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The online diagnosis and repair tool v2.5 New - [updated on June 13, 2023]

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LCG Published on 2013-8-12 18:48
My little friends!!

Are you still worried about not being able to visit the forum?

Have you ever encountered that the input verification code is not correct?

After finally logging into the forum, he automatically quit?

The previous problems have been solved. The slow speed of the visit is like a snail. Do you want to die?

It doesn't matter, little friends, you are saved!!! My love you have been waiting for Cracking The forum network diagnosis and repair tool has been launched grandly. The above problems can be easily repaired. All kinds of forum problems can be solved quickly. One click repair does not need too much operation. A complete repair log helps you understand where the specific problems are!


Note: During the use, IE cache and cookie information will be cleared. Please wait patiently for the diagnosis time to be slightly longer. After the diagnosis is completed, IE browser and diagnostic log files will be automatically opened. Chrome browser is recommended for access to obtain a better access experience.

You are welcome to collect them for future use. If you have any questions or suggestions during use, please send the log to Or post feedback!

Special thanks @Zero degree x Students stayed up all night to develop sharp tools for the forum. Thank you@ 360 Security Guard 、@ Jinshan Poison Bully 、@ QQ housekeeper The strong support of our students for this program (they will not report drugs)!

Update log:
June 13, 2023 My love deciphers Forum network diagnosis and repair tool v2.5.exe MD5: A3E1393D3E12EB5613BAB7D620D2C838
1. Fix the problem that the change of CDN characteristics caused the failure to judge the access status.
2. Other details adjustment.

On June 11, 2019, Wuai cracked the forum's network diagnosis and repair tool v2.4.exe MD5: B05F08351EB1AAE2AE1DD4E1C92C5A0C
1. Update the detection characteristics in case the detection fails.

On May 6, 2019, Wuai cracked the forum's network diagnosis and repair tool v2.3.exe MD5: 2EE03521B1408F8F0D42912DB9FEFA13
1. Fix the problem of IP acquisition failure.
2. Optimize alternate DNS.

On February 4, 2019, the online diagnosis and repair tool v2.2.exe MD5 of our love cracking forum: 668198945E9F6F373D6E6552A2C65048
1. Fix the bug that the new function of version 2.0 causes the mandatory setting of the host.
2. Fixing 2.1 did not fix successful issues.

On January 28, 2019, our love cracked the forum's network diagnosis and repair tool v2.1.exe MD5: 03C0FB15141D376003FDE02743F391A1
1. Fix the problem that CDN update causes detection failure.

On January 7, 2019, Wuai cracked the forum's network diagnosis and repair tool v2.0.exe MD5: 6C9946A2FC5B7E7D8540D67AA34B3F0C
1. Replace and repair the system time interface.
2. Perfect the IP acquisition function and add multiple interfaces.
3. The -- hostip interface is added to forcibly specify the IP access corresponding to the host.
4. Fix all kinds of small bugs and optimize the program flow and experience.

On August 1, 2018, the online diagnosis and repair tool v1.9.exe MD5 of our love cracking forum: 207BE5996075AD6758BC08A70A22AE8E
1. Replace the probe IP interface.
2. Fix the XP SSL patch address failure problem.
3. Fix the problem that the read-only permissions of the Hosts file cannot be accessed.
4. Fix all kinds of small bugs and optimize the program flow and experience.

On November 1, 2017, Wuai cracked the forum network diagnosis and repair tool v1.8.exe MD5: 5F5D8FD6C51C8C50B4008749C30959AD
1. Repair the BUG with invalid speed measurement.

On September 12, 2017, the online diagnosis and repair tool v1.7.exe MD5 of our love cracking forum: 41E8468368896D06F0A886784BFD8519
1. Fix problems that cannot be diagnosed after the forum is upgraded to HTTPS.
2. Update and optimize the access to multi outlet IP interfaces.
3. Optimize and repair the details of incompatible HTTPS access in XP machines.
4. Fix all kinds of small bugs and optimize the program flow and experience.

On November 8, 2016, our love cracked the forum network diagnosis and repair tool v1.6.exe MD5: 4DE921260396F7F1C5CEB95784704E65
1. Add the function of obtaining the network speed of accessing the forum.
2. Repair and optimize the acquisition of IP interface.
3. Remove useless functions.

On May 6, 2016, Wuai cracked the forum network diagnosis and repair tool v1.5.exe MD5: 5F9FA54CFC75E832D5B2BAB3DF71EF8
1. Update and optimize the access to multi outlet IP interfaces.
2. Add further diagnosis and friendly tips for the repair failure.
3. Add -- hostfix mode to force repair.
4. Fix all kinds of small bugs and optimize the program flow and experience.

On November 12, 2015, the online diagnosis and repair tool v1.4.exe MD5 of our love cracking forum: 395A324EF556282067BD17295219578C
1. Add the temporary clientHold of CNNIC to pause resolution. Use Host to repair access temporarily.

On November 8, 2014, the online diagnosis and repair tool v1.3.exe MD5 of our love cracking forum: C73D39F56E855446B96651A4565E7322
1. Optimize program logic, reduce detection time, and modify detailed experience problems.
2. Add online upgrade function and support online announcement acquisition function.
3. Provide a repair plan for users whose network is blocked or hijacked.

On September 9, 2014, the online diagnosis and repair tool v1.2.exe MD5 of our love cracking forum: 9EAB7143511FC9E6964D3AA2B07F697C
1. Fix the problem of IP acquisition failure
2. Add standby IP access line
3. Add avatar and attachment picture line diagnosis log
4. Optimizer diagnostic log acquisition logic

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Abnormal verification code, member waiting for verification, email activation, and user freezing [March 20, 2024]

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Make good use of it before posting Forum Search Function. There may be the answer you are looking for or someone has already published the same content. Please do not repeat posting.

is that true? It's amazing. Mom doesn't have to worry about my losing my love anymore.


Mom is very considerate Published on August 14, 2013 00:05
Zero degree x Published on 2013-8-12 18:55
JP_massacre Published on 2013-8-12 18:56
Free fetters Published on 2013-8-12 18:53
Hehe, Dad, don't worry about me anymore. Thank you very much for your original work. Thanks for your support
kook1997 Published on 2013-8-12 18:52
Very good. Give me some support..
Hmily Published on 2013-8-12 19:02
If you find a bug in use, you can directly post feedback. If there is any problem that cannot be fixed, you can also post feedback. We will continue to follow up and solve it!

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Number of participants one Wuai Coin +1 Enthusiastic value +1 Stow reason
Every day 404 + 1 + 1 I agree!

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Heartless Blade Published on 2014-10-30 22:41
The verification code is never correct.....
szx503 Published on 2013-8-12 18:57
My mother doesn't have to worry about my losing my love any more. My friends and I are shocked!
binqi Published on 2013-8-12 19:05
This has to be supported. I'm shocked
Fish Published on 2013-8-12 18:57
My friends and I are very excited

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