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The late Iranian President Lech was buried in his hometown

May 24, 2024 08:28 | Source: Xinhua
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Xinhua News Agency, Mashhad, Iran, May 23 (Reporter Wang Tengfei Shadati) Iran officially buried the late President Lehi in his hometown Mashhad, northeastern Iran, on the 23rd.

 On May 23, the body of the late President Lehi of Iran was sent to the Imam Reza Holy Land in Mashhad. Shen Jizhong

On May 23, the body of the late President Lehi of Iran was sent to the Imam Reza Holy Land in Mashhad. Shen Jizhong

 On May 23, people mourned the late President Lehi in the Imam Reza Holy Land in Mashhad, Iran. Shen Jizhong

On May 23, people mourned the late President Lehi in the Imam Reza Holy Land in Mashhad, Iran. Shen Jizhong

On the same day, Lehi's body was transported to Mashhad Airport, and then sent to the Imam Reza Holy Land in the city by hearse. A large number of people gathered in the hearse along the way to see Leslie off. Many people hold a portrait of Leslie and pray for her. Others chanted slogans against the United States and Israel. Due to the large seeing off team, the streets become very crowded, and the hearse travels slowly, stopping for several times on the way. According to the news agency of the Islamic Republic of Iran, citing the mayor of Mashhad, Mohammed Reza Karandar, at least 3 million people attended the farewell.

 On May 23, in Mashhad, Iran, people mourned the late President Leahy. Photographed by Xinhua News Agency reporter Sha Dati

On May 23, in Mashhad, Iran, people mourned the late President Leahy. Photographed by Xinhua News Agency reporter Sha Dati

At the funeral ceremony, people dressed in black and held the portrait of Leahy in their hands, many of whom had tears in their eyes. Leahy's body was then officially buried in the Holy Land of Imam Reza.

 On May 23, in Mashhad, Iran, people mourned the late President Leahy. Photographed by Xinhua News Agency reporter Sha Dati

On May 23, in Mashhad, Iran, people mourned the late President Leahy. Photographed by Xinhua News Agency reporter Sha Dati

Lehi was born in Mashhad in December 1960. He was elected the 13th President of Iran in June 2021 and took office in August of the same year. On the 19th of this month, Lehi and his helicopter crashed in the mountains in northwest Iran, killing all the people on board. The Iranian government announced on the 20th that it would hold a five-day national mourning, and held a group funeral for the victims of Lehi and other helicopter accidents in the capital Tehran on the 22nd. (Participating reporter: Li Zhenbei)

(Editor in charge: Ai Wen, Zhang Yue)

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