home page > Ranking of franchise stores > Iron plate duck intestines joining list Friendly tip: Be cautious when joining in because of investment risks!
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  • one  Iron plate duck intestines
    Iron plate duck intestines are marinated, medium cooked, and well strung, which are directly used for iron plate barbecue. When the iron plate duck intestines are salted, more than 20 kinds of spices are added to make them crispy, tender and refreshing, fresh but not fishy, fragrant but not greasy, hot but not dry! Cumin sauce, chilli sauce and chilli sauce are made of more than ten unique spices. The process of first marinating and then roasting can make the duck intestines taste better and reduce the production time of raw duck intestines. The unique fragrance produced by processing is highly praised by customers. Iron plate duck intestines is a special and novel food. The iron plate duck intestines are dazzling and beautiful, as if stepping into the bright scenery. They can't help but be brought by the beauty. Of course, you won't miss them when you meet the foodies. Iron plate duck intestines are selected from duck intestines. After a unique process, combined with spices, fennel, pickling and other crafts, the duck intestines are crispy and sweet, with complete color and appearance. The duck intestines displayed in the on-site store have a variety of flavors, including cumin flavor, spicy flavor, spicy flavor and sauce flavor. There are many flavors. You can choose according to your own taste. The iron plate duck intestines can meet your taste buds' needs. Iron plate duck intestines, better than the weight, taste. The roasted duck intestines are sprinkled with cumin powder and pepper. They are tough, chewy and have a bit of burnt flavor. They taste very good! Iron plate duck intestines, of course, are worth more. Contemporary people's life needs and tastes are becoming more and more critical. With better living conditions, we must pay attention to quality. The iron plate duck intestines, first of all, are small, and can be operated in a few square stores. The operation is simple. At the beginning of the plan, it can be operated at the entrance of schools, supermarkets, or open a stall. The process is simple, and the products are made and sold now to ensure the freshness of the products, and the equipment is also dust-free, environmentally friendly and sanitary. Iron plate duck intestines are very suitable for modern young people's demand for safe, green, healthy and fast food. They are not only simple to eat and convenient to carry, but also can be used as staple food. The technology of iron plate duck intestines is simple. The headquarters adopts one-on-one teaching method. They can learn when they come. They have no catering experience, and can learn when they come. Tieban Duck Intestine Headquarters has launched good products suitable for market demand, and has also provided comprehensive support policies for businesses, which should not be missed.
    Intention to join: four hundred and fourteen people Store: zero home Region: Jiangsu
    Investment amount
  • two  Laoliu Iron Plate Duck Intestine
    When it comes to duck intestines, you must be familiar with them. Hot pot duck intestines or braised duck intestines are the favorites of the diners. Haven't you eaten this iron plate duck intestines? Why is Laoliu Duck Intestine so good that it becomes an online celebrity store? First of all, the raw materials are very exquisite. If cooking is the essence, the raw materials must be the soul. The duck intestines and spices are delivered directly from Qingdao. The duck intestines have no peculiar smell and are tough. The Laoliu duck intestines really taste different. Laoliu Duck Intestine has three flavors: original flavor, spicy flavor, and cumin flavor, which makes it difficult for you to choose the spicy flavor that integrates "fresh and spicy". Cumin+chili+sesame oil, just picked up from the Youhua Zila iron plate, ate two strings directly at one mouthful, and the smell is delicious. The juicy duck intestines, beef maw, duck gizzards are repeatedly fried and pressed with iron plates, and then the aroma of cumin, pepper, and pepper sprinkled on the nearly cooked duck intestines can be smelled from afar, making people salivate. How can Laoliu iron plate duck intestines compete with "ducks"? Roast duck intestines is a newly emerging street snack project. With the advantage of low cost and fast target, it quickly occupied the market and became an extremely good snack in the streets. Since its establishment in February 2013, Laoliu iron plate duck intestines have been quickly recognized by customers, which is very good. In October of the same year, due to the shortage of supply from the original cooperative suppliers, Qingdao Knut Catering joined in and established an independent threading factory, realizing a stable and higher quality self-sufficient supply. On February 27, 2013, the flagship store of Laoliu Iron Plate Duck Intestine was opened. After 13 months, it has grown to more than 120 stores nationwide, covering 22 provinces and 45 regions. Duckling intestines are made in a big way. The development space is also very good, so that entrepreneurs can choose to join in business. Its development prospect is very qualified. The compound operation covers hundreds of delicacies, which can meet the needs of people on the one hand, and increase the business channels of franchisees on the other hand. This is a franchise chain brand that has won high recognition from consumers. It is very popular in the market. Entrepreneurs will have great business opportunities to start their own businesses.
