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about us This is our summary
Welcome to use the theme of beautiful products. The purpose of beauty is to create high-quality products. Every theme should be carefully crafted to help spread the enterprise brand. For design, we are more demanding than you think. Whether it is the front desk interface style or the theme setting center, we will not let go of every detail, strive for perfection, break through our own limits again and again, and pursue better works again and again. Our innovative thinking is endless. Welcome to add QQ or WeChat: 48846110 consultation, Meimeishangpin will serve you wholeheartedly!
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news News Subtitle
 What is the design in your eyes
 How designers develop their own thinking and creative ability
 Won the Craftsman Quality Award of China Internet Conference
 How to promote new products - how to promote new brands of enterprises
 Returning to nature is the real life
  The pattern determines the end of life

What is the design in your eyes

What is design in your eyes? You may ask thousands of people, and there are thousands of answers. Some people say that design is beautification, design is innovation, design is to realize ideas, design is to constantly create new documents, design is the color copier in your mind, design is inspiration, and even design is to stay up late (too straightforward). Everyone has different views on things, So the definition of art is different, so there is no standard correct answer. Art is about aesthetics or life attitude

How designers develop their own thinking and creative ability

1、 Observing power is the initial idea of designing through observation. Design observation is the first thing. We should observe every bit of life around us, and then record it subconsciously through our own brain. At least we should have a basic concept or outline. Just like we draw sketches, if you don't observe the objects you draw enough, it is difficult to grasp their shapes and draw their characteristics. The same is true for the cases in the visual design. If we don't understand the products and have no concept, then we are very

Won the Craftsman Quality Award of China Internet Conference

User Experience (UE/UX for short) is a purely subjective feeling established by users in the process of using products. But for a well-defined user group, the commonness of its user experience can be recognized through good design experiments. With the development of computer technology and the Internet, the form of technological innovation is changing. More and more attention has been paid to user centered and people-oriented technology. Therefore, user experience is called the essence of Innovation 2.0. Facing knowledge in China

How to promote new products - how to promote new brands of enterprises

When you create a new brand for an enterprise, you tend to follow blindly. From the perspective of content marketing, it is an effective low-cost channel for new brand promotion. We need to be clear that when you adopt content strategies, you should create interesting, meaningful and useful content for users to build your first impression of the brand, Otherwise, it might be a bad start. So, what mistakes should you avoid in new brand promotion? 1. Try not to refer to other brands

Returning to nature is the real life

Architects Dimitris and Constantine are mainly engaged in the design of villas, restaurants and hotels. Their design studio is located in Athens, Greece. Their design is mainly in the Mediterranean resort style. The house is located in Plaka, Milos Island, Greece. It was built in 1813 earlier and has a history of more than 200 years. The wall of the old building is 60 cm thick. The architect has renovated the house. All new design elements are made of local materials and techniques. Because the streets of Plaka are very narrow

The pattern determines the end of life

As an old saying goes, "Those who seek great things should pay attention to the first pattern." Because the pattern of a person determines what kind of outcome he can write. There are three signs that the pattern of one person is getting bigger and bigger. Don't be afraid of being slow. As the saying goes, "Don't be afraid of being slow, just be afraid of standing; standing for one stop, two and a half miles." It means doing anything without fear of being slow, just be afraid of standing still. Because the road of life is very long, we will stop moving forward for the sake of small profits in front of us, and we will inevitably miss the scenery ahead. The really powerful people never only see the immediate interests. They don't stick to

common problem

FAQ FAQ Custom Subtitle
  • What is the design in your eyes

    What is design in your eyes? You may ask thousands of people, and there are thousands of answers. Some people say that design is beautification, design is innovation, design is to realize ideas, design is to constantly create new documents, design is the color copier in your mind, design is inspiration, and even design is to stay up late (too straightforward). Everyone has different views on things, Then the definition of it is different in the heart, so there is no standard correct answer. Art is thinking about everything about people, such as aesthetics or life attitude, lifestyle, human thought, etc., while design makes this thinking concrete and life oriented.

    There is a saying: "Design can change the world and create the future". Do you think so? My answer is yes. Just like a classic advertising slogan of the mobile Internet - mobile can change the world, so these are created and designed through human thinking, transforming ideas into entities. For example, Apple products, before Apple and after Apple, this is a contrast. Design exists in all aspects of our lives.

