The fable stories in life cause psychological reflection on sales.

Small story , the great principle.

A young woman went to buy milk. The vendor said: 3 yuan for one bottle, 10 yuan for three bottles. She was speechless, so she took out three yuan and bought one bottle for three consecutive times. Then she said to the vendor, "Ha ha, see? I bought 3 bottles for 9 yuan.". Vendor: Ha ha, since I did this, I have been able to sell 3 bottles every time. This may not only be a means of sales, but also a way to make your work life Creative way of thinking!

Sales psychology

A millionaire married three people. The millionaire gave three girls 1000 yuan each and asked them to fill their rooms. Girl A bought a lot of cotton, which filled 1/2 of the room. Girl B bought a lot of balloons, which filled 3/4 of the room. Girl C bought candles to fill the room with light. Finally, the millionaire chose the one with the biggest chest. This story tells us that it is very important to understand the real needs of customers.


The beggar went to Xiao Wang's house to beg, and he gave him ten yuan. The next day, the beggar went again and gave him another ten yuan, which lasted for two years. Only five yuan a day, beggar: I used to give ten yuan, but why do you give five yuan now? Xiao Wang: I marry Has. The beggar slapped him: Shit, you took mine money To raise your wife? Enlightenment: When providing free services makes customers become a habit, such services are no longer advantages, but disadvantages.


When the couple went shopping, the woman took a fancy to a set of high-end tableware and insisted on buying it, husband They are too expensive to pay. The shopping guide looked at it and said something to her husband quietly. He immediately paid for it. What made him change immediately? The shopping guide said to her husband, "Your wife won't let you wash dishes with such expensive tableware.

Disadvantages of management

The girl bought a pair of trousers. When she tried them too long, she asked her grandma to cut them short. Grandma said she was busy; look for mom , there is no time; I have no time to find my sister. The girl fell asleep disappointed. Grandma thought of her little granddaughter's pants after finishing housework, so she cut them a little short; The elder sister came back and cut the pants short; Mom also cut the pants short when she came back, and finally the pants could not be worn. The disadvantage of management lies in: either ignore it or manage it!


When a glass is filled with milk, people will say, "This is milk"; When refitting vegetable oil, people will say "this is vegetable oil". Only when the cup is empty can people see the cup and say, "This is a cup". Similarly, when our hearts are full of prejudice wealth When you are in power, you are no longer yourself; People tend to have a lot of enthusiasm, but it is often difficult to really own themselves.

Revelation of Broken Bowl

An old man selling porcelain bowls was walking on the road with a shoulder pole. Suddenly, a porcelain bowl fell to the ground and broke, but the old man walked on without looking back. Seeing this, the passer-by felt strange and asked, "Why didn't you look at your broken bowl?" The old man replied, "How can I look back? The bowl is still broken."


A weasel wants to fight a lion, and the lion is decisive refuse Has. The weasel said, "Are you afraid.

The above stories, Brother Yunyang Taoge I hope it can give you some enlightenment and help to those who are struggling together on the road. Please remember that the highest level of learning is enlightenment. The highest state of life is giving up. The highest realm of life - joy. The highest realm of cultivation - emptiness. The highest level of making friends is honesty. life The highest state of peace. The highest realm of love - tolerance.

Hope for a good article Brother Yunyang Taoge To help share or promote, please poke the icon I want to submit. I want to contribute

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