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Fruit also depends on "appearance"? Brazil Releases Visual Quality Standards for Fruits and Vegetables

2019-11-30 00:51 China News Network

Source title: Fruit also depends on "appearance"? Brazil Releases Visual Quality Standards for Fruits and Vegetables

According to the South American Overseas Chinese News, the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Supply of Brazil (hereinafter referred to as the "Ministry of Agriculture") recently announced the visual quality standards for 17 kinds of fruits and vegetables, including the most common fruits and vegetables such as apples, bananas, mangoes, grapes and strawberries. The department said in a statement that the move was intended to "guide consumers to correctly identify the quality of the products they buy".

According to the Brazilian National News Agency reported on the 26th, the quality standards released this time originated from a decree issued by the Ministry of Agriculture in 2018, which has only come into effect until now.

According to the laws and regulations, fruit and vegetable products sold in the market should have the characteristics of complete, clean and clean fruits. The products sold are free of visible pests, and the fruits are physiologically mature or commercially ripened. Fruits and vegetables with peculiar smell, deteriorated or seriously damaged cannot be sold in the market, and should be destroyed or discarded by the merchants themselves after being found.

Maria de Lurdes Pereira, a businessman who has been engaged in fruit and vegetable sales for 20 years, believes that this measure is a subjective judgment and cannot be actually implemented.

Pereira said: "Consumers will rely on their own eyes to judge which products meet the demand. For example, if we only supply mature big bananas (yellow), then customers who want to buy green bananas will not be able to meet the demand. Now the government needs to set standards for this, then how will the standards be monitored after implementation?"

The Ministry of Agriculture said that the new standard has been applied in the international trade of fruit and vegetable products, and the government just copied the rules that the customs should follow when importing and exporting. Brazil follows the export standards formulated by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, and agrees with the standards of the 2017 Fruit and Vegetable Plan.

Hugo Caruso, the general coordinator of fruit and vegetable quality of the Plant Source Products Quarantine Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture, pointed out: "The requirements of importing countries are very high. They have trained professionals to check and refuse to import products that do not meet the visual quality standards."

Editor in charge: Yue Qi (QN0012)

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