home page > Ranking of franchise stores > Ranking List of Baked Five Flowers Friendly tip: Be cautious when joining in because of investment risks!
Popularity ranking
  • one  Yibin Special Roasted Pork
    Yibin Specialty Barbecue Spicy Pork Franchise Project is a catering chain project focusing on seafood barbecue. The brand is subordinate to Shanghai Xinhan Catering Management Co., Ltd., and has always been committed to the chain catering brand of Korean specialty snacks and fast food. Yibin Specialty Roasted Pork Franchise Headquarters was founded by Park and Hana, two Koreans. After years of development, the brand has many well-known catering franchise brands, including Yibin specialty grilled pork. Yibin special roast pork has always adhered to the principle of not selling bad things and starting from the satisfaction of guests. With unique business philosophy, we strive to expand our own business, and constantly standardize and improve the quality with the kitchen management model. In addition, the dipping requirements of Yibin characteristic roast pork are very strict. The reason why Yibin characteristic roast pork has a firm foothold in the barbecue industry is that it relies on the golden garlic paste. Minced garlic is very delicate, tastes fragrant but not strong, and also has a little sweet taste. It is totally different from the general minced garlic. Yibin characteristic roast pork has profound understanding, unique vision and keen insight to the industry, and has popularity and influence in the industry. The headquarters has strong creative resources, which can develop design ideas, make product styles more novel and unique, attract the attention of consumers, and thus increase the turnover of franchise stores. Yibin Specialty Barbecued Pork Company has a professional technical team, which provides comprehensive technical training for franchisees to help you open the store smoothly. Organize training activities irregularly to help franchisees improve their business skills faster. Yibin Specialty Barbecued Pork Headquarters provides franchisees with professional training and assessment, site selection evaluation, business guidance and other auxiliary management services. We will find out the business plan suitable for you according to different stores and situations, and find the fit point of products, customers and markets.
    Intention to join: six hundred and eighteen people Store: fifty home Region: Sichuan
    Investment amount
  • two  Yibin Baked Five Flowers
    Barbecue and seafood belong to relatively scattered industries, with little competition difficulty and uneven level of practitioners, leading to low degree of branding. At present, they have not become monopoly brands. Chuanyu Seafood Barbecue gives priority to the combination of "Seafood+Barbecue", stands out from the red sea of barbecue competition, and waits for other brands to follow up consciously. Chuanyu has quickly delineated the market. Yibin Baked Five Flowers adopts traditional baking technology and selected manufacturing condiments. The baked dishes are golden in color, attractive in aroma, crisp in skin and tender in meat, not greasy. The more you eat, the more you want to eat. It's crisp outside and tender inside. It's sallow and tempting. It's delicious and juicy, and its flavor is pure! The barbecue string of primitive people is famous in the baking world. You can experience wonderful interactive games, such as werewolf killing, Hi Song Contest, Beer Story, etc. at the Chuanyu Music BBQ Bar; Customized to meet all your requirements, birthday customization, proposal surprise, business package. Holiday carnival, World Cup, Halloween, Christmas Eve, New Year party. Gather wine and food from all over the world, eat and drink like crazy! Integrate multiple scenarios for social networking! The craftsman quality of Chuanyu Barbecue insists on researching the barbecue technology for decades, absorbs valuable nutrition from the barbecue experience of thousands of years in China, combines the barbecue styles of the North and South, introduces ingenuity Chuanyu Barbecue, and pickles private secret recipes, which is hard to compete with peers. Meet all kinds of vegetables, bean products, meat, seafood and so on. Choose the best from the best. Create DIY eating method. Customers can choose how they want to eat, choose their own taste, and match fresh meat and vegetables with balanced nutrition. 1. The taste is more pure. Yibin Baked Five Flowers has joined the club. Six characteristics unite the Jianghu. It is delicious, healthy, simple and convenient. It is rich in wealth. 2. More primitive operators join in, without the need for chefs, free equipment and technology, local purchase of food materials, and unified distribution of ingredients. 3. The operation is simpler. Yibin Baked Five Flowers is joined, and the restaurant+retail+take away. It can also be a gourmet expert without storefront and experience. It can operate breakfast, lunch and dinner all day long. 4. The site selection is more flexible. Yibin Baked Five Flowers can be opened around stations, schools and large public places (stadiums, cinemas, hospitals, parks).
