Household appliances accidentally enter the water. Remember that these actions can "save"!

The most commonly used is Household Electric Appliances What household appliances fear most is water ingress. What should we do if the household appliances are really accidentally flooded? Is it just to throw it away? Brother Yunyang Taoge If you don't think NO needs to be thrown away, you can solve it as follows. If you want to throw it away, you can also do so. Remember to tell Brother Tao before throwing it away. In order to make these soaked appliances work again, the following actions must be careful and careful!

 Household appliances accidentally enter the water. Remember that these actions can "save"- Yunyang Taoge Blog

Don't start the machine! Do not power on! Don't start the machine! Do not power on! Don't start the machine! Do not power on! The important things must be said three times! Think about whether the home appliances can work normally after power on? Stop! Not only the electrical appliances soaked in water will be damaged after being powered on, but also will cause great harm to your life safety. Be careful of electric shock! Remember these two words: dry! First, dry the soaked household appliances completely, and then power them on! be careful! It must be completely dry. If it is powered on without thorough drying, it may cause accidents or leakage tripping. If you are not sure whether it is dry, please call professional maintenance personnel, and do not operate without authorization. Before the maintenance personnel come, try to put the household appliances in a relatively dry room. After the maintenance personnel have finished the maintenance, when they are sure that they can be used, they can start the machine.

How to recover the air conditioner after soaking? Only these three steps are needed for the air conditioner to enter water:

1. Drying

2. Clean the filter screen

3. Install after completely drying

If the indoor unit of air conditioner after soaking in water is not cleaned in time, it will be harmful to users healthy As a result, the filter screen of the air conditioner has adsorbability, and a large amount of dust and bacteria attach to it. Timely cleaning can avoid mildew and bacterial reproduction. After cleaning, dry the filter screen in time. If the outdoor unit of the air conditioner is soaked in water, do not repair it by yourself. Turn off the power in time and call the professional maintenance telephone. If the circuit board of the outdoor unit is damaged, replace it immediately.

Wash the washing machine in time after being soaked. Generally speaking, the waterproof design of the washing machine is better. Compared with other appliances, the circuit board, motor and other parts of the washing machine are not easy to get water. When the electrical parts of the washing machine are not affected with moisture, be sure to pay attention to the hygiene problems in the washing machine barrel. The self purification function of the washing machine can be used to flush out the sludge in the cylinder in time, and then place it obliquely or upside down in the sun to dry naturally.

Do this after small appliances are soaked: after water enters into small appliances such as rice cookers, electric water heaters, fans, etc., disassemble them first, clean and dry the parts that can be cleaned, and then assemble and power on after the parts are completely dry.

Liquefied gas cylinders shall not be exposed to the sun and baked after being soaked: after being soaked in water, the gas pipeline or interface may be corroded, resulting in leakage, explosion or fire. Therefore, the gas must be checked by the gas supply department before use.

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