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China Pavilion Appears at French Science and Technology Innovation Exhibition

May 24, 2024 06:08 | Source: People's Daily
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Paris, May 23 (Reporter Yu Chaofan) The French Viva Tech Innovation Exhibition opened in Paris on the 22nd. As an important part of this exhibition, the China Pavilion has shown the latest achievements in cutting-edge scientific and technological fields such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality, intelligent travel, and has attracted wide attention.

At the opening ceremony of the China Pavilion, Julie Lamande, director of the international department of Viva Tech Innovation Exhibition, said: "The participation of the China Pavilion not only enriched the international elements of this exhibition, but also provided a valuable opportunity to understand and learn about China's latest scientific and technological achievements." Li Wenguo, deputy general representative of CCPIT France, stressed the importance of Sino French scientific and technological exchanges and cooperation. He said: "The establishment of the China Pavilion is a new chapter in Sino French scientific and technological innovation cooperation, and we look forward to in-depth cooperation in more areas."

According to Zhang Jing, secretary-general of the Organizing Committee of the China Pavilion, at the exhibition, nearly 20 science and technology enterprises from China demonstrated the latest achievements in cutting-edge science and technology fields such as artificial intelligence, digitalization, virtual reality, and intelligent travel in the China Pavilion. Through the platform of Viva Tech Innovation Exhibition, Chinese enterprises not only demonstrated their own product technology and international docking needs, but also established closer ties with the global scientific and technological community to promote scientific and technological innovation and cooperation between China and France and even at the global level.

People's Daily (May 24, 2024, 2nd Edition)

(Editor in charge: Yue Hongbin, Niu Yong)

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