Such a wife is not only my favorite, but also Lao Wang next door!

1. At that time

My wife chased me.

Wife: Handsome guy, do you have a girlfriend?

Me: Yes.

Wife: Would you mind changing one?

Me: Yes.

Wife: Would you mind one more?

Me: I don't mind.

So she changed into my wife.

2. Be duped

After dinner, I read the newspaper in the living room and asked my wife: Have you washed the dishes?

The wife said seriously: Husband, you should ask like this, honey, let me help you wash the dishes! Then I said, my husband, it has been washed. How good it is that

So, I: Baby, let me help you wash the dishes!

Wife: Well, go ahead.

3. Physical strength

Watch TV with my wife. My stomach growled with hunger.

Wife: Are you hungry, husband?

I nodded with emotion.

The wife said painfully: Husband, go to bed when you are hungry. Sitting is a waste of energy!

4. "Two" is cute

Yesterday I went to Beijing on a business trip. Before getting on the plane, I sent a message to my daughter-in-law: I got on board.

The daughter-in-law replied: Long live my emperor!

5. Conspiracy

At noon, my wife drove 10 minutes to my company's downstairs and invited me to have a 40 yuan lunch.

10 yuan for the change money Put it in my wallet and let me buy some snacks myself, so I took away my salary card.

I knew it was a conspiracy from the beginning!

 Such a wife is not only my favorite, but also Lao Wang next door- Yunyang Taoge Blog

6. Retaliation

My wife and I had a quarrel and slept in the small room.

She took a pair of scissors to cut a big hole in my mosquito net and said, "Let the mosquito bite you!"!

After about an hour, my wife came with transparent glue and stuck the newly cut mosquito net together!

My heart is so moved. I think my wife is just a knife mouth and bean curd heart. I still love myself!

When I was about to say something, she said to herself: Mosquitoes are almost there. Don't let them run away.

7. Start from scratch

My wife bought a lot of clothes.

Me: Wife, can you stop wasting too much. How many rich people can start from scratch only by saving!

The wife nodded repeatedly and said: Yes, how can you start from scratch if you don't spend all this money? My husband spends money for your good.

8、 computer It's broken

My wife called and told me that the computer was broken. Let me hurry up get home Fix it for her.

I asked her why it was broken, and she said she was prompted to press F1, but it didn't work.

When I got home, my wife demonstrated to me. When the computer prompted me to press F1, my wife pressed F with one hand and 1 with the other.

9. Cooking

My wife can't cook. But I am studying hard. Try to make home-made tofu one day.

That smell is really Later, I accidentally opened her diary of the day and wrote: Today, I made home-made tofu for my husband. Except for the poor color, salty taste, and a bit sticky tofu, everything else was good. Keep going!

10. Liang Zhu

My wife and I watched the sad music of "Butterfly Lovers", in which Liang and Zhu turned into butterflies and danced. I could not help but be moved by their amazing love.

Suddenly my wife asked me: Are they idiots?

Me: Why.

She said solemnly: The life of a butterfly is only seven days. Why should it become so poor? If it is me, I will become a bastard. This is the perfect ending. I just want to say don't call me when things change.

11. Steal

One night when I was eating noodles in a noodle shop, the power went out.  

Me: Are you afraid?

The wife nodded and said yes.

So I was very Men He said, "Don't be afraid. I'm here.".

The wife held her bowl tightly and said, "I'm afraid of you because you are here. I'm afraid you can steal the noodles in my bowl when I can't see them." Then in the dark, there was a sound of face blowing all around.

Hope for a good article Brother Yunyang Taoge To help share or promote, please poke the icon I want to submit. I want to contribute

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     Netizen nickname: bidding
    Bidding tourist chair
    2021-01-14 reply
    Isn't such a lovely wife
     Netizen nickname: Yunyang Taoge
    2021-01-18 reply
    @Bidding It's a little cute.
     Netizen nickname: Station element host
    Station element host tourist sofa
    2020-11-12 reply
    It's cute
     Netizen nickname: Yunyang Taoge
    2020-11-23 reply
    @Station element host Welcome to visit, come often.