On May 23, the signing ceremony of strategic cooperation between Sina News, Weibo and the French Tourism Development Agency was held in the French Cultural Center in Beijing. According to the agreement, the parties agreed to deepen the cooperation and interaction between Sina News, Weibo and the French Tourism Development Agency, attract more netizens to pay attention to the unique charm of French tourism, and jointly build Sino French cultural tourism exchanges. Cong Song, general manager of Sina Mobile, Chen Fuyun, general manager of microblog user operation, and Catherine ODEN, general manager of France Tourism Development Agency in Greater China, attended the ceremony and delivered speeches.

 Cong Song, general manager of Sina Mobile (left), Catherine ODEN, general manager of France Tourism Development Agency in Greater China (middle), and Chen Fuyun, general manager of microblog user operations (right) Cong Song, general manager of Sina Mobile (left), Catherine ODEN, general manager of France Tourism Development Agency in Greater China (middle), and Chen Fuyun, general manager of microblog user operations (right)

Cong Song, general manager of Sina Mobile, said in his speech that Sina News has always been committed to promoting cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries, providing a window for Chinese netizens to learn about the world, and also providing access for people around the world to learn about China. In this cooperation with the French Tourism Development Agency, Sina News will make use of its powerful media and platform advantages, constantly innovate content forms, expand cooperation fields, and comprehensively display the beauty and culture of France to Chinese netizens, making greater contributions to promoting cultural exchanges between China and France. He also said: "I hope that this cooperation will be taken as an opportunity to invite more French friends to China to experience the beautiful scenery and rich culture of China, and experience the enthusiasm and friendship of China."

Chen Fuyun, general manager of microblog user operations, said that Sina Weibo Tourism is committed to building a global tourism forum and a tourism inspiration vane, helping to achieve high-quality communication and development of tourism at home and abroad. This year, Sina Weibo took tourism as an important direction of content ecology, launched the # microblog traveler # IP activity, and co built the content of official microblog and bloggers in various fields around the French tourism culture to create an influential destination hotspot. He said: "We look forward to working with the French Tourism Development Agency to create a dynamic online position for cultural and tourism exchanges between China and France, and to contribute valuable microblog power to the recovery of the global tourism market."

Catherine ODEN, general manager of France Tourism Development Agency in Greater China, said at the signing ceremony that this is not only an important moment, but also a symbol of the joint progress of the tourism industry of the two countries. France hopes to promote the rich and colorful tourism resources to more Chinese tourists through this cooperation. Deng Jialin said, "France and China are both countries with a long history and splendid culture, and we have broad space for cooperation and bright prospects for development. Through this cooperation, especially in the context of the China France Year of Culture and Tourism, we will further strengthen cultural exchanges between China and France, and promote the common development of tourism between the two countries."

The French Tourism Development Agency awarded Sina News and Sina Tourism the title of "strategic media partner" at the signing ceremony, and will cooperate with Sina News client and Weibo platform to carry out more rich activities related to French culture and tourism, taking advantage of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, the China France Cultural Tourism Year, and the 2024 Paris Olympic Games and Paralympic Games, Promote cultural and tourism exchanges between China and France to release greater vitality.

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