    Intention to join: eight hundred and twenty-seven people Store: fifty home Region: Jiangsu
    Investment amount
  • three  A Yu Roasted Five Flowers
    Founded in 2017, the company is a national chain catering enterprise focusing on the R&D and operation of leisure kebabs. With the promotion of Sichuan cuisine culture as its own responsibility, it is a catering management and consulting brand company integrating food processing, condiment production, cold chain distribution and market operation! The company's self created brands [Ayu Roast Five Flowers], [Ayu Roast Five Flowers Meat] and [Ayu Barbecue] are at the forefront of many domestic franchise brands, which have built a solid entrepreneurial platform for the majority of entrepreneurs and franchisees, and provided good leisure snack entrepreneurship projects. The product system design of Ayu Barbecued Pork is based on people's needs, so that the proportion of protein, vitamins, minerals and other major nutrients consumed by the human body is reasonable. At the same time, Ayu roast pork with five flavors is properly matched through special cooking methods to achieve nutritional balance, nutrition complementarity and meet the long-term food nutrition needs of human life. The new style of Ayu Barbecue led to a consumption frenzy. The tumbling barbecue delicacies were enjoyed in the palm of your hand, and the characteristics were eye-catching. A Yu barbecued pork, but the little barbecue has the life of online celebrity food. The creative way of eating shares three meals in the morning, lunch and evening, occupying the table, and arousing the high attention of all kinds of food. This is a brand that makes a wide range of customers particularly satisfied, and the taste of food is relatively good. Ayu Barbecued Pork breaks the traditional barbecue mode, and puts the barbecue in the box and carries it with you, so that the diners can eat, play, and go shopping without any mistakes, which is in line with the current fast-paced cultural trend. Ayu Roasted Spicy Pork has a unique taste, which is spicy, delicious, dripping, sweet but not greasy, and nutritious and healthy. Ayu Barbecued Pork is a feast that integrates vision and taste for every customer. The Ayu Barbecued Pork Delicacy Project has reduced the cost of the kebab project by making use of professional production. The kebab is roasted and sold now, not fried. Roasted at high temperature, it is environmentally friendly and clean, the taste seeps in, the oil seeps out, the outside is burnt and the inside is tender, fragrant but not greasy. The Ayu Roast Pork Shop only sells fresh products on the same day. The products do not stay overnight. They are purchased in a regular way and have good conscience. The A-yu Baked Five Flowers Franchise Project is attracting investment from all over the country. Entrepreneurs are welcome to call and investigate the project.
    Intention to join: five hundred and four people Store: seven hundred home Region: Hebei
    Investment amount
  • four  Ayu Baked Five Flowers
    Aryu Bakery Wuhua Company was officially established in 2017. It is a national chain catering enterprise focusing on the R&D and operation of leisure kebabs. It is a catering brand company integrating food processing, condiment production, cold chain distribution and market operation, with the mission of promoting Sichuan cuisine culture! The company is at the forefront of many domestic franchise brands of kebab, and has built a solid entrepreneurial platform for the majority of entrepreneurs, providing good leisure snacks entrepreneurial projects. In the process of product system design, the proportion of protein, vitamins, minerals and other major nutrients consumed by the human body is reasonable according to people's needs. At the same time, Ayuyu Baked Five Flowers has been cooked in a special way, and the five flavors are properly matched to achieve nutritional balance, nutrition complementarity, and meet the long-term nutritional needs of human life for food. The new style of Ayu Roast with Five Flowers has triggered a consumption frenzy, and the tumbling barbecue food is enjoyed in the palm of your hand, attracting the consumer masses with eye-catching features. When Ah met the five flowers, the little barbecue had the life of online celebrity food. The creative way of eating shared breakfast, lunch and dinner, and occupied the table, which attracted the attention of all kinds of food. This is a brand that makes a wide range of customers particularly satisfied, and the taste of food is relatively good. Ayu Roast Five Flowers breaks the traditional barbecue mode of eating in the hall, and puts the barbecue in the box and carries it with you, so that the diners can eat, play, and go shopping without any mistakes, which is in line with the current fast-paced cultural trend. Ayuyu Baked Five Flowers has a unique taste, which is spicy, pleasant, numb, dripping, sweet but not greasy, and nutritious and healthy. Ayuyu Baked Five Flowers provides every customer with a sensory feast integrating vision and taste. The Ayuyu Baked Five Flower Food Project has reduced the cost of the kebab project by using the industrial production. The kebab is baked and sold now, not fried. Roasted at high temperature, it is environmentally friendly and clean, the taste seeps in, the oil seeps out, the outside is burnt and the inside is tender, fragrant but not greasy. The Ayuyu Baked Five Flowers Store only sells fresh goods on the same day, and the products do not stay overnight. They are purchased formally and conscientiously. The Ayuyu Baked Five Flowers franchise project is attracting investment from all over the country. Entrepreneurs are welcome to call for inquiries and investigate the project.
