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Zhao Lijian Talks about Tonga Volcano Explosion: China will provide help within its capacity

2022-01-17 23:18 China Youth Daily client

Source title: Zhao Lijian on Tonga Volcano eruption: China will provide help within its capacity

With regard to the tsunami caused by the recent volcanic eruption in Tonga, a South Pacific island country, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said at a regular press conference today (17) that China is very concerned about the disaster caused by the volcanic eruption in Tonga, and expresses deep sympathy and sincere condolences to the Tongan government and people for the serious losses caused by the disaster.

Zhao Lijian further said that the Red Cross Society of China has decided to provide emergency humanitarian cash assistance of US $100000 to Tang. China will further provide assistance within its capacity according to the disaster situation and the needs of Tang. We believe that the Tongan government and people will be able to overcome the disaster and rebuild their beautiful homeland as soon as possible.

On January 14 and 15, the submarine volcano of Hongahaapai Island, 65 kilometers north of Nukualofa, the capital of Tonga, a South Pacific island country, erupted violently. The local communication network was disturbed by volcanic ash and could not communicate with the outside world, falling into a "lost connection" state. Tonga Meteorological Bureau said that Tonga faces the threat of tsunami, rainstorm, flood and strong wind. The tsunami caused by the volcanic eruption also affected other regions along the Pacific coast. Fiji, the United States, Japan, Canada and other countries have issued tsunami warnings.  

Editor in charge: Zhan Yuquan (QZ0018) Author: Hu Wenli

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