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"The Communist Party of China's global vision and mission" (100 foreign political parties and governments should look at the Communist Party of China)

——Interview with Peruvian Communist Party (Red Motherland) President Moreno

Our reporter Zou Zhipeng
05:34, June 4, 2021 | Source: People's Daily
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"The most fundamental reason for China's remarkable development achievements is that under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, China has embarked on its own path, that is, the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The Communist Party of China insists on seeking truth from facts, pioneering and innovating, and is highly advanced." The Communist Party of Peru (Red Motherland) President Moreno has visited China for many times at the invitation of the Department of External Relations of the CPC Central Committee and other departments, witnessed the development and changes of China, and admired the theory and practice of the CPC in governing the country.

Moreno is a senior theorist and revolutionist of Peru's left-wing political forces, and has written many works on socialist theory research, party cadre education and training, etc. In 1966, Moreno, 25, as a young cadre of the Peruvian Communist Party, was invited to visit China for the first time. "I have been in China for more than half a year, and I have traveled a lot of places. For the first time, I have a close contact with the Communist Party of China and the Chinese people, and I feel the various practices of exploring and building socialism in New China." Moreno recalled that at the end of his visit, Comrade Mao Zedong met with the delegation. "Comrade Mao Zedong suggested that we should not mechanically copy the experience of other countries. This made me realize that real revolution and construction are unique and creative. Since the founding of the Communist Party of China, it has been full of wisdom to overcome all difficulties, correct mistakes in time and find the right path."

Moreno said that looking back on the centennial history of the Communist Party of China and more than 70 years of the history of the People's Republic of China, we can deeply feel that only a Marxist party that has experienced tests, has strong leadership, and has a deep understanding of China's history and reality can shoulder the mission of building and developing China. "When you visit the revolutionary holy places such as Jinggangshan and Yan'an, you can't help feeling how hard the will and wisdom of people have to undergo to persevere in the struggle in such a difficult environment and finally win the victory." Moreno stressed that it is very valuable that the Communist Party of China has always adhered to its true nature and won the heartfelt support and support of the broad masses of the people, So we can stand proudly in the face of various difficulties and threats. "A political party that is united, has comprehensive capabilities, goes deep into the people, has a strategic vision and noble morality, and deserves the respect of people all over the world."

"Proceeding from reality is the 'golden rule' of the Communist Party of China to solve various problems in different periods." Moreno said that the Communist Party of China has fully combined the basic principles of Marxism with its own reality, and has realized the sinicization of Marxism in the process of continuous practice, summary, reflection and innovation. "Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era not only provides fundamental guidance for the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new situation, but also makes significant contributions to the cause of socialism in the world. Political parties in other countries should learn from it."

Moreno was deeply touched by the sentence "I will live up to the people without me". "Adhering to the principle of putting the people first and maintaining flesh and blood ties with the people, we have inexhaustible power." Moreno said that in the face of the sudden COVID-19 epidemic, the Communist Party of China and the Chinese government did not hesitate to put people's life safety and health first, decisively made decisions and deployment, and mobilized all social forces to fight the epidemic efficiently and orderly, Control the epidemic in a short time. At the same time, China has also actively provided medical material assistance to other countries, carried out vaccine cooperation, and made new contributions to building a community of human health. "This is a true portrayal of the people centered concept and a profound reflection of China's institutional advantages and governance capabilities."

Moreno believes that the world today is facing a series of global problems in the fields of economy, politics, science and technology, and environment, which need global solutions. Some Western countries pursue hegemonism and power politics, which has exacerbated the turbulence and uncertainty of the international situation. China's idea of building a community with a shared future for mankind conforms to the needs of the times. "Advocating peace, development and cooperation, actively supporting multilateralism, and advocating a mutually beneficial future for mankind demonstrate the global vision and mission of the Communist Party of China."

"The exchanges between the Communist Party of China and the Communist Party of Peru (the Red Motherland) have always been equal and sincere. We have learned a lot of useful experience from the Communist Party of China, but the Chinese side has never interfered in the internal affairs of other countries and political parties." Moreno suggested that in the current international situation, the important role of inter party exchanges should be brought into full play to jointly defend national sovereignty Safeguard multilateralism and promote peaceful development.

Moreno said: "From a new historical starting point, I believe that the Communist Party of China will lead the Chinese people to achieve more brilliant achievements in reform, innovation and construction."

People's Daily (June 4, 2021, Edition 03)
(Editor in charge: Hu Yongqiu, Yang Guangyu)

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