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Resurrection Race Community Health Comprehensive Service Center
  • Franchise industry:

    Food>Health Food

  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:


  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    two hundred and eighty

  • Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan


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Resurrection Race Community Health Comprehensive Service Center Introduction to joining

   Resurrection Game Community Health Comprehensive Service Center is good for attracting investment
   Good brand and good reputation
   If human health is lost, what color will life be? Resurrection match, your life conditioner

 Joined in by Resurrection Game Community Health Comprehensive Service Center

   We are looking forward to your participation in the multi-functional community service of our headquarters

Beijing Meihong Fashion Trade Co., Ltd., a core member of Baojian () Co., Ltd.'s business expansion in other cities, was founded in 2012 and headquartered in Beijing. With the guiding ideology of health and happiness for all, and the theme of sharing "entrepreneurship, health and service", it has comprehensively built a health service center, a green industry demonstration base, a health big data center, a job creation service center Resurrection Match, a multi-functional community service platform with six functions, including accurate poverty alleviation and capital regeneration services, integrating health, career and life, is a high-speed development enterprise committed to building a healthy life for all. The Resurrection Contest has been officially put into operation, with investment attraction and participation.
   Broad market prospects, seize development opportunities, share the blue ocean of the industry
The "Health 2020" Strategic Research Report released in 2012 proposed that the government should fulfill its responsibilities and increase health investment; In 2013, the Opinions of the State Council and the Chinese Academy of Sciences on Promoting the Development of the Health Service Industry pointed out that by 2020, the total scale of the health service industry will reach more than 8 trillion yuan; The health industry has become an important force to promote sustainable economic and social development. At present, the mass health industry has become an important industry in the world. With the aging of the population, people's health awareness has improved. China's mass health industry has ushered in a very good period of development.

   Establish a new concept of health, create an integrated comprehensive service platform, and achieve national health preservation

Resurrection Contest is an integrated service platform for members to provide health, life, entrepreneurship, trusteeship, consumption and other services. Establish offline service centers in various communities and regions to provide leisure, health preservation, entertainment and other services for the masses, so as to achieve the goal of national health preservation and establish a new concept of health.
   Health monitoring service The smart bracelet can monitor the health condition at all times, and provide door-to-door service in case of abnormality.
   Health care and leisure services The service center is equipped with various health care and fitness equipment for free trial to provide you with intimate health care services.
   Fitness and entertainment services The comprehensive community health service center will hold various comprehensive activities from time to time, so that you can have fun while exercising.

Resurrection Race Community Health Comprehensive Service Center Franchise advantages

 Joined in by Resurrection Game Community Health Comprehensive Service Center

   Low difficulty resource sharing One time joining prospective project poverty alleviation and benefit people

   1. Super commercial project
  · Not just business· Including poverty alleviation and benefiting people· Create a better life
   2. Low difficulty project
  · No need for huge capital investment· No need to hire a large team· Only extensive contacts and resources are needed
   3. Shared resource project
  · Network resource sharing· Product resource sharing· Service resource sharing
   4. It is difficult to copy items
  · Exclusive business model· Strong think tank team· Complex theoretical practice

   5. Have forward-looking projects

  · Items not appearing in the market· Projects to open and close the future market· Projects that must be done in the future market
   6. One time franchise project
  · One time· One time product joining· One time team joining
   Three major policies support, care, escort and assist in joining
   Escort support: Whole store output, support from state-owned enterprises, policy support
   Online and offline support: Online big data tracking and accurate store service
   Whole process tracking support: Free technical support, free marketing support and free operation support

Resurrection Race Community Health Comprehensive Service Center Franchise conditions

1. The applicant has certain morality, quality and contacts, and has independent legal personality.
2. The registered area is not less than 2-5 million yuan, the area of regional agent business is not less than 300 m2, the area of business in commercial areas is not less than 150 m2, and the area of community business is not less than 80 m2.
3. All service centers must use the unified representation and logo of the Resurrection Contest.
4. Develop and manage the service network within the jurisdiction, and have the ability to support hospitals in the health industry serving Hui people, as well as member development.

Resurrection Race Community Health Comprehensive Service Center Franchise process

Understand the project - negotiate to join - submit an application - sign a contract - pay fees - facade design - officially open

Resurrection Race Community Health Comprehensive Service Center Joining dynamics


Resurrection Race Community Health Comprehensive Service Center Related questions and answers


User consultation

  • Do you have any information on how to join?

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the Resurrection Game Community Health Comprehensive Service Center! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-12 09:50:18 From Asia Pacific  43.242.153*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; There are stores.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the Resurrection Game Community Health Comprehensive Service Center! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-08 18:47:37 From Tianjin  60.27.43*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 400000 to 500000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the Resurrection Game Community Health Comprehensive Service Center! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-07 01:10:55 From Taizhou, Jiangsu  49.71.205*
  • Under communication, is there a partnership agreement

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the Resurrection Game Community Health Comprehensive Service Center! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-05 21:37:21 From Xiaogan City, Hubei Province  49.210.238*
  • Agent point, can Shangqiu Suiyang Wuzhou City do it?

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the Resurrection Game Community Health Comprehensive Service Center! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-01 16:15:40 From Gansu Province  42.90.126*
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