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Chinese Character Culture Exhibition Attracts French People to Approach Chinese Civilization

May 24, 2024 08:52 | Source: Xinhua
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 On May 22, visitors watched the exhibition "Between the lines - the code of civilization in Chinese characters" at the Chinese Cultural Center in Paris, France. Photographed by Zhang Baihui, reporter of Xinhua News Agency
On May 22, visitors watched the exhibition "Between the lines - the code of civilization in Chinese characters" at the Chinese Cultural Center in Paris, France. Photographed by Zhang Baihui, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

The exhibition "Between the lines -- the code of civilization in Chinese characters", which aims to show the evolution history of oracle bone inscriptions and Chinese characters, opened at the Chinese Culture Center in Paris on May 22. As the hometown of oracle bone inscriptions, Anyang, Henan Province, China hopes to take this opportunity to attract more French people to explore the mystery of Chinese characters and approach Chinese civilization.

(Editor in charge: Cui Yige, Zhang Yue) Share to let more people see

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