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Visiting the "Little Miracle" of giant panda cubs in the United States, there is a long queue of giant panda fans in the United States

10:25, June 4, 2021 | Source: People's Daily Online - International Channel
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 The picture shows a 9-month-old giant panda cub "Little Miracle" in the United States. Photographed by Li Zhiwei, reporter of People's Daily Online
The picture shows a 9-month-old giant panda cub "Little Miracle" in the United States. Photographed by Li Zhiwei, reporter of People's Daily Online

People's Daily Online, Washington, June 3 (Reporter Li Zhiwei) Recently, the Smithsonian Institution National Zoo in Washington reopened to the public. People can make an appointment online to see the "little miracle" of giant panda cubs in the United States. At the scene, the reporter saw that the American people expressed their love for giant pandas, and they said they expected to know more about China through giant pandas.

Recently, the reporter visited the National Zoo of the United States and saw the enthusiasm of American panda fans for "Little Miracle". Although it is raining, it is still hard to stop people's enthusiasm to see the "Little Miracle". People lined up in front of the Giant Panda Pavilion. Many tourists come to see pandas from their families. Some children hold panda dolls and their eyes are full of expectation.

After entering the Panda House, the children couldn't wait to cheer, "Look, it's Baby Panda". As it was raining outside, "Little Miracle" and its mother "Meixiang" stayed indoors. They would climb up and down, and then start to eat bamboo. The "Little Miracle", just 9 months old, also played hide and seek with tourists. Occasionally, it poked its head out, looking very cute, and caused the audience to marvel.

Previously, due to the epidemic situation, the National Zoo of the United States was closed for nearly half a year, and people could only watch the live broadcast of giant pandas online. Samanina Stapp, a local citizen, took her two children to see the giant panda. She said that in recent months, she has been watching giant pandas live online in the zoo, and now it is a "great thing" to be able to see giant pandas live. She said that her family are all panda lovers, and her son also brought home panda dolls, "the children are very happy".

Xilinna and Jinunu are a brother and sister. They were traveling in Washington. When they learned that the zoo was open, they booked tickets at the first time. When he saw the giant panda, Jinunu had been taking videos with his mobile phone. He said that he had only seen pandas online before and had always wanted to visit the zoo. Now his wish has come true. He took a lot of videos and was ready to upload them to the short video platform to share his joy with more friends. Xilinna said that "Little Miracle" is a good name and its Chinese pronunciation is very pleasant. She looks forward to traveling to China in the future. "China is in our future travel plan".

Michael Allen, a local citizen, said that he took his son to see the giant panda, because it was rare to see a giant panda, and they were excited to see "little miracles". "It's very cool! I'm very happy, they are very cute." Allen said that he knew that giant pandas were loaned to the United States by China, which gave Americans the opportunity to see giant pandas. "I have been to China, China is a friendly and beautiful country, and I hope to visit China again when I have the opportunity.".

"Ailuropoda melanoleuca cubs are definitely a star attraction," said zoo spokesman Beck Mason. "Little Wonder" was born in the National Zoo last August. Since it was born during the epidemic, the name of "Little Miracle" won the netizens' vote with high votes.

Zoo director Steve Monford said that "Little Miracle" was a "normal, healthy and happy baby". "The pandas are very healthy physically and mentally, and will be happy to welcome tourists back." He said, "We like giant pandas as much as all Chinese people."

In 1972, the National Zoo of the United States welcomed the giant panda presented by China for the first time. Montfort is very proud of the half century long cooperation in giant panda conservation and research between the two sides. He said that for many years, Chinese and American workers have always shared a common goal - to protect giant pandas and help them breed in nature. The China US giant panda cooperation fully proves that the two countries can work together to make greater contributions to mankind.

(Editor in charge: Yan Meng, Chang Hong)

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