like ordering food until it meets our appetite and health. Give up what you should give up, do what you should do, and don't let anyone disturb the rhythm of your life. The more important step is to calm down and make a list of your own life.

06. Cherish the blessings for lack

Zeng Guofan once said that the best state of life is that the flowers are not fully opened and the moon is not full. Everything need not be perfect, always on the way to pursue dreams, with good expectations, sing along the way, enjoy the years. The best life situation is that the weather is not cold and the night is not dark. Be warm and understand cherish , you will have the most sunny smile and the most charming elegance. It is the best in the world to wait for the flowers to bloom before reaching the acme.

07. Control emotions

Some people say that our age is an age of out of control emotions. He accidentally touched the person next to him, and the other person shouted at him because he left a few seconds late at the traffic light switch, and the person behind him suddenly honked his horn; Emotional, love get angry It is everyone's nature. real wisdom People know that it is better to change themselves and not be influenced by negative emotions than to focus on unnecessary anger. Losing temper is instinct, and not losing temper is skill. In the face of rumors, calmly respond; In the face of gossip, take it easy.

08. Learn not to say

It's good to manage your own words and deeds Practice Stopping at the right time is not only a realm, but also a kind of cultivation. I often remind myself that one should not be arbitrary and emotional in order to achieve great things, and must restrain his words and deeds. It only takes one year to learn to speak; It takes a lifetime to learn without speaking. Speaking is a human instinct, but not speaking is a kind of practice.  

09. Timely refuse

After all, one's energy is limited, and it is difficult to achieve everyone's satisfaction, and timely rejection will make you feel comfortable. We should all accept tolerant But we should also learn to refuse: those who help the gang should refuse. In this life, your kindness must be a bit sharp. This is a life principle. Don't bother others casually, and don't accept others' requests without bottom line.

10. Sleep well

To forgive all people and things before going to bed is not only to let others go, but also to forgive yourself. Do not bring resentment and anger into sleep Life is like a dream, which is fleeting. Where can I have time to complain in my sleep? The most important thing for the rest of your life is to sleep well and pay attention to your sleep quality. Forgive everything before going to bed, and don't ask about the past when waking up!

11. Solitude and self-cultivation

Only when a person is alone can he be completely himself. Being alone is not only a wisdom of life, but also a realm of life. People who know how to get along well with themselves are really strong and rich in heart. They know how to return, how to let their hearts return at the right time, and how to restore their original smart, transparent, free and lively nature. Only when you are alone, can you be calm in the noisy.

12. Love reading

Reading can slow down time. When you sit down and open a book, everything around becomes quiet, and you will forget tired out And worry, immersed in the book to enjoy the quiet time at the moment, anxiety and confusion will disappear. Reading is a kind of self-cultivation. It opens a wider world for you, enlightens you in pain and joy, and awakens you in worry and wisdom. Reading gives spiritual strength, enriches the heart, and makes the future path more leisurely and calm.

 There are 18 rules for happy life. When you calm down, you are suggested to read and collect them- Yunyang Taoge Blog

13. Proper exercise

Life lies in movement. Proper exercise can keep promoting blood circulation, maintaining appetite, calming down irritability, keeping a pleasant mood, and prolonging life Healthy exercise can make people happy physically and mentally, cultivate your appearance, change your brain, and reshape your life! Go to sports, take advantage of the right time to live up to every moment.

14. Early to bed and early to rise

Working at sunrise and resting at sunset is the work and rest law that follows the balance of yin and yang in the human body. Zeng Guofan once said that "getting up early is a golden recipe and a golden pill for longevity". Early to bed and early to rise is the best health preservation. about body As far as working in the daytime is concerned, electricity is used, and sleeping at night is for charging. Those who persist in going to bed early and getting up early for a long time are healthier, younger, optimistic and more passionate about life than others.

15. Often Gratitude

Sheep have the grace of kneeling milk, and crows have the meaning of feeding back. In life, let yourself be a grateful person, don't let your ruthlessness, let life abandon you, let relatives and friends feel cold towards you. The person who knows how to be grateful is the one who really has happiness. Gratitude is a treasure and a multiplier. What you are grateful for, you will get more of what you are grateful for.  

16. Now is

Zeng Guofan said that the past is not in love, the present is not mixed, and the future is not welcome. Life is short and impermanent. The missed ones will never come back; What comes back is no longer perfect; Cherish what you have. The most important thing is to live in the moment. Only by living well in the present can we live up to time and ourselves; Cherish the present, can be relaxed and happy, simple happiness.

17. Empty cup mentality

Chuang Tzu said: "The empty room is white, and the good luck stops.". Empty cup, you can taste good tea; Meditation can detect emptiness. Clean the tea cup from time to time. The cup has fresh air, and the tea will be fragrant; Clear your mind every day, have leisure in your heart, and happiness comes naturally. I can't bear to wash the tea last night, but I must drink today's intestines and stomach. Being unable to let go of the past will inevitably damage the present happiness. Empty cup mentality, let the past sleep, let the present happiness.

18. Light comes from the heart

There is no flower in the heart, like brocade, flowers and wilderness; There is light in the eyes, and all eyes can see is beauty. With sunshine in mind, a drop of water can reflect the appearance of starlight; With agarwood in your heart, a flower can also fragrance your life. To be a person with a heart toward the sun, even in the dark, you can cut through the thorns and move towards the light.

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