     What is the design in your eyes? Creative design Figure 1

    Design is beautification

    Decorate or embellish beautiful things through artistic processing to make them more beautiful.

    Design is arrangement

    It can make the messy space orderly and give you a sense of comfort and pleasure.

    Design is a platform

    If we want to pursue fashion, but fashion may not be popular tomorrow, so many brands will create a platform model.

    Design is creativity

    Creativity is to go beyond ordinary people's ideas and achieve different pursuits with something beyond ordinary.

    Design is environmentally friendly

    Environmental protection has become a very important topic in this era. More and more commercial brands or designers will actively pay attention to environmental protection.

    Design is everywhere. Design is life, design is change, and design is the result of thought.

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  • How designers develop their own thinking and creative ability

    1、 Observability

    The preliminary idea of doing design through observation is that design observation is the first thing. We should observe every bit of life around us, and then record it subconsciously through our own brain. At least, we should have a basic concept or outline. Just like we draw sketches, if you don't observe the objects you draw enough, it is difficult to grasp their shapes and draw their characteristics. The same is true of the cases in the visual design. If we do not understand the products and have no concept, then it is difficult for us to design works that meet the product's effectiveness.

     How designers develop their own thinking and creative ability

    2、 Logical thinking

    After observation, analyze and think, form the habit of understanding things from multiple perspectives, and refine the design ideas of the products or structures you have made through observation. In this process, we should not only analyze the form and characteristics of the product itself, but more importantly, according to the definition and demand of the product, we should rely on logical thinking to analyze the nature and status of the demand and the target population of the service, grasp the highlights of the product, and set the key words to draw up the design direction according to the definition, form and target population of the service of the product.

     How designers develop their own thinking and creative ability

    3、 Sort out ideas

    Sort out the design ideas according to the keywords analyzed. Take notes or draw prototype drawings to record your creativity or design scenes, and then use software to achieve what you want and finally get the results you want.

     How designers develop their own thinking and creative ability

    In addition to these, we should be good at exploring correct learning methods, accumulating and summarizing. We should see more and refer to excellent design websites to inspire ourselves, accumulate materials and recharge our brains; Do more, practice a lot, let yourself master new skills and ways of thinking, will always become an excellent designer.

  • Won the Craftsman Quality Award of China Internet Conference

    User Experience (UE/UX for short) is a purely subjective feeling established by users in the process of using products.

    But for a well-defined user group, the commonness of its user experience can be recognized through good design experiments. With the development of computer technology and the Internet, the form of technological innovation is changing. More and more attention has been paid to user centered and people-oriented technology. Therefore, user experience is called the essence of Innovation 2.0.


    In the exploration of China's knowledge society oriented innovation 2.0 - application innovation park model, user experience is the first of the "three experience" innovation mechanisms.  

    ISO 9241-210 defines user experience as "people's cognitive impression and response to the products, systems or services they use or expect to use". Generally speaking, it is "this thing is not easy to use, and it is not convenient to use". Therefore, the user experience is subjective, and it focuses on the effect of actual application.


    The supplement to the ISO definition has the following explanation: user experience, that is, all the feelings of users before, during and after using a product or system, including emotions, beliefs, preferences, cognitive impressions, physiological and psychological reactions, behaviors and achievements. The description also lists three factors that affect the user experience: system, user and use environment. With the growing use and market share of smart phones, it is an imperative trend to build a mobile version of the website. If you have not yet practiced the mobile website version, then it is time to start thinking. If you build a mobile website, it can not only attract users but also search engine spiders?


    1. Understand how mobile consumers interact with websites;
    2. Restore your phone interface;
    3. Maintain a consistent brand;
    4. Avoid any Flash or JavaScript files;
    5. Eliminate pop ups;
    6. Include a link back to your complete website.

  • How to promote new products - how to promote new brands of enterprises

    When you create a new brand for an enterprise, you tend to follow blindly. From the perspective of content marketing, it is an effective low-cost channel for new brand promotion. We need to be clear that when you adopt content strategies, you should create interesting, meaningful and useful content for users to build your first impression of the brand, Otherwise, it might be a bad start.  

     How to promote new products How to promote new brands How to promote new media How to promote new products Figure 1

    So, what mistakes should you avoid in new brand promotion?  