    Intention to join: six hundred and nineteen people Store: fifty-five home Region: Guangdong
    Investment amount
  • three  Dingshuang Iron Plate Duck Intestine
    Dingshuang is the first to eat iron plate duck intestines. It has rich experience in research and development of iron plate snacks. Focusing on iron plate duck intestines, it has launched a series of iron plate delicacies to meet different people, especially young people. The franchise brand of Dingshuang Iron Plate Duck Intestine not only pays attention to the improvement of taste, but also achieves an ultra-high cost performance ratio in terms of food materials, low price and high quality. We cooperate with manufacturers all over the country to open up the upstream material chain. Every franchise store of Dingshuang Iron Plate Duck Intestine not only gets stable and high-quality materials, but also gets very favorable prices. Dingshuang iron plate duck intestines combine duck intestines with chili, fennel and other condiments. After pickling and processing, the roasted duck intestines are crispy and sweet, with complete colors. In order to meet the diversified taste needs of consumers, Dingshuang iron plate duck intestines provide a variety of tastes in the on-site store, including cumin flavor, spicy flavor, spicy flavor, sauce flavor, and so on. Various tastes of duck intestines try to meet the taste needs of every guest. The level of products in the shop of Dingshuang Iron Plate Duck Intestine is reasonable, so that every consumer can feel the new snack culture brought by Dingshuang Iron Plate Duck Intestine. The headquarters has excellent store space planners and market planners, and the alliance of Dingshuang Iron Plate Duck Intestine makes the choice of partners flexible and controllable. Dingshuang iron plate duck intestines franchise stores are everywhere, and the number of cuts is still constantly refreshing, which is very helpful to the development of the brand, increasing the brand exposure, and also improving the brand value. Dingshuang Tieban Duck Intestine Headquarters has an operation team. The service department has a detailed division of labor to assist partners in opening stores throughout the process, from the early store location, store space layout, to the training and implantation of store operation management mode, technical process teaching, store opening guidance, and logistics distribution system. The number of snack franchise projects has been increasing. The Dingshuang Iron Plate Duck Intestine Project has significant franchise advantages. At the same time, the franchise conditions and the franchise process are reasonable and clear.
    Intention to join: six hundred and six people Store: three hundred and ten home Region: Guangdong
    Investment amount
  • four  Yashanghuang Iron Plate Duck Intestine
    Yashanghuang Iron Plate Duck Intestine is a popular snack brand owned by the company. The taste is the old brand roast duck intestines. It has its own craft seasoning, and the taste is very popular among the masses. For snacks, besides taste, modern people pay more attention to the health and nutrition of diet, while duck intestines are rich in protein, various vitamins, calcium and other trace elements needed by human body. Moreover, duck intestines have low melting point of fatty acids, which are easy to be digested and absorbed by the human body. They contain more B vitamins and vitamins than other meats, which can enhance the metabolism of the human body, improve the immunity of the body, and even have qualified maintenance effects on nerves, hearts and vision. And it is edible for most people, whether the elderly or children. Yashanghuang Iron Plate Duck Intestine has been widely praised after its listing. In the fast food market, the quality and quantity are guaranteed. More than 20 categories and 9 flavors are enough to satisfy the appetites of snack lovers! Roast duck intestines is a newly emerging street snack project. With the advantage of low cost and fast target, it has become an extremely good snack in the streets. Since its establishment in February 2010, Yashanghuang Iron Plate Duck Intestine has been quickly recognized by customers, which is very good. In October of the same year, because the supply of the original cooperative supplier was in short supply, Yashanghuang Iron Plate Duck Intestine established an independent threading factory, realizing a stable and higher quality self-sufficient supply. On February 27, 2013, Yashanghuang Iron Plate Duck Intestine Flagship Store was opened. After 13 months, it has grown to more than 120 stores nationwide, covering 22 provinces and 45 regions. Duckling intestines are made in a big way. The development space is also very good, so that Yashanghuang iron plate duck intestines can be qualified to choose to join in business. Its development prospect is very qualified. The compound business covers hundreds of delicacies, which can meet people's needs on the one hand, and on the other hand, can increase the business channels of duck shanghuang iron plate duck intestines. This is a franchise chain brand that has won high recognition from consumers. It is very popular in the market. Yashanghuang Iron Plate Duck Intestine Entrepreneurship will have great business opportunities.