    Intention to join: six hundred and sixty-eight people Store: ninety home Region: Sichuan
    Investment amount
  • five  Korean Roasted Pork
    I don't know since when there have been a lot of Korean style grilled pork franchisees in the catering market in China. What's more, many stores are operating well, which has attracted the attention of many franchisees. Therefore, more and more stores have opened about it in recent years. The following points are analyzed by Xiao Bian. 1. There are a large number of consumers, no matter what kind of stores they open, they need to have a large number of customers, so they can bring more wealth to themselves. Korean style grilled pork is popular with consumers because of its unique taste, so more and more young people want to engage in this industry in recent years, After all, no one wants to miss a good project. 2. The production process of barbecue is simple. Many people have no cooking experience before they operate catering stores. The production method of Korean style grilled pork is relatively simple. As long as you study hard a little, you can easily master the cooking skills of the store, so as to better serve the vast number of consumers. Because of this, its stores have become more and more open in recent years, spreading in many cities in China, even in some remote places. 3. Rich nutrition of food There are many franchise stores of Korean style roast pork, and each store has its own characteristics. So when preparing the store, everyone should pay attention to the nutritional value of the food, and make special food suitable for all ages, which can greatly improve the sales of the store's products. 4. With broad development space, through continuous market efforts, the Korean style roast pork industry has broad development space. Even the inexperienced entrepreneur Xiaobai can easily realize his dream of boss, so the scale of the industry is growing. 5. More importantly, the operating cost is not high. According to the relevant market research, the cost of opening a Korean style barbecued pork franchise store is relatively small. About 300000 yuan can be used to create a decent store in an ordinary county, including all the links of opening a store, These fees are very attractive for those young partners who want to become rich. If franchisees want to know more about Korean style grilled pork franchise stores, they can run more stores, or use the current network power to search, believing that they can get more information beneficial to themselves, and avoid unnecessary troubles in the future store preparation process, At the same time, it can also drive the better development of new stores.
    Intention to join: seven hundred and eighteen people Store: one hundred and seven home Region: Shandong
    Investment amount
  • six  Atai Barbecued Pork
    Atai Barbecued Pork is spicy, delicious, tender, crisp, and fat. It's delicate and authentic. Xiaobai can also rely on professional companies. Based in Chongqing, Atai Barbecued Pork is a brand subordinate to Chongqing Shishan Chouyi Catering Management Co., Ltd. Chongqing Shishanzhuyi Catering Management Co., Ltd. is a local professional catering company specializing in creating street snack culture. It has complete experience in chain management of catering snack brands, and has a good team and management model. At the beginning of the establishment of the brand of Altai Roast Pork, it was oriented to the mission of "basing itself on Chongqing and moving towards the whole country", and actively created street snacks of "explosive, delicious and fast". Altai mainly sells all kinds of honey baked buns with pork as the main dish, supplemented by drinks that strive to further expand the market in winter and summer, so that every store can operate without worry all year round. Atai Barbecued Pork became popular in the street once it was launched, and fans flocked to it. There was a long queue in front of each store. Quality determines the market High quality and low price Atai roast pork has always adhered to the policy of "quality determines the market", and continuously exported new products. In terms of quality control, strict management system and strict control measures shall be implemented. We always adhere to the principle that the interests of consumers are above everything, and resolutely reduce fake and inferior products or products with inferior quality and high price. In the future, we will also be committed to providing our respected customers with high-quality and low-cost food products with unremitting efforts, professional cooperation spirit and professional services. A variety of single products and various types of solicitors' signboards shout that the fancy pork is not greasy, and the more you eat, the more fragrant it is. It is soft and soft. Quick roasted small fresh meat is delicious and can be seen immediately. Spicy crispy bones make the taste of bittern oil. We are serious about baking skewers. Bombing squid must produce more than 10 kinds of sauces to give play to the delicious grilled string. Spicy roasted chicken skin is used to make marinade, which has different flavors.
    Intention to join: eight hundred and thirty-six people Store: three hundred home Region: Chongqing
    Investment amount
  • seven  Baked five flowers on a large plate
    There are many brands in the catering industry. For entrepreneurs, choosing a franchise project that suits them is the first step and also a crucial step. Xiao Bian recommends the big plate roast five flowers for you. As a leader in the barbecue industry, Dabankewuhua has always adhered to the combination of product quality and service quality, accounting for a large proportion of market sales. As a famous catering brand, Dabankewuhua is delicious and affordable, so it has won the favor of many consumers. Consumers in the store are always bustling. It is a good project for entrepreneurs to bake flowers on a big board and stir up food. The headquarters conducts professional business circle analysis and local consumption capacity assessment on the selected store site of the cooperator to provide professional suggestions for the cooperator to choose the cooperation mode and business form suitable for its own operation and brand development. The standard menu is provided. If the local food habits and consumption levels of the partners are different from the specific environment of the business circle where the cooperative stores are located, but need to be adjusted, the headquarters will comprehensively consider the introduction series of dishes of the cooperative stores, propose a scientific product portfolio plan, and explore the sales potential of the cooperative stores. Adhering to the service tenet of "cordial hospitality and conscientious management", Daban Baked Five Flowers has become a chain restaurant brand trusted and recognized by major franchise stores and consumers. In addition to attracting the attention of consumers, Daban Baked Five Flowers has also won the favor of many entrepreneurs with qualified consumer reputation and broad development prospects. Nowadays, franchise stores of Daban Baked Five Flowers have spread across many major cities in China, and brand awareness is growing. Nowadays, the development of Daban Baked Five Flowers is getting better and better, the number of franchise stores is increasing, the market coverage is also getting wider and wider, and the enthusiasm of franchisees is growing. If you want to join in and open a store, you need to start early. If you have a heart attack, then act quickly! I hope I can help you with the detailed joining information of Big Board Baked Five Flowers.
