Always keep a bottle of beer at home. It will help if you don't drink it!

Beer can not only accompany meals and entertain, but also life There are many wonderful uses in it. Do you like beer? Come and have a look!

1. Shampoo and emollient

Everyone knows that beer contains barley and hops. Washing hair with beer can make hair soft, shiny and dandruff free. Before washing hair with beer, clean the hair with shampoo, and then soak or rinse it with water added with beer.

2. Clean silk clothes

Washing silk clothes with beer can make them smooth, bright and restore their original appearance. First pour the beer into cold water, then soak the cleaned clothes in it for about 15 minutes, remove it, rinse it and dry it.

3. Clothing color enhancement

Soak dark clothes in water with some beer to make them soft and restore their original color. New clothes are not easy to decolour after soaking.

4. Clean the glass

It is a good method to wipe the glass with beer. Because beer contains alcohol and is a colloidal solution, the alcohol in it will soon evaporate and the glass will become clean and bright.

5. Scrub plants

This is a common method in the flower market. Wipe the leaves of big leaf plants directly with a soft cloth dipped in beer to fertilize the leaves. Regular wiping can make the leaves shiny and shiny.

6. Watering flowers

Beer is slightly acidic, which can adjust the pH of the soil and make the acid loving flowers grow more luxuriantly. Pour a small amount of beer directly into the flower pot.

7. Fresh flowers

Beer can also keep fresh flowers. Because beer contains ethanol, sugar and other nutrients, adding a little beer to the container with flowers can extend the fresh-keeping period of flowers.

8. Prevention of influenza in winter

In winter, the weather is cold and the temperature is changeable. If you are not careful, you will easily catch a cold. In this season, mix beer and vinegar together and spray some misty water with a watering can. It can eliminate indoor air pollution caused by poor circulation, eliminate toxic gases, kill bacteria, and prevent colds.

9. Wipe the refrigerator and remove its odor

Wiping the refrigerator with a cloth stained with beer can decontaminate, sterilize, and remove the odor in the refrigerator.

10. Bulking agent

The bubbles and yeast in beer can be used as starter instead of yeast. Adding beer to the batter can make it more fluffy. If you want to fry fish or lotus root boxes or eggplant boxes with batter, you can change the water into beer when making batter. The fried food will be very crisp outside.

11. Disinfestation

If you are lucky enough to have a garden, you are bound to encounter such unfortunate things as insect infestation in the garden. If you don't have the heart to use pesticides to destroy the organic environment, you might as well try beer. Pour beer on a plate and put it beside food. Insects will be attracted by the taste of beer. When they get drunk, they will soak in beer and be disposed of by you.

12. Furniture cleaning

The wooden furniture at home is expensive, but it is very troublesome to take care of. If you pour a small amount of beer on the detergent, and then clean the furniture, the wooden furniture will take on a new look after natural air drying. With this method, expired beer can no longer be thrown away.

 Always keep a bottle of beer at home. It will help if you don't drink it- Yunyang Taoge Blog

Kitchen Magic

1. Tips for Steamed Fish

When steaming fish with a strong fishy smell, you can first marinate it with beer for 10-15 minutes, so that the fishy smell can be greatly reduced, and the taste of crabs can also be tasted.

2. Beer chicken/duck

In the process of cooking, beer is used instead of water to make chicken and duck with special flavor.

3. Tips for Fried Beef

Before frying beef, use beer to marinate it instead of cooking wine, so that the beef will become more tender, smooth and delicious.

4. Beer hotpot

Add a little beer to the hot pot, and the meat in the hot pot will become tender and not hard.

5. Beer pickles

Add a little beer to the pickled pickles to make them more delicious.

6. Beer stock

A small amount can be added in the process of cooking soup to improve the flavor of soup, such as stewed fish, beef, and various salty soups.

7. Beer for rice

When cooking rice, add 20ml beer to one person's meal. The steamed rice can have more flavor, but do not add too much, or the bitter taste of beer will be revealed.

8. Dilute the flour with beer

Pour it on the meat slices or shredded meat, and the fried meat is fresh, tender and delicious, especially when cooking beef in this way, the effect is better.

9. Soften meat

Before cooking, the meat will be softened by pouring some beer in advance, which is especially suitable for beef. Moreover, the meat treated with beer is less perishable and tastes more delicious.

10. Beer can make salad more delicious

Dip the vegetables in the beer and boil it. As soon as the wine boils, take it out and add some seasoning.

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