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Chinese and French universities set up a civilization exchange and mutual learning cooperation research center in Paris

May 11, 2024 06:08 | Source: People's Daily
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Paris, May 10 (Reporter Yu Chaofan) The Sino French Civilisation Exchange and Mutual Learning Cooperation Research Center jointly built by four Chinese and French universities, including Renmin University of China, Sorbonne University, Kaizhi Business School and Montpellier Paul Valerie University, was recently established in Paris, France. Zhang Donggang, Secretary of the Party Committee of Renmin University of China, Beatrice Perry, Vice President of the Humanities Department of Sorbonne University, Anna Freis, President of Montpellier Paul Valery University, and others attended the ceremony and delivered speeches, and Kaizhi Business School President Alexander Denavier presided over the ceremony.

Zhang Donggang said that the Sino French Civilization Exchange and Mutual Learning Cooperation Research Center will play the unique role of philosophy and social sciences in integrating Chinese and foreign cultures and promoting civilization exchanges, focus on the major issues of the whole mankind in the three dimensions of global development, security and civilization, carry out strategic cooperation, tighten human cultural ties, and promote the "two-way rush" of people to people and cultural exchanges between China, France and Europe.

People's Daily (May 11, 2024, 2nd Edition)

(Editor in charge: Yang Guangyu, Hu Yongqiu)

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