    1. Try not to refer to other brands

    If you want your new brand to survive for a long time, you need to use your unique perspective to tell your brand story in an original and targeted way, rather than referring to competing products of the same kind, to choose an angle to play freely. If your business department is all over China, then a detailed data map may be the best carrier of brand stories.  

    2. Don't pay attention to traffic indicators

    When you start a new brand, you often conduct traffic statistics on promotion links. More mature ways are to check the corresponding conversion rate, such as: how many people follow your home page, whether they actively participate in brand marketing activities, and whether they have forwarded your content?  

    3. Avoid excessive advertising marketing

    When you tell the brand story through the content of the article, too obvious and straightforward publicity may lead to the loss of trust and boredom of users and the loss of attention of visitors, which is often a result of half the effort. Users are the foundation of the brand. Only by truly addressing the needs of users and constantly providing solutions for them, can your brand gradually accumulate.  

    4. Keep an eye on your customers

    When you gain some influence, you may focus too much on the content you deliver and ignore the content created from the perspective of users. You may need to create excellent and memorable content, invite experts to help you write content, and ensure that these content can be well applied to all major search engines.  

    5. Avoid inconsistent brand identity

    No matter your website, social media, new media platform and various activities of the company, your brand identity should not have different versions. Instead, you should ensure that your brand identity is unified. When your online promotion and offline marketing activities are misplaced, it may erode the trust of your audience, and may be interpreted as careless and unprofessional, thus affecting the user experience.  

    6. Avoid overuse of negative emotions

    The content that actively arouses customers' emotional response often performs better. Especially when you use visual marketing, emotion can always move the other party from the heart. Admittedly, negative emotions sometimes cause extensive discussion and communication, but for brand promotion, we cannot always use negative emotions and sensitive nerves.  

    7. Effectively control subtle transformations

    The increase of revenue through brand promotion and content dissemination is a channel for every enterprise to realize. We do not recommend creating content only for the purpose of transformation, such as the three-day crash course of Toutiao to quickly realize the whole process!, This title has a very high conversion rate, but when users pay for it, the tutorials they get are basically basic content, which will seriously affect the enterprise brand.  

    Conclusion: In addition to providing high-quality, interesting and educational content, enterprise new brand promotion is an eternal magic weapon aimed at solving customer needs.

  • Returning to nature is the real life

    Architects Dimitris and Constantine are mainly engaged in the design of villas, restaurants and hotels. Their design studio is located in Athens, Greece. Their design is mainly in the Mediterranean resort style.

     Returning to nature is the real life 1

    The house is located in Plaka, Milos Island, Greece. It was built in 1813 earlier and has a history of more than 200 years.

     Returning to nature is the real life 2

     Returning to nature is the real life 3

    The wall of the old building is 60 cm thick. The architect has renovated the house. All new design elements are made of local materials and processes. Because the streets of Plaka are very narrow, all building materials must be manually moved from the closer road to the house location, which is a very large amount of work.

     Returning to nature is the real life 4

     Returning to nature is the real life 5

    For Greek architecture, natural light is a very important element. White walls and sofas, wooden Nordic furniture, simple and full of vicissitudes of wood floors and ceilings create a natural, primitive and beautiful life scene.

     Returning to nature is the real life 6

     Returning to nature is the real life 7

    The appearance of this Greek village holiday villa is mainly natural stone, the interior is simple Mediterranean style, and the furnishings are a large number of gray cotton and linen cloth furniture and rattan furniture, demonstrating a comfortable, natural and comfortable holiday style.

     Returning to nature is the real life 8

     Returning to nature is the real life 9

    This house is located on Miconos Island, with a construction area of about 700 square meters, and views the sea behind the mountain. In the background wall of the living room, there is a big rock. The architect skillfully uses the rock on the original site to create a simple and original design form.

     Returning to nature is the real life 10   Returning to nature is the real life 11

    The rough rock texture is in sharp contrast to the soft cloth sofa. The warm Mediterranean sun shines into the room, which is natural, warm and comfortable, reflecting the original intention of the design.

     Returning to nature is the real life 12

    Thanks to the beautiful ecological environment in the Mediterranean Sea and the inheritance of architectural style, Greece has good tourism resources. From the perspective of the layout of global resort hotels, Greek hotels occupy a very important position.

     Returning to nature is the real life 13

     Returning to nature is the real life 14

    The hotel takes primitive stones, wood, white walls and rattan furniture as the main design elements, showing a more beautiful aspect of Greek design: nature returning to nature.

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