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Xian Yue Pavilion
  • Franchise industry:

    Beauty>Postpartum Recovery

  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:


  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    two hundred

  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Xian Yue Pavilion Introduction to joining

The whole store of Xianyuegao franchise outputs a new shocking mode of sharing franchise

Integration of pregnancy and childbirth repair resources, π - style Gong Ting, postpartum recovery, creating a healthy uterus magician

 Xianyuegao professional postpartum alliance   

Profile of Xianyuegao Company

Xianyuegao Franchise Store is an organization dedicated to reproduction and promotion of postpartum recovery, introducing advanced healthy life philosophy To provide women with high privacy and qualified experience of postpartum repair and health care.

Relying on infant experience support and production health coaching system, Xianyuegao service projects cover four periods, including pregnancy preparation and recuperation period, pregnancy maintenance period, postpartum rehabilitation period, and perimenopausal recuperation period, with nearly 100 services. Xianyuegao has created a "3322 nursing system", with a systematic and perfect product and management system, integrating the four dimensions of conditioning, diet, exercise and classroom into the whole postpartum recovery system, and providing one-stop care and shaping the mother of mermaid based on customized solutions according to individual differences.

Create a platform integrating production, learning, research and marketing for Xian Yuege franchisees

As a professional post production brand, Xianyuega creates a platform integrating production, learning, research and marketing for entrepreneurs to comprehensively solve various problems in store opening and operation. The company has its own production base of international standard and standard education and training base, providing channels and convenience for talent training and output.


[Joined by Xianyuegao] Brand concept

Xianyuegao is an organization dedicated to reproduction and promotion of postpartum recovery, introducing advanced healthy life concepts, and providing women with high privacy and qualified experience of postpartum repair and health care.

Relying on operation experience and post natal combat experience, Xianyuegao has nearly 100 services covering four periods, including pregnancy preparation and recuperation period, pregnancy maintenance period, post natal rehabilitation period, and perimenopausal recuperation period. It not only has a systematic and perfect product and management system, but also has created a 3322 nursing system, integrating the four dimensions of conditioning, diet, exercise and classroom into the whole postpartum recovery system, providing customized solutions according to individual differences, providing one-stop care, and shaping the mermaid mother.

As a consultant incubation enterprise brand, the company creates a platform integrating production, learning, research and marketing for entrepreneurs to solve various problems in store opening and operation. The company has its own production base and standard education and training base, providing channels and convenience for talent training and output.

π formula (three points one four): Postpartum recovery focuses on the great health of new mothers, and advocates three point four π nursing

Three points refer to paying attention to the three dimensions of body, mind and spirit of postpartum new mothers

First, the one-stop postpartum recovery model

The fourth is customized conditioning according to the four periods of pregnancy preparation conditioning period, pregnancy maintenance period, postpartum rehabilitation period and perimenopausal conditioning period of new mothers.

Gong Ting: Focus on solving postpartum uterine problems, protect the health of uterus and ovary, and care for mother's back garden.

Brand personality

Elegant and expert, quiet and assertive

Brand Vision

Create a brand of maternity care

To create a warm and fashionable purple palace for postpartum women, Xianyue Pavilion can

Xian Yue Pavilion Franchise advantages

 One stop mermaid mother joining in Xianyuegao   

Advantages of joining Xianyuegao

   It's hard to copy a think tank. Xian Yuege will join the gang to the end, and rookies can also become store opening masters
We standardize: unified brand image, five-star experience
Our site selection: scientific selection criteria, open popular stores
Our plan: long-term operation and maintenance mode, ready for listing
Our design: reasonable regional layout, opening function stores
We recruit: the right way to recruit, there is no shortage of talents
Our training: professional training, excellent business
Our opening: thoughtful opening plan, good start
Our operation: systematic brand planning, opening quality stores
Our customer expansion: diversified customer expansion mode to attract people to stay
We retain customers: many ways to retain customers
Our customer delivery: comprehensive customer delivery method, many customers
We lock customers: detailed locking scheme, customers will not leave


   Joined by Xianyuegao, the core competitiveness is like a diamond, and the powerful brand relies on word of mouth
   [New concept]
Create a different postpartum, focus on postpartum recovery of uterus, clarify market segmentation, and release years of market experience.
   [Capital strength]
Strong strength, favored by many venture capital companies, listing is no longer far away.
   [Patent Instrument]
We have developed a practical new physical therapy instrument for women's health. At the same time, we have developed a number of postpartum repair instruments to help mother's health.
    [Strength and qualification]
It has the honor of the leader unit of the working group of maternal and infant health care service standards, and the postnatal recovery technology creation award.
   [Strength team]
The precipitation of market operation experience and the practical guidance of advisory level incubators.
   [Improve the product]
We have introduced advanced foreign product technology from health, and the product quality is supported.
   Professional Training
It has a teaching base of tens of thousands of square meters, introduces business school system courses, and imports high-level talents for the store.
   System Platform
Throughout the industry chain, the cashier project covers the pregnancy preparation and recuperation period, pregnancy maintenance period, postpartum rehabilitation period and perimenopausal recuperation period, providing business methods for entrepreneurs.

Xian Yue Pavilion Franchise conditions

Conditions for joining Xianyuegao

1. Franchisees are willing to accept various trainings and management from the headquarters. Recognize the company's corporate culture and management model.

2. Franchisees can consciously maintain the brand image, and shall not damage the interests of consumers by taking advantage of the brand effect.

3. The post production repair franchisee of Xianyuegao is honest, with legal identity, qualified moral integrity and credit.

4. Franchisees have qualified social resources and interpersonal relationships, as well as a certain sense of joining.

Xian Yue Pavilion Franchise process

Joining process of Xianyuegao

Consulting and investigation - signing a contract - field investigation - store site selection - decoration design - recruitment and training - platform construction - trial operation, opening - late promotion - expansion, retention and improvement - customer management - visiting (multiple ways) - conference marketing - regular supervision

User consultation

  • Want to join in Nanning

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Xianyue Pavilion! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-17 10:56:04 From Zibo City, Shandong Province  39.75.123*
  • Want to know if you can join in in the countryside

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Xianyue Pavilion! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-16 16:59:44 From Shandong Dezhou [Unicom]  39.74.7*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 150w。

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Xianyue Pavilion! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-10 21:22:16 From Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province  59.52.76*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 1 million.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Xianyue Pavilion! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-02 16:54:14 From Jiangsu Province  49.90.52*
  • Phone is the same as WeChat

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Xianyue Pavilion! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-02 10:46:39 From Nanyang City, Henan Province  61.158.147*
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