    Intention to join: seven hundred and thirty-seven people Store: five hundred and eighty-seven home Region: Shanghai
    Investment amount
  • eight  Ayu Barbecued Pork
    The product system design of Ayu Roasted Streaky Pork is based on the needs of people's bodies, so that the proportion of protein, vitamins, minerals and other major nutrients consumed by the human body is reasonable. At the same time, Ayu Roasted Streaky Pork is cooked in a special way, and the five flavors are properly and reasonably matched to achieve nutritional balance, nutrition complementarity, and meet the long-term food nutrition needs of human life. The new eating method of Ayu Barbecued Pork has triggered a consumption frenzy, and the tumbling barbecue food is enjoyed in the palm of your hand, attracting the consumer masses with eye-catching features. When Ah Yu roasted streaky meat, the little roast meat had the life of online celebrity food. The creative eating method combined breakfast, lunch and dinner, and occupied the table, which caused high attention from all kinds of food. This is a brand that makes a wide range of customers particularly satisfied, and the taste of food is relatively good. Ayu Barbecued Pork breaks the traditional barbecue mode, and puts the barbecue in the box and carries it with you, so that the diners can eat, play, and go shopping without any mistakes, which is in line with the current fast-paced cultural trend. Ayu Roasted Streaky Pork has a unique taste, which is spicy, delicious, delicious, dripping, sweet but not greasy, and nutritious and healthy. Ayu Barbecued Pork is a sensory feast integrating vision and taste for every customer. The Ayu Roasted Pork Delicacy Project has reduced the cost of the kebab project by making use of industrial production. The kebab is roasted and sold now, not fried. Roasted at high temperature, it is environmentally friendly and clean, the taste seeps in, the oil seeps out, the outside is burnt and the inside is tender, fragrant but not greasy. The Ayuyu Roast Pork Shop only sells fresh products on the same day, and the products do not stay overnight. It is a regular purchase with conscience and quality. It is easy to operate, fast to achieve goals, and people love to eat. Food is the most important thing for the people. You can understand the broad and mature market at a glance. A new and fashionable leisure catering brand, Ayu Barbecued Pork, advocates independent, novel and fashionable personality. No matter from the choice of taste or the matching of health and nutrition, "Ayu roast pork shows its unique style.
    Intention to join: one thousand one hundred and ninety-eight people Store: two hundred and sixty-nine home Region: Sichuan
    Investment amount
  • nine  Baked five flowers
    Baked Wuhua is based on the principle of honesty, honesty, mutual benefit and mutual benefit, and the common efforts of people of insight from all over the world to make it bigger and stronger. We sincerely look forward to working with you to create brilliance. The healthy development of China's catering industry and the provision of a superior entrepreneurial platform for small entrepreneurs have made due efforts to make 100 times more efforts for all entrepreneurs who joined us, to provide more and more entrepreneurial environments and rich cash receipts for entrepreneurs, as well as countless laid-off people to achieve their goals. However, over the years, street barbecues have become smoky and the sanitary conditions are poor, seriously affecting the environment and the health of diners. Many large and medium-sized cities have some restrictions on traditional barbecues. In the pursuit of green environmental protection and healthy diet today, the emergence of new, healthy, hygienic, high-quality, branded barbecue free barbecue meets the needs of the market, so once launched, it will be popular all over the country. The trend of grilling five flowers has even surpassed the traditional barbecue and become a new urban barbecue fashion. Moreover, because of its small business, simple operation and operational characteristics, Baked Five Flowers has brought wealth opportunities to countless small and medium-sized entrepreneurs, and will soon create countless new catering wealth myths! " If they meet the conditions for joining in, and have the joining fee, they can join in the store to realize their dream of entrepreneurship! Baked Wuhua focuses on the color, flavor and perfection of food, especially on the flavor. First, marinate the raw materials for several hours, let the flavor of spices penetrate into the bones and muscles, and then attack them with gentle fire. During this period, the key is to properly handle the heat. More is burnt skin and rotten meat, less is not crisp. Only when it is just right, can it bake crisp and fragrant to the bone. The best baked goods are burnt outside and tender inside. The aroma is overflowing. It is very good to bake five flowers here. Eating meat and drinking wine in large bowls, while for barbecue food, we should chew carefully and taste slowly, so that we can understand the essence of it. When we roast five flowers, we will have appetite, taste and taste. The barbecue food made of baked five flowers/refined, combined with the unique skills of the northern and southern pickles, and carefully baked with the creative manufacturing/refined barbecue materials, can produce an incomparable rich flavor, juicy taste, and lasting aftertaste.
