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China Science and Technology Seminar Held in Astana

08:34, May 24, 2024 | Source: People's Daily Online - International Channel
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 Photographed by Li Qiang, reporter of People's Daily Online

Activity site. Photographed by Li Qiang, reporter of People's Daily Online

People's Daily Online, Astana, May 23 (Reporter Li Qiang) On May 22, the China Science and Technology Symposium co sponsored by the Kazakhstan China Research Center and KazEvent was held in Astana. Xing Fangfang, the Charg é d'affaires of the Chinese Embassy in Kazakhstan, and Gulna Shaimergnova, the director of the Kazakhstan China Research Center, attended and addressed the symposium, Famous experts, scientists and representatives of high-tech companies from Kazakhstan and China in various fields participated in this activity.

Xing Fangfang said that today's world is facing a great change that has not been seen in a century. The international political and economic pattern is accelerating its reconstruction. A new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial reform is deepening its development. Today's scientific and technological development in the era of globalization is showing a new trend. Under the influence of geopolitical factors such as big country competition, global scientific and technological development is showing a trend of globalization and fragmentation, The technological blockade, isolation and "decoupling" of some countries have exacerbated the division of the global science and technology system. China has released international scientific and technological cooperation initiatives to the world, proposed and advocated the concept of open, fair, just and non discriminatory international scientific and technological cooperation, adhered to the principle of "science has no borders and benefits all mankind", and worked together to build a global scientific and technological community.

Shaimerganova said that the development of modern science and technology plays a huge role in people's lives. New technologies and scientific discoveries have helped us develop, improve and progress in all areas of life, which not only improves people's quality of life, but also provides opportunities to solve complex problems such as climate change, disease prevention and poverty eradication.

The seminar ended after intense discussion. The event will help to understand the strategic direction of China's scientific and technological progress, provide a platform for dialogue and exchange between experts and scholars from China and Kazakhstan, and seek innovative solutions in the dialogue.

(Editor in charge: Yu Yang, Yang Mu)

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