    Intention to join: five hundred and seventy-three people Store: two hundred home Region: Guangdong
    Investment amount
  • five  No.1 plate duck intestines
    With the mission of delivering fashionable snacks, No. 1 Food Iron Plate Duck Intestine Franchise brand focuses on leisure food loved by mainstream consumers, selects duck intestines that have qualified effects on human metabolism, nerves, heart and digestion as the main ingredients, presents them to the public in a healthy way, supports the quality, and constantly creates delicious food to surprise consumers' taste buds. The nutrition of duck intestines contains protein, B vitamins, calcium, iron and other trace elements. The iron plate tripe is delicious, delicious and cheap. It's delicious in the mouth and sweet in the heart. The key point is that the aroma is overflowing, oily but not greasy, spicy and delicious, and you can never get tired of eating. Chicken skewers, the special snacks of No. 1 snack, are all iron plate barbecue snacks. The meat is tender and smooth, and the taste is great! Iron plate snacks made with ribs are very attractive when you think about them. They are strung in strings, which is also convenient to eat. Besides, ribs are very rich in protein. With the special seasoning of No. 1 food, they are a taste that no one can make. Small skewers of meat gizzards, small skewers of fresh shrimp, iron plate squid and various iron plate snacks are the characteristics of No. 1 food, which can be described as a dazzling array. The taste can vary according to local customs. The products are made of fresh raw materials, transported by cold chain from the manufacturer to the store, and all the processes are made now, so that customers can eat, pass and be satisfied. The project is small and the product operation mode is clear. The reason why No. 1 eating iron plate duck intestines are made of iron plate is that the iron plate itself has fast heat conduction and high temperature, which can make the duck intestines mature quickly, remove the fishy smell of the duck intestines to a large extent, and retain the fresh taste of the duck intestines. Sprinkle with different seasonings, and the fragrance will immediately overflow. It is oily but not greasy, spicy and delicious, and you will never tire of eating. With the mission of delivering fashionable snacks, it focuses on leisure food loved by mainstream consumers, selects duck intestines that have qualified effects on human metabolism, nerves, heart, and digestion as the main ingredients, presents them to the public in a healthy way, supports quality, and constantly creates delicious food to surprise consumers' taste buds. With better advantages, it quickly opened the snack market and has become a very mainstream snack on the streets. No. 1 is an iron plate duck intestines, a delicious and cheap fashion snack. I believe you will love it, so the popularity of duck intestines is so high!
