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China, Japan and South Korea Generation Z Media Visit Camp Launched in Beijing

06:12, May 24, 2024 | Source: People's Daily
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Beijing, May 23 (Reporter Ma Fei) On May 23, the launching ceremony of the Z-generation media camp of China, Japan and South Korea was held in Beijing. The camp was hosted by People's Daily and attended by nearly 30 young students and media representatives from China, Japan and South Korea.

This year marks the 25th anniversary of the launch of China Japan ROK cooperation. Guests from China, Japan and the Republic of Korea delivered a speech, expressing the hope that the youth of the three countries could enhance their comprehensive understanding of each other, deepen their correct understanding of the relations between the three countries, build a bridge of friendship, exchange and cooperation, and provide assistance and vitality for the cooperation between China, Japan and the Republic of Korea.

The students of the visiting camp said in their speech that, as the future media of Generation Z, they will share the stories of China, Japan and South Korea with heart, deliver rational and objective voices, enhance mutual understanding and friendship among the people of the three countries, and lay a stable, healthy and friendly social foundation for the cooperation between the three countries.

The students of the Generation Z Media Camp of China, Japan and South Korea will spend a week in Beijing and Zhejiang to visit and study, and conduct dialogues and exchanges on topics such as "cultural exchange and mutual learning", "China Japan South Korea youth exchange", and "Generation Z media people's friendship with the three countries".

Cui Shixin, deputy editor in chief of the People's Daily, attended the launching ceremony. Representatives from the embassies of Japan and South Korea in China, the China Japan South Korea Cooperation Secretariat, the Communication University of China and other institutions attended the event.

People's Daily (May 24, 2024, Version 6)

(Editor in charge: Yue Hongbin, Niu Yong)

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