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Plan a new blueprint for the development of China Hungary relations in the new era (Harmony)

May 11, 2024 05:57 | Source: People's Daily
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Standing at a new historical starting point, China is willing to work with Hungary to build an all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership in the new era as an opportunity to continue to be a good friend of mutual trust and mutual assistance, a good partner of win-win cooperation, and jointly open up a bright future for the two peoples


At the invitation of President Shuyuk and Prime Minister Orban of Hungary, President Xi Jinping paid a state visit to Hungary from May 8 to 10. During the visit, the leaders of the two countries held cordial, friendly and fruitful talks, exchanged in-depth views on the development of China Hungary relations in the new era and issues of common concern, and reached broad consensus. The leaders of the two countries announced that they would upgrade China Hungary relations to all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership in the new era and inject new strong impetus into bilateral cooperation.

China and Hungary are good friends and partners with mutual trust. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations 75 years ago, China and Hungary have always respected each other, treated each other as equals, and achieved mutual benefit and win-win results. The bilateral relations have withstood the test of international changes, and have achieved sustained and in-depth development from friends, friendly cooperative partners across the mainland to comprehensive strategic partners. During this visit, President Xi Jinping profoundly summarized the valuable experience of maintaining the stable development of China Hungary relations - "to treat each other as equals, to follow the development path that conforms to the national conditions of the country, and to firmly hold the future and destiny in their own hands" "to adhere to mutual trust and mutual assistance, always understand each other and firmly support each other's sovereignty, security, and development interests" "Adhere to win-win cooperation, expand cooperation in all fields within the framework of jointly building the" Belt and Road ", and promote the docking of their respective development strategies" "adhere to fairness and justice, stand on the right side of history, and strive to make positive contributions to the cause of human peace and development". These valuable experiences are the common wealth of both sides, and also point out the direction and provide guidance for both sides to develop all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership in the new era.

China and Hungary will carry forward traditional friendship and consolidate the political foundation of bilateral relations. High level political mutual trust has laid a solid foundation for the development of China Hungary relations. China firmly supports Hungary's development path in line with its national conditions, and is willing to build political mutual trust with Hungary, strengthen exchanges between the governments, legislative bodies and political parties of the two countries, and continue to firmly support each other's core interests and major concerns. The Hungarian side has been firmly pursuing a friendly policy towards China for a long time and firmly supporting China on issues related to Taiwan, Hong Kong and human rights. The two sides are willing to take the announcement of the establishment of China Hungary all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership for a new era as a new starting point, and promote bilateral relations and practical cooperation to a higher level.

China and Hungary will strengthen the docking of development strategies and create new highlights of practical cooperation. The initiative of jointly building the "Belt and Road" is highly consistent with Hungary's strategy of "opening to the east". The two sides will give full play to the role of mechanisms such as the Belt and Road Cooperation Committee between the Chinese and Hungarian governments, deepen cooperation in economic and trade, investment, finance and other fields, promote the construction of key projects such as the Hungarian Cypriot railway, expand cooperation in emerging industries, cultivate new quality productivity, and give impetus to their respective economic and social development. During this visit, the leaders of the two countries jointly witnessed the exchange of a number of bilateral cooperation documents in the areas of jointly building the "Belt and Road", economy and trade, investment, science and technology, culture, agriculture and other fields. Chinese style modernization will certainly bring more opportunities to countries all over the world, including Hungary.

China and Hungary will continue to expand people to people and cultural exchanges and deepen the public opinion base of bilateral relations. People to people connectivity is the source of the development of China Hungary relations. The two sides will continue to support language teaching between the two countries, make good use of each other's cultural center platform, strengthen exchanges and cooperation in sports, media, local and other fields, and promote mutual learning of civilizations and people to people exchanges. The two sides will further optimize their exit and entry policies, strengthen direct air links between the two countries, and create more favorable conditions for expanding personnel exchanges.

China and Hungary will jointly lead regional cooperation and adhere to the correct direction of China EU relations. The cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European countries adheres to the principle of joint consultation, joint construction and sharing, conforms to the trend of the times and the general trend of development, serves the common interests of China and Central and Eastern European countries, sets an example of cross regional cooperation, and also provides a useful complement to China EU relations. China and Hungary will lead the cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European countries to develop in a wider range, wider fields and at a higher level, so as to better benefit the people of all countries. China supports Hungary to play a greater role in the EU and promote new and greater development of China EU relations. Hungary made it clear that China's development is an opportunity rather than a risk to Europe. As the rotating presidency of the EU in the second half of the year, Hungary is willing to make positive efforts to promote the healthy development of EU China relations and the cooperation between Central and Eastern European countries and China.

China and Hungary will strengthen international exchanges and work together to meet global challenges. The Hungarian side believes that President Xi Jinping proposed the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilization Initiative, and advocated strengthening international dialogue and cooperation, which is crucial to solving various challenges facing the world today and preventing camp confrontation. The two sides adhere to solidarity and cooperation, vigorously promote the common values of peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy and freedom for all mankind, practice true multilateralism, and actively advocate equal and orderly world multipolarization and inclusive economic globalization. No matter how the international situation changes, China and Hungary will adhere to a broad vision and long-term perspective to view and grasp bilateral relations, work together to build a community of shared future for mankind, and make due contributions to promoting world peace, stability, development and prosperity.

Standing at a new historical starting point, China is willing to work with Hungary to build an all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership in the new era as an opportunity to continue to be a good friend of mutual trust and mutual assistance, a good partner of win-win cooperation, and jointly open up a bright future for the two peoples.

People's Daily (May 11, 2024, 2nd Edition)

(Editor in charge: Hu Yongqiu, Yang Guangyu)

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