    Intention to join: five hundred and forty-two people Store: two hundred home Region: Shanghai
    Investment amount
  • ten  Barbecued pork rice with five flowers
    The grilled pork rice with five flowers is not only delicious, but also has reasonable meat and vegetable mix, balanced diet nutrition, and different sauces for consumers to choose freely in taste. Moreover, the speed of serving is fast, and the production process of grilled wuhua meatloaf is simple and easy to operate. It can be served in about 2 minutes, allowing consumers to enjoy instant delicious food. Therefore, grilled wuhua meatloaf is very popular in the fast food industry. The reason why grilled wuhua meatloaf can produce unique and delicious wuhua meatloaf is that the brand is very strict in the selection of pork. It can only be cooked after meat picking, bacon, bacon and other steps. Every franchise store is very popular every day. The barbecue just came out of the oven, emitting an attractive fragrance. Streaky Pork is crisp and fluffy. The outer pig skin has been roasted to yellow, fat and thin. It is also covered with soy sauce. The golden crisp meat skin is accompanied by the sound of clicking and cutting meat. The meat fragrance overflows, and every mouthful can surprise the taste buds. Of course, the brand has many flavors of crispy pork, including spicy, cumin, five flavor, Korean barbecue, and Qiqihar flavor. Each flavor has its own unique flavor, which is also the reason why consumers like grilled pork rice. Each process of grilled streaky pork rice is strictly refined and standardized, with crispy skin and delicious meat, and endless aftertaste. The joining of crispy skin and streaky pork snacks makes it have more customers, and its business will be better. This kind of crispy roast pork is not only delicious but also nutritious. It is believed that the grilled pork meal food project is suitable and desirable. It can use green and environmentally friendly ingredients with zero additives. In order to maintain the freshness of the quality, the ingredients in the restaurant are bought and worn every day. The refrigerator in the food taking area is displayed outside to see the whole process of production, so that consumers don't worry about eating more. Here, they don't worry about reading and stringing. They can always see the store is full of people. It is popular in the catering market, and has become an online celebrity store where everyone is willing to come to clock in.
    Intention to join: five hundred and thirty-six people Store: sixty-six home Region: Fujian
    Investment amount
  • eleven  Sichuan style Meiroast Pork Barbecue
    "Sichuan Meishao Spicy Barbecue" is a barbecue brand under the headquarters of Sichuan Meishao Spicy Barbecue, and a franchise brand of Sichuan Meishao Spicy Barbecue. Adhering to the concept of healthy and leisure light food barbecue, Sichuan Meishao Spicy Barbecue provides a franchise of barbecue skewers featuring grilled pork. There are hundreds of stores nationwide with large support and little investment. One person can open a store! "Sichuan Meiroast Spicy Pork Barbecue" is a barbecue brand under the headquarters of Sichuan Meiroast Spicy Pork Barbecue, and Sichuan Meiroast Spicy Pork Barbecue Company is a national chain brand company operating healthy, leisure and delicious snacks. The company has a complete operation team, professional R&D team, a strong production scale and a fast cold chain distribution system. The "Sichuan Flavor Meiroast Streaky Pork Barbecue" under the company is the main project that the company devotes itself to building. Among them, the "Barbecue Streaky Pork" is the star product of the Sichuan Flavor Meiroast Streaky Pork Barbecue project, which has been put into the market and deeply loved by consumers. We can not only make snack trucks to set up stalls in the night market, but also make stores to open a small stall. At present, people can't stop their desire for food. The characteristic barbecue of Sichuan Flavor American Barbecue has become a good business opportunity. Some small projects are often attractive. The sales volume became more and more prosperous. Sichuan Meiroast Streaky Pork Barbecue is a well-known brand among consumers. It has a great popularity and has become a very famous snack item. Since the establishment of the project, the company has always adhered to the business philosophy of "economic benefits", and has always insisted on polishing each product with qualified raw materials, scientific and lean processes, and the attitude of professional research. Provide delicious food for fans and partners of Sichuan Meimei Barbecue! Even the catering industry of big brands is facing financial difficulties. Entrepreneurs who have the idea of engaging in the catering industry also begin to retreat, even if it is a small project. During this period, Sichuan Meiroast Pork Barbecue has made its own way, and its direct stores and franchise stores are everywhere. One of the major advantages of Sichuan Meimei Barbecue is its flexibility. Whether you only have a 10 square meter store or an outdoor booth, it can meet the opening requirements.
