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Gather international efforts to protect biodiversity (harmony)

May 24, 2021 05:20 | Source: People's Daily
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The protection of global biodiversity has a long way to go. All countries share a common destiny. Only by coming together through thick and thin, and constantly gathering international efforts to protect biodiversity, can we jointly build a beautiful home that shares the harmony of all things

May 22 is the International Biodiversity Day. This year's theme is "Everyone has a responsibility to protect nature", which aims to call on the international community to unite and cooperate to contribute wisdom and strength to the protection of biodiversity. Biodiversity is the basis of human survival and development, and the blood and foundation of the earth life community. At a time when the speed of global species extinction is accelerating, biodiversity loss and ecosystem degradation pose a major risk to human survival and development, human beings should work together with greater determination and strength to protect biodiversity and build a community of human and natural life.

China has always regarded biodiversity conservation as an important part of the construction of ecological civilization and an important starting point to promote high-quality development. It has gradually incorporated biodiversity conservation into various national plans and plans, issued and implemented China's Biodiversity Conservation Strategy and Action Plan (2011-2030), and has successively issued more than 10 laws and regulations related to biodiversity. There are 11800 nature reserves in China, accounting for 18% of the land area, and the goal of 17% by 2020 set by the "Aichi Goal" has been achieved ahead of schedule. At the source of the three rivers in Qinghai, snow leopards are hunting; Qinling Mountains in Shaanxi Province, where giant pandas are newly recruited; Mount Taishan in Shandong, where willows grow vigorously... The vibrant images emerge one after another, reflecting the achievements of China's biodiversity conservation. China has steadily implemented various major ecological protection and restoration projects. From 2009 to 2019, 70.39 million hectares of forests were planted, making China the country with the largest growth in forest resources in the world during the same period. Through unremitting efforts, 90% of China's terrestrial ecosystem types and 85% of key wildlife populations have been effectively protected. Building a beautiful China has increasingly become a conscious action of the entire Chinese people, which is also an unremitting effort to build a beautiful world in which all things are harmonious.

As an important participant, contributor and leader of global biodiversity conservation, China has deeply participated in international exchanges and cooperation. In September last year, President Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at the United Nations Biodiversity Summit. From the perspective of being responsible for human civilization, he put forward four suggestions for jointly building a beautiful home of harmony among all things, which not only revealed the profound concept of respecting nature, adapting to nature, and protecting nature, but also contributed to the Chinese plan and Chinese wisdom for realizing the harmonious coexistence between man and nature. China conscientiously implements the relevant international conventions on ecological environment to which it has acceded, and proposes to establish the "Belt and Road" International Alliance for Green Development. It has successively carried out environmental exchanges and cooperation with more than 100 countries and implemented a large number of biodiversity cooperation projects. China's efforts and contributions have been positively evaluated by the international community. The Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme, Inge Anosen, commented that China's leadership has injected vitality into the global biodiversity conservation agenda.

In October this year, the 15th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity will be held in Kunming, China, with the theme of "Ecological Civilization: Jointly Building a Community of Life on the Earth". The General Assembly will consider and adopt the "post-2020 global biodiversity framework", pointing out the direction for global biodiversity conservation. As the host country of the conference, China will share its experience in biodiversity conservation and governance with other countries and jointly draw a grand blueprint for biodiversity conservation.

"Heaven and earth coexist with me, and all things are one with me." The protection of global biodiversity has a long way to go. All countries share a common destiny. Only by coming together through thick and thin, and constantly gathering international efforts to protect biodiversity, can we jointly build a beautiful home that shares the harmony of all things.

People's Daily (May 24, 2021, Edition 03)

(Editor in charge: Bai Yu, Liu Yeting)

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