    Intention to join: five hundred and fifty-six people Store: sixty-eight home Region: Guangdong
    Investment amount
  • six  Five duck brother iron plate duck intestines
    Wuyage Teppanyang Duck Intestine is a snack brand launched by Wuyage Teppanyang Duck Intestine Headquarters. The classic taste, inherited for a century, meets the needs of modern diet. The iron plate duck intestines of Five Duck Brother are mainly elegant and clean, and the simple and grand decoration style is conducive to improving customers' appetite, and also can provide consumers with a short but comfortable rest time. The headquarters of Wuyage Tieban Duck Intestine launched the brand of Wuyage Tieban Duck Intestine Snack, which is operated by one store and generated revenue by multiple stores. At the same time, the products are kept fresh by doing and selling now, and the equipment is also smoke-free, environmentally friendly and sanitary. It has a lot of praise in the market, and the brand image is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Five Duck Brother's iron plate duck intestines are diversified to meet different needs. Roast duck intestines are a new snack and have been loved by consumers since its launch. Roast duck sausage is a brand new snack, which has been loved by consumers since its launch and spread all over the country in a short time, becoming an indispensable delicacy for consumers to go shopping, watch dramas and other leisure and entertainment activities. Wuyage iron plate duck intestines are baked on iron plate with fresh duck intestines and sauce. The roasted duck intestines have an indescribable delicious taste, which is the main reason why it has defeated many brands of roast duck intestines to become popular online. Five duck brother iron plate duck intestines not only have roast duck intestines, a popular online product, but also have delicious dishes including roast squid, roast tripe, etc., which can meet the different needs of consumers. Five duck brother iron plate duck intestines is a special and novel food. The selected duck intestines, after processing, combined with seasoning, pickling and other crafts, make the duck intestines crispy and sweet, and complete in color. Duck intestines have a variety of flavors: cumin flavor, spicy flavor, spicy flavor and sauce flavor. All products of Five Duck Brother's Teppan Duck Intestines brand are also Teppan barbecue snacks, with tender and smooth meat and great taste! The iron plate snacks made with ribs are very attractive when you think about them. They are strung into strings, which is also convenient to eat. Besides, the ribs are very rich in protein. In addition to the special seasoning of the iron plate duck intestines of Five Duck Brother, they are a taste that no one can make. Small skewers of meat gizzards, small skewers of fresh shrimps, iron plate squid and various iron plate snacks are all special items of iron plate duck intestines of Five Duck Brother, which can be described as a dazzling array.
    Intention to join: six hundred and twelve people Store: eighty home Region: Guangdong
    Investment amount
  • seven  Shangrao Dingshuang Iron Plate Duck Intestine
    Shangrao Dingshuang Iron plate Duck Intestine has rich experience in research and development of iron plate snacks. Focusing on iron plate duck intestines, it has launched a series of iron plate delicacies to meet different people, especially young people. Shangrao Dingshuang Iron Plate Duck Intestine Franchise Brand not only pays attention to the improvement of taste, but also achieves an ultra-high cost performance ratio in food materials. We cooperate with national manufacturers to open up the upstream material chain. Every Shangrao Dingshuang Iron Plate Duck Intestine Franchise Store gets not only stable and high-quality materials, but also very favorable prices. Shangrao Dingshuang Iron Plate Duck Intestine combines duck intestines with chili, fennel and other condiments. After pickling and processing, the roasted duck intestines are crispy, sweet, and complete in color. Shangrao Dingshuang Iron Plate Duck Intestines In order to meet the diversified taste needs of consumers, the on-site store provides a variety of tastes of duck intestines, including cumin flavor, spicy flavor, spicy flavor, sauce flavor, etc. The duck intestines with a variety of tastes try to meet the taste needs of every guest. Shangrao Dingshuang Tieban Duck Intestine Store has a reasonable mix of products, which makes every consumer feel the new snack culture brought by Shangrao Dingshuang Tieban Duck Intestine. The headquarters has excellent store space planners and market planners. Dingshuang's joining allows partners to choose flexibly and controllably. Shangrao Dingshuang Iron Plate Duck Intestine Franchise Store is everywhere, and the number of cuts is still constantly updating, which is very helpful to the development of the brand, increasing the brand exposure, and also improving the brand value. Shangrao Dingshuang Tieban Duck Intestine Headquarter has an operation team, and the service department has a detailed division of labor to assist partners in opening stores throughout the process, from the early store location, store space layout, to the training and implantation of store operation management mode, technical process teaching, store opening guidance, and logistics distribution system. Snack franchise projects have been increasing. Shangrao Dingshuang Iron Plate Duck Intestine Project has significant franchise advantages. At the same time, the franchise conditions and franchise process are reasonable and clear.
    Intention to join: five hundred and seventy-five people Store: eighty-seven home Region: Jiangxi
    Investment amount
  • eight  Maoji Iron Plate Duck Intestine
    Maoji iron plate duck intestines is a leisure food project with long-term development in the domestic barbecue market, which is still popular with consumers today. The leisure and delicious barbecue experience brings huge business opportunities to the barbecue industry. Attracted by business opportunities, more and more barbecue brands have been born, and the homogenization of barbecue taste has become more and more serious. As a barbecue brand, Maoji Teppanyaki Duck Intestines broke the current situation of single taste in the barbecue industry, boldly created the Five Flavor Barbecue, and set off a new trend of leisure food. As a good brand, Maoji Iron Plate Duck Intestine is already a good choice for Jianhuo, and also a quick and fruitful choice. It is not a dream to open a Maoji iron plate duck intestines and various delicious barbecue products to meet the needs of consumers with different tastes and seize market revenue. Maoji iron plate duck intestines seize the market opportunity, aim at three trillion yuan barbecue, join us, and you will be the next one to gain something. After years of efforts, Maoji Teppan Duck Intestine Headquarters has won the favor of the majority of joined entrepreneurs. With low joining costs and good reputation, it is recognized as a small business venture that can operate steadily and is trustworthy. Maoji iron plate duck intestines area is freely selected. As long as the franchisee is interested in the store, the headquarters will have an operation team to help you do the analysis, so that you can easily sit on the revenue feast. Maoji Iron Plate Duck Intestine Franchise Brand Features 1. Breakthrough the traditional restaurant business model: with the service environment, popular food prices, high-quality nutrition, and more than 100 good cuisines, Maoji Iron Plate Duck Intestine has broken through the traditional restaurant business model, so that consumers cannot extricate themselves from liking Maoji Iron Plate Duck Intestine, and everyone can afford to consume it. 2. Good industry: Maoji iron plate duck intestines are the company's catering type. It is a new concept, popular new restaurant, unique in the industry, with unique taste. 3. Low cost: The production raw materials are uniquely formulated to achieve complete local procurement, greatly reducing procurement costs, controlling unnecessary waste in all links, and enabling franchise stores to operate under a strict learning system. 4. Low: because franchisees have used the Maoji iron plate duck intestines business model and brand trademark for many years, the difficulty and experience of independent entrepreneurship are reduced. 5. Good management: When entrepreneurs enter a relatively unfamiliar industry, they need relative management knowledge and experience. For example, it takes time and effort to explore by themselves and may not be applicable. By joining, the completely inexperienced entrepreneurs can achieve immediate success.
    Intention to join: five hundred and eighty-seven people Store: one hundred home Region: Beijing
    Investment amount
  • nine  Close the duckling with iron plate and duck intestines
    Introduction to Guan Xiaoya Tieban Duck Intestine In its development, Guan Xiaoya Tieban Duck Intestine has always adhered to quality and creation in order to produce delicious snacks that meet the tastes of contemporary people. However, it has a pivotal position in the hearts of the public and has a very strong market influence. It has won a lot of praise in the market. Now it is a good choice to open a chain store of iron plate duck intestines to close the ducklings. Fast food delivery, double line marketing, and full support for joining will strengthen the entrepreneurial burden for everyone. The level of store products is reasonable, so that every consumer can feel the brand new snack culture brought by Guan Xiaoya's iron plate duck intestines. The headquarters has excellent store space planners and market planners. Whether in street corners or supermarkets, there are corresponding craft plans. Guan Xiaoya's alliance makes the choice of partners flexible and controllable. Guanxiaoya iron plate duck intestines franchise stores are everywhere, and the number of cuts is still constantly refreshing, which is very helpful to the development of the brand, increasing the brand exposure, and also improving the brand value. The headquarters has a professional operation team, and the service department has a detailed division of labor to assist partners in opening stores throughout the process. From the early store location, store space layout, to the training and implantation of store operation management mode, technical process teaching, store opening guidance, logistics distribution system, and careful later service, partners do not worry about opening stores. The number of snack franchise projects has been increasing. The Guanxiaoya Tieban Duck Intestine Project has significant franchise advantages. At the same time, the franchise conditions and the franchise process are reasonable and clear. Guan Xiaoya's iron plate duck intestines follow the trend of fashion and the development of the catering industry. Different and varied catering types provide consumers with more choices and more businesses. The iron plate duck intestines of Guanxiaoya use advanced catering research and development technology to ensure that each cup of catering has a unique taste and consistent taste. In addition, every season, Guanxiaoya Tieban Duck Intestines will launch more new healthy and fashionable catering, so that consumers can enjoy fresh and special catering throughout the year.
    Intention to join: five hundred and thirty-three people Store: forty-four home Region: Guangdong
    Investment amount
  • ten  Gaga Spicy Iron Plate Duck Intestine
    Gaga Iron Duck Intestine is affiliated to Shenzhen Gaga Xiang Catering Co., Ltd. In terms of management, Gaga Xiangtie Duck Intestine Alliance Headquarters summarized its own management system based on successful management experience. The headquarters has a mature operation system consisting of R&D center, operation center, marketing center, etc., with hundreds of employees, and is rapidly growing. In terms of service, Gaga Xiangtie Duck Intestine Franchise Headquarters has formed a large-scale industrial chain operation service system integrating procurement, processing, warehousing and distribution with the purpose of "large-scale procurement, mechanization of production, standardization of warehousing and modernization of distribution". Material distribution stations are all over the country, helping catering entrepreneurs. In terms of products, Gaga Xiangtie Duck Intestine takes "creating a proud catering brand" as its own responsibility, introduces new local cuisines from all over China, and localizes foreign cuisines in combination with modern Chinese catering habits. The company takes customer first and forge ahead as its business philosophy; The business success of all for customers is the service concept; Take standardization and cooperation as the starting point of development; Take mutual trust as the development principle; With the goal of win-win development, we will help all projects develop horizontally and vertically throughout the country. Today, the company has carried out multi-dimensional business expansion, from the early store location to the later product update, providing customers with services and guidance throughout. Iron plate duck intestines is a street snack popular all over the country. The duck intestines are first braised, then roasted on the iron plate, and then added with sauce. It tastes spicy, crisp and refreshing. Gaga fragrant iron plate duck intestines were created by using iron plate burning and Sichuan flavor braised dishes. The process of first braising and then roasting can make the duck intestines taste better and reduce the production time of raw duck intestines. The unique fragrance produced by processing is highly praised by customers. Gaga fragrant iron plate duck intestines are simple in technology. The headquarters adopts one-on-one teaching mode, which means that students can learn whenever they come, without emphasizing experience. Anyone willing to learn can learn immediately. Gaga Xiangtie Duck Intestine Headquarters has launched good products suitable for market demand, and also provided comprehensive support policies for businesses, which should not be missed. As a special food material, duck intestines can be used to make snacks with special flavor as long as there is a unique skill. Gaga Iron plate Duck Intestine franchise brand was launched to the market, and the headquarters developed different flavors. As soon as the product was launched, it received qualified responses from consumers. It is selling well in the market with constant demand. Now it is a good time to choose this project wisely.
    Intention to join: five hundred and forty-three people Store: thirty-two home Region: Guangdong
    Investment amount
  • eleven  Qingdao Laoliu Iron Plate Duck Intestine
    Qingdao Laoliu Iron Plate Duck Intestine is mainly engaged in iron plate duck intestines. It has many years of operation and management experience in the market so far. It can provide many advantages and support to the relatives who want to join, and the cost of joining is not much. It is a franchise brand recognized and favored by many franchisees. It is a large-scale comprehensive catering incubation platform integrating catering brand incubation, product and equipment research and development, deep processing of raw materials, supply chain, logistics distribution and training services. The company takes the development of small and micro entrepreneurship projects in the catering industry as its own responsibility, and keeps forging ahead for the success of catering entrepreneurs. The project focuses on barbecue buns, and presents a delicious feast to consumers in the form of high quality and low price. Qingdao Laoliu Iron plate Duck Intestine has captured the stomach of countless consumers with its four characteristics of "fresh", "exquisite", "crispy" and "delicious". The brand has also formulated a unified service standard, produced rapidly, and created an elegant environment, attracting numerous young fashion consumers. The scene is good, and the prospect of joining is strong. Roast duck intestines, also known as iron plate duck intestines, is a street snack popular all over the country. The duck intestines are first braised, then roasted on the iron plate, and then added with manufacturing/refining sauce, which is spicy, crisp and refreshing. Qingdao Laoliu Tieban Duck Intestine was founded by adopting the technology of teppanyaki and Sichuan style braised dishes. The process of first braising and then roasting can make the duck intestines taste better, and reduce the production time of raw duck intestines. The unique fragrance produced by processing is highly praised by customers. Qingdao Laoliu iron plate duck intestines have started to fire in the market unknowingly. Qingdao Laoliu Iron Plate Duck Intestine uses fresh duck intestines as raw materials and is threaded with bamboo sticks. Then it is baked on the iron plate with manufacturing/refined sauce and sprinkled with manufacturing/refined seasoning powder. It tastes very delicious. Qingdao Laoliu iron plate duck intestines are very suitable for young people to start businesses, because the amount of franchise is relatively small and the cashier is relatively large. As a special duck snack, Qingdao Laoliu Iron Plate Duck Intestine can be seen in the busy night market stalls and the mobile dining cars beside the stations on the street. White collars, students, young people, old people and children all like it. It is a popular food with a promising development prospect. Qingdao Laoliu iron plate duck intestines are very simple, with few equipment. One iron plate equipment and a refrigerator are enough; There are few operation steps, just iron plate baking+material bag operation; Usually 1-2 people can easily run a store, and 30 strings can be eaten at a discount, which can lead to big business!
    Intention to join: six hundred and eight people Store: two hundred home Region: Shandong
    Investment amount
  • twelve  Yu Shaoye's Steamed Duck Intestines
    Yu Shaoye's iron plate duck intestines is a popular online snack brand under Anhui Yuanshang Catering Management Co., Ltd. The taste is just the old brand roast duck intestines, "encryption" of its own seasoning, taste one, and is loved by the majority of people. For snacks, besides taste, modern people pay more attention to the health and nutrition of diet, while duck intestines are rich in protein, various vitamins, calcium and other trace elements needed by human body. Moreover, duck intestines have low melting point of fatty acids, which are easy to be digested and absorbed by the human body. They contain more B vitamins and vitamins than other meats, which can enhance the metabolism of the human body, improve the immunity of the body, and even have qualified maintenance effects on nerves, hearts and vision. And it is edible for most people, whether the elderly or children. Yu Shaoye's iron plate duck intestines have been widely praised after being launched. In the fast food market, more than 20 categories and 9 flavors are enough to satisfy the appetites of snack lovers with quality and quantity guaranteed! Roast duck intestines is a newly emerging street snack project. With the advantage of low cost and fast target, it quickly occupied the market and became an extremely good snack in the streets. Since its establishment in February 2013, Mr. Yu's iron plate duck intestines have been quickly recognized by customers, which is very good. In October of the same year, because the supply of the original cooperative supplier was in short supply, Mr. Yu's iron plate duck intestines established an independent threading factory, realizing a stable and higher quality self-sufficient supply. On February 27, 2013, the flagship store of Mr. Yu's iron plate duck intestines opened. After 13 months, it has grown to more than 120 stores nationwide, covering 22 provinces and 45 regions. Duckling intestines are made in a big way. The development space is also very good, so that Young Master Yu's iron plate duck intestines can be qualified to choose to join in business. Its development prospect is very qualified. The compound business covers hundreds of delicacies, which can meet people's needs on the one hand, and on the other hand, can increase the business channel of Yu Shaoye's iron plate duck intestines. This is a franchised chain brand that has won high recognition from consumers. It is very popular in the market, and there will be great business opportunities for Mr. Yu to start his own business.
    Intention to join: six hundred and fifteen people Store: one hundred and twenty home Region: Anhui
    Investment amount
  • thirteen  Old iron plate duck intestines
    Laotie Tieban Duck Intestine has led the market with its advantages of good taste, sufficient quantity, many varieties, large market, low cost, easy production, and is deeply loved by consumers. Laotie Tieban Duck Intestine is an enterprise with many brands. The company is headquartered in the "Great Lake City" Hefei Lakeside Financial Port. Since the establishment of the restaurant in 2008, the company has developed into a comprehensive company with catering chain operation, direct channel construction, enterprise marketing planning, brand promotion and technical training as its core business. At the same time, it is famous in the catering industry for its advanced and standardized management and good dish quality assurance system. The company has made every effort to develop the old iron plate duck intestines from project establishment to research and development. After market research, it can set up a project and start from raw materials, equipment, spices, production methods and other aspects. After countless attempts, it has formed the current general product. However, the market is changing fast. Instead of being complacent, we follow the trend of the market, collect new information, constantly make changes and adapt, and strive to lead the trend. With the concerted efforts of our colleagues, the old iron plate duck intestines are getting better and better. The old iron plate duck intestines are bright in color, spicy in taste, and spicy on the surface. The duck intestines are very elastic. Once you eat them, you want to eat them again. They are made with technology and ingredients, which is unforgettable. 10 yuan and 30 strings, the cost is only two or three yuan, and the cashier is considerable. The key point is that the taste is good and famous, attracting a large number of repeat customers. Entrepreneurship needs to be cautious. Laotie Tieban Duck Intestine Company has been operating for 10 years and has developed more than 10 projects. Laotie Tieban Duck Intestine is tender inside and scorched outside. It has a charming taste, which is always unforgettable to eat and is loved by consumers. The old iron plate duck intestines can meet the daily diet needs of consumers, as long as consumers want to become entrepreneurial elements here. Not only that, iron plate duck intestines also make people's daily life more colorful and exciting, helping more entrepreneurs to obtain their own ideal wealth and business opportunities.
    Intention to join: seven hundred and three people Store: three hundred home Region: Anhui
    Investment amount
  • fourteen  Tasty Iron Plate Duck Intestine
    Youwei Tieban Duck Intestine is subordinate to the headquarters of Shenzhen Qianbaiyi Catering Management Co., Ltd. Tieban Duck Intestine is a very distinctive snack food, which has been popular with consumers since its debut. Shenzhen Qianbaiyi Catering Management Co., Ltd. is a headquarter dedicated to catering brand management and operation, mainly engaged in brand promotion, operation management, food research and development, catering chain operation, entrepreneurship consulting and planning services, among which catering chain operation is the main business of the Group. Youziwei is the first to eat iron plate duck intestines. It has rich experience in research and development of iron plate snacks. Focusing on iron plate duck intestines, it has launched a series of iron plate delicacies to meet different people, especially young people. The franchise brand of Youwei Tieban Duck Intestine not only pays attention to the improvement of taste, but also achieves high cost performance and low price and high quality in food materials. We cooperate with manufacturers across the country to open up the upstream material chain, so as to ensure that every franchise store of Youwei Tieban Duck Intestine gets not only stable and high-quality materials, but also very favorable prices, To ensure the profitability of Youweitieban Duck Intestine franchise stores. The excellent taste iron plate duck intestines combine high-quality duck intestines with various condiments such as pepper and fennel. After pickling, special techniques and other series of crafts, the roasted duck intestines are crispy and sweet, with complete colors. In order to meet the diversified taste needs of consumers, Youwei Tieban Duck Intestine provides a variety of tastes in the on-site store, including cumin flavor, spicy flavor, spicy flavor, sauce flavor, and so on. Various tastes of duck intestines try to meet the taste needs of every guest. The store products of Youwei Teppanyaki Duck Intestine are reasonably matched, so that every consumer can feel the new snack culture brought by Youwei Teppanyaki Duck Intestine. The headquarters has excellent store space planners and market planners. Whether it is at street corners or supermarkets, Youwei's joining makes the entrepreneurial choices of partners flexible and controllable. Youziwei Tieban Duck Intestine Franchise Stores are everywhere, and the number of cuts is still constantly refreshing, which is very helpful to the development of the brand, increasing the brand exposure, and also improving the brand value. The headquarters of Youwei Teppan Duck Intestine has a professional operation team. The service department has a detailed division of labor to assist partners in opening stores throughout the process, from the early store location, store space layout, to the training and implantation of store operation management mode, technical process teaching, store opening guidance, logistics distribution system, and careful late service to enable partners to open stores. The number of snack franchise projects has been increasing. The Youwei Tieban Duck Intestine Project has significant franchise advantages. At the same time, the franchise conditions and the franchise process are reasonable and clear. In the development of Youwei Teppanyaki Duck Intestine, we have always adhered to quality and reform in order to produce delicious snacks that meet the tastes of contemporary people. However, in the hearts of the public, it has a pivotal position and a very strong market influence. It has won a lot of praise in the market, and now it is a good choice to open a chain store of excellent taste iron plate duck intestines. Fast food delivery, double line marketing, and full process support of franchise will strengthen the entrepreneurial burden for everyone.
    Intention to join: six hundred and ten people Store: three hundred and ten home Region: Guangdong
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