    Intention to join: five hundred and thirty people Store: two hundred and forty-seven home Region: Sichuan
    Investment amount
  • twelve  Stir fried pork with rice mixture
    Based on the traditional Korean style mixed rice, after years of improvement, it has gradually formed a mixed rice snack suitable for our taste and characteristics. Focusing on the research and development of Chinese catering culture and Korean style mixed rice culture, it is a catering organization integrating featured catering, food production, counseling, store opening and chain operation, Franchised chain enterprises that carry out legal operation. Mixed Rice Immortal Barbecued Pork is not only delicious, but also has reasonable meat and vegetable mix, balanced diet nutrition, and different sauces for consumers to choose freely in taste. In addition, the serving speed is fast, and the production process of Banfan Immortal Barbecued Pork is simple and easy to operate. It can be served in about 2 minutes, so that consumers can enjoy instant delicious food. Therefore, Banfan Immortal Barbecued Pork is very popular in the fast food industry. Banfan Xian grilled pork, which focuses on all kinds of Korean food, featured stone pot rice, seaweed steamed rice, Korean cold dishes, and leisure drinks. Fashion, youth, and liveliness are its synonyms. Nutrition, health, and delicacy are its constant qualities. It is easy to operate and fast to serve. The food is diverse, the price is close to the people, there is more sentiment and friendship, full of warmth. Banfan Immortal Barbecued Pork focuses on Korean high-quality food, and pays special attention to the main vessel - stone pot. The stone pot is made of Korean bluestone and maifan stone. It is environmentally friendly and durable, with strong heat storage, and suitable for long-term high-temperature cooking. The stone pot is not sticky when used, the cooking food is beautiful and delicious, the heat preservation performance is good, and the stone pot is rich in various trace elements beneficial to human body. Compared with the traditional catering, the Korean stone pot rice with minced pork grilled with rice mixture is a different kind of food and a different way of eating. It can bring out healthy and delicious food and good entrepreneurial projects. Banfan Immortal Barbecued Pork has constantly met the needs of consumers and become one of the most popular delicacies. While the market continues to develop, the Banfan Immortal Barbecued Pork has also attracted attention. It attracts more consumers and franchisees with its unique taste. The brand of Banfan Immortal Barbecued Pork has been far away from most brands in the industry. Banfan Immortal Barbecued Pork is a star brand in the industry, and it infects consumers with the power of culture to build brand trust and reputation.
    Intention to join: five hundred and sixty-four people Store: one hundred home Region: Shanghai
    Investment amount
  • thirteen  Barbecue pork with original skewer
    Introduction to Yuanchuanbaba Barbecue Spicy Pork: Since its inception, Yuanchuanbaba Barbecue Spicy Pork has been focusing on technology research and development, focusing on the creation of dishes and technology, laying a solid foundation for enterprise development. Technical achievements have become the core competitiveness of Zhongchuang Yongxin today, and it is precisely because it has mastered the basic and core product elements in catering, that every product launched by the original skewer of barbecued pork can be accepted by the market. Franchisees who want to inquire about the cost of joining the original skewer barbecue, please call for consultation. The secret of delicious barbecue is to use special fragrant sauce and medium spice seasoning to marinate, which makes barbecue food delicious and economical. So the barbecue with sprinkles in the past years almost all gradually disappeared. Many schools of barbecue come to learn the curing technology of the original skewer to barbecue pork. It has become a classic of barbecue franchise store technology. Yuanchuanbaba Barbecue can produce seven different flavors, and more than 11700 varieties can be roasted. If you can't eat it in other places, you can feast your eyes on it. The variety is different. When the wind is downwind, you can smell the flavor of Yuanchuanbaba Barbecue for more than 100 meters. If you eat it, it is not greasy or hot. Business is brisk all the year round, and there is no difference between peak and low seasons. Yuanchuanba Barbecue Franchise Store is like a lightning bolt, breaking the sky of barbecue snacks sleeping for thousands of years; It was like a thunderclap, which stimulated people's enthusiasm for barbecue. Today, there are traces of entrepreneurs who have barbecued streaky pork everywhere, and many crispy barbecue shops have become a beautiful local scenery. Most of the trainees who participated in the barbecue training became local successful entrepreneurs. One side breeds people from all over the world. It can be seen from this that how is the business of the barbecue franchise store? From the original skewer of barbecued pork, you can see the general idea. The secret of Yuanchuanba to make barbecued pork delicious is to marinate it with special fragrant sauce and medium spice seasoning, so that the barbecue food is delicious and material saving. So the barbecue with sprinkles in the past years almost all gradually disappeared. Many schools of barbecue come to learn the curing technology of the original skewer to barbecue pork. It has become a classic of barbecue franchise store technology. Yuanchuanbaba Barbecue can produce seven different flavors, and more than 11700 varieties can be roasted. If you can't eat it in other places, you can feast your eyes on it. The variety is different. When the wind is downwind, you can smell the flavor of Yuanchuanbaba Barbecue for more than 100 meters. If you eat it, it is not greasy or hot. Business is brisk all the year round, and there is no difference between peak and low seasons.
    Intention to join: seven hundred and two people Store: one hundred home Region: Beijing
    Investment amount
  • fourteen  Roast pork immediately
    A catering management company integrating product research and development, brand promotion and store operation. The brand "Zaobao" belongs to Chengdu Ma Xiaoer Catering Management Co., Ltd. "Zaobao Zaobao" is a leisure and entertainment kebab brand specially promoted by Ma Xiaoer. It is spicy, spicy, fresh and fragrant, It is deeply loved by consumers. "Roast, roll and roast pork now" opened stores in Chengdu, and then set up several stores in Sichuan, Chongqing, Hunan, Hubei and Fujian respectively (Qingyang Wanda Store, Longhu Jinnan Tianjie Store, Longhu Times Tianjie Store, Dujiangyan Xingfu Road Store, Dujiangyan South Bridge Store, Mianyang Majiaxiang Store, New City Plaza Store, Longquan Wuyue Plaza Store, Neijiang Wanda Store, Renshou Huijin Plaza Store, etc.). The authentic Sichuan traditional barbecue flavor is targeted at 18-38 year old customers. The company's strong R&D strength has changed the past shortcomings of barbecue food, such as large oil smoke and complex baking. All products are produced in factories, and the whole process of cold chain logistics is distributed uniformly. "Roast Pork" can be opened in a wide range of areas, such as commercial centers, transportation hubs, small pedestrian streets, middle schools, near universities, mature communities, business office buildings, etc. After years of precipitation and market test, the business model is more competitive and has become a reputation brand in the fashion leisure snack industry. "Barbecued Pork at Once" caters to the dietary needs and consumption habits of most young people, makes consumers feel cost-effective, reassures partners, and gains a sense of honor and achievement. Only then does it frequently expand the circle of friends and become a catering snack project with franchise potential. It can be said that Barbecue Pork is a brand in the barbecue industry. Its main business includes barbecue, which is of high quality and low price, so it has won the favor of consumers. Since it was launched into the market, it has been trusted and loved by consumers. Now the brand of Barbecued Pork is recruiting partners nationwide. Since the news of joining was announced, it has attracted a large number of people with lofty ideals. Now, the joining is in hot progress, and the opportunity is not lost. Seizing the opportunity is to seize the wealth.
    Intention to join: seven hundred and eight people Store: one hundred home Region: Sichuan
    Investment amount
  • fifteen  Sichuan Flavored Barbecued Pork
    "Chuanweimei" is a barbecue brand owned by Sichuan Chuanweimei Food Technology Co., Ltd., and a special barbecue franchise brand of [Chuanweimei]. Adhering to the concept of healthy and leisure light food barbecue, it provides barbecue skewers with the characteristics of grilled pork. There are hundreds of stores in China with large support and little investment. One person can open a store! "Chuanweimei" is a barbecue brand owned by Sichuan Chuanweimei Food Technology Co., Ltd. Chuanweimei is a national chain brand company operating healthy, leisure and delicious snacks. The company has a complete operation team, professional R&D team, a strong production scale and a fast cold chain distribution system. The "Sichuan Meibabaoshao" under the company is the main project that the company devotes itself to building. Among them, "Barbecued Pork" is the star product of the Sichuan Meibabaoshao project, which is deeply loved by consumers. Sichuan Weimei is a national chain brand of barbecue. Up to now (July 2020), there are 586 restaurants in China. We can not only make snack trucks to set up stalls in the night market, but also make stores to open a small stall. At present, people can't stop their desire for food, and Sichuan Weimei barbecue snack truck has become a good business opportunity. Some small projects are often attractive. The sales volume became more and more prosperous. Sichuan Weimei BBQ Snack Cart is a well-known brand among consumers, which has a great popularity and has become a very famous snack project. Since the establishment of the project, the company has always adhered to the business philosophy of "economic benefits", and has always insisted on polishing each product with qualified raw materials, scientific and lean processes, and the attitude of professional research. Provide delicious food to the fans and partners of Sichuan Weimei Roast String! How difficult is the catering industry this year? Just look at the closed catering enterprises in the first half of the year. Because of the impact of the epidemic, many of the catering industry in the first half of this year was closed. Even the catering industry of big brands was facing financial difficulties. Entrepreneurs who have ideas to engage in the catering industry also begin to retreat, even for small projects. During this period, Sichuan Meiroast Streaky Pork has made its own way, and direct stores and franchise stores are everywhere. Sichuan Weimei has a big advantage, that is, the flexibility of opening a store. Whether you have only 10 square meters of store or only one outdoor booth, you can meet the requirements of opening a store.
    Intention to join: five hundred and eleven people Store: four hundred and eleven home Region: Sichuan
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  • sixteen  Barbecue pork immediately
    Chengdu Ma Xiaoer Catering Management Co., Ltd. is a catering management company integrating product research and development, brand promotion and store operation. The brand "Ma Xiaoer" belongs to Chengdu Ma Xiaoer Catering Management Co., Ltd. The brand "Ma Xiaoer Roasted Pork" is a leisure and entertainment barbecue brand specially promoted by Ma Xiaoer, which is spicy, spicy, fresh and fragrant, It is deeply loved by consumers. "Barbecued Pork at Once" opened stores in Chengdu, and then in Sichuan, Chongqing, Hunan, Hubei and Fujian (Qingyang Wanda Store, Longhu Jinnan Tianjie Store, Longhu Shidai Tianjie Store, Dujiangyan Xingfu Road Store, Dujiangyan South Bridge Store, Mianyang Majiaxiang Store, New City Plaza Store, Longquan Wuyue Plaza Store, Neijiang Wanda Store, Renshou Huijin Plaza Store, etc.). The authentic Sichuan traditional barbecue flavor is targeted at 18-38 year old customers. The company's strong R&D strength has changed the past shortcomings of barbecue food, such as large oil smoke and complex baking. All products are produced in factories, and the whole process cold chain logistics is distributed in a unified way. The food safety and taste of products are strictly controlled. The product concept of "immediately broiled pork" focuses on eating healthily and enjoying fashionable delicacies, which has attracted many young consumers. It is grounded and fully differentiated, with good taste, and many people come back! After tasting more than 300 kinds of ingredients, more than 60 types of sauces, and testing more than 20 kinds of baking tools, it took 18 months to research, develop, and polish the horse broiled pork products, presenting 6 classic kebabs and 15 auxiliary kebabs. Among them, the hot and crisp pork, which is a popular product sold at once, has rich layers and is not greasy. The more you eat, the more fragrant you will be. In addition, there are small crispy bones, small fresh meat, fragrant chicken skin, squid whiskers, chicken meat and other products with a wide audience. The self owned product R&D team will continue to export new products in combination with consumers' tastes and market trends. The areas where the store can be opened are wide, such as commercial center, transportation hub, small pedestrian street, middle school, near university, mature community, business office building, etc. After years of precipitation and market test, the business model is more competitive and has become a well-known brand in the fashion leisure snack industry.
    Intention to join: five hundred and thirteen people Store: four hundred and twenty-one home Region: Sichuan
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  • seventeen  Giant Hunan Roast Five Flowers
    Juju Hunan Roast Five Flowers is made by Changsha Juju Hunan Roast Five Flowers Catering Management Co., Ltd. Juju Hunan Roast with Five Flowers is a specialty of six flavors and five flowers, and any flavor is excellent, which satisfies the pursuit of diners for "barbecue, more colorful meat". What support does Juju Xiang Baked Five Flowers have? With its unique taste and user-friendly price, Juju Hunan Baked Five Flowers stands out among many brands, and barbecue is a very popular food now. As a completely different delicacy, Juju Hunan Baked Five Flowers greatly meets the taste buds needs of different consumers, and has a wide audience. In addition, Jujuxiang Barbecue Wuhua focuses on Wuhua Barbecue, and its delicious food is loved by most people, so it has a good development no matter where it is. Jujuxiang Barbecue Wuhua is located in the public with distinctive brand characteristics. It focuses on the barbecue food with Changsha characteristics. It is a combination of barbecue and Chinese catering, including the signature barbecue series, classic seafood series, winter hot pot series, appetizer cold dishes series, casserole porridge series, staple snacks series, etc., which fully meets the needs of all kinds of people and is the choice for leisure parties. In terms of franchise, the headquarters provides site selection suggestions, decoration design, management and technical training and other services related to store opening, so that any experienced and inexperienced entrepreneur can easily open a store. JuJuXiang roast five flowers, business is booming, money is rolling in, naturally also worry about. Coupled with Jujuxiang Roast with five flowers and forty flavors, all kinds of classic barbecue food smell fresh and taste delicious, and the competitors can't imitate health is fundamental: Jinnuolang's quality is pure, Jinnuolang's store is specialized in procurement and strict inspection, and its links are traceable and transparent management. Every kind of meat and vegetable comes from a special supply company; Food materials, raw materials, fruits and vegetables, and drinks have passed rigorous quality inspection and certification, all of which are essences. The international priority acid removal process is used to solve the problem of harmful substances in meat, which is easy to be cooked and rotten, delicate and delicious; With the essence of Korean ginseng, it has higher nutritional value. The strict quality of Jujuxiang Roast Five Flowers ensures the integration of the traditional culture "medicine and food have the same origin" concept, the ingenious combination of scientific diet, the joint interpretation of Dajangjian heirs and famous gourmet Master Jing, the golden combination of Chinese and Korean masters, and the creation of low-fat, high nutrition brand barbecue.
    Intention to join: six hundred and ninety people Store: sixty-five home Region: Hunan
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  • eighteen  Roast pork
    Roast Five Flowers National Chain Restaurant was founded in 1995. Since its inception, it has always adhered to the business philosophy of "honest service, value for money", bringing customers a pleasant dining experience. Nowadays, there are dozens of stores in the country. Bake the five flowers in a healthy non barbecue order, advocate a green, healthy and fashionable life order, select good raw materials, and match with manufactured/refined sauce, which is favored by the majority of diners. The roast five flowered dishes are characterized by the combination of western and Japanese styles. There is no iron plate platform. The chef cooks on the spot to give guests a new enjoyment of vision and taste. In Dayu, you can taste nearly 100 kinds of sushi, sashimi, tempura, teppanyaki and other delicacies, as well as red wine, sake and juice. Another characteristic of Dayu is that the restaurant is strict with food materials. The company collects fresh food materials from all over the world and purchases them in a group way, so that diners can taste fresh and delicious food. The restaurant is elegantly decorated, suitable for friends gathering, family gatherings, lovers dating, business banquets, birthday parties, etc. You can enjoy the chef's exquisite performance while you have dinner. It's really a feast for your eyes as well as your mouth. Healthy and environment-friendly dishes of various colors and considerate service have made baked five flowers a popular restaurant in China in recent years. Roasted Wuhua's specialties: cod, Norwegian salmon, Japanese tuna, Japanese sushi, Japanese pancakes, steak, raw Xuelong black cattle, various Japanese grilled fish, Neimenggu lamb chops king, oysters, mussels, scallