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 Minfukang Health Preservation  Minfukang
  •  8 kinds of food that should not be eaten on an empty stomach
  •  "Eating garlic in spring and ginger in summer". Eating garlic often can get 4 benefits, but can't eat with these foods
  •  "3 more, 2 dizzy, 1 soft" These signals have reminded people to pay attention early or save lives when cerebral infarction comes
  •  3 things to do before and after menopause at the age of 45, 2 things to do less
 Efficacy and function of Zanthoxylum bungeanum Efficacy and function of Zanthoxylum bungeanum

Zanthoxylum bungeanum is very common in life, but many people do not know that Zanthoxylum bungeanum has many functions. Whether it's soaking feet with pepper water or treating hemorrhoids with pepper, these seemingly simple tricks sometimes play a key role in health preservation

 Causes and treatment of alopecia
Causes and treatment of alopecia

Hair loss is something we often encounter, but when a lot of hair loss occurs

 What fruits can diabetics eat
What fruits can diabetics eat

Due to the physical particularity of diabetics, many foods should not be eaten indiscriminately

 Li Jun
Li Jun Chief physician gynaecology

Good at: gynecological diseases

 Wang Pilin
Wang Pilin Chief physician Breast surgery

Good at: early diagnosis of breast cancer

 Zhang Lishan
Zhang Lishan Chief physician Respiratory Department

Good at: respiratory diseases

 Guo Peng
Guo Peng Chief physician Hepatology Department

Good at: diseases such as liver, gallbladder, spleen and stomach

Health hotspot
Healthy moment
What are thyroid nodules related to? What characteristics can they meet? They may become cancerous
Now the medical equipment and level are constantly improving and improving. Problems that may have never been heard before can now be found out, and more and more common. There are many thyroid nodules
Who is more likely to have hypertension? How to control hypertension correctly
At present, more and more people have high blood pressure in their lives. Many people have high blood pressure unconsciously, and now the medical living standard is very high. I don't know why I would
What is the discomfort of Helicobacter pylori infection? How to eliminate Helicobacter pylori
Some people say that I brush my teeth carefully sooner or later. Why is there bad breath after brushing? I believe that many people will have such doubts, then what is the reason, will cause a bad breath
Check disease
 Fenghan Ganmao Granules
Fenghan Ganmao Granules

It can relieve sweating, wind and cold. It can be used for cold and fever

 Huoxiang Zhengqi Soft Capsule
Huoxiang Zhengqi Soft Capsule

It is used for relieving exterior and dampness, regulating qi and harmonizing internal injuries

 Lvmei Zhixie Granules
Lvmei Zhixie Granules

For diarrhea, abdominal distention, indigestion

Drug recommendation
Ranking List
What's the expression of "dampness" in the five zang organs? It's much easier to learn to recognize and recuperate
In traditional Chinese medicine theory, "dampness" is regarded as one of the six evils, belonging to the category of external evils. It is invisible and colorless, but it can quietly invade the human body, especially in dampness
People with more white hair have three "black hair points". Let's learn how to scrape black and shiny hair
In the fast-paced modern life, white hair quietly climbs on top of the head, which has become a major problem for many people. They are not only about appearance, but also sometimes
Point pain relief, which pain, which stomach pain, according to Zusanli headache
In the ancient Chinese medicine theory, acupoint massage has always been regarded as a kind of natural therapy. By stimulating specific acupoints of the human body, you can regulate qi and blood
twenty-four solar terms
 What is Bailu solar term
What is Bailu solar term

The White Dew Solar Term is an important solar term among the 24 solar terms. It is also an autumn solar term

 What does Bailu eat during the solar term
What does Bailu eat during the solar term

The white dew season is the turning point of autumn from muggy to cool, and it is also a human being

 What should I pay attention to in Bai Lu's health preservation
What should I pay attention to in Bai Lu's health preservation

Bailu solar term is an important turning point in autumn, representing the end of summer

Health care housekeeper
Foot therapy
physical examination
TCM Hospital
Men's health
Women's beauty
Physical fitness
Holiday recuperation
Health massage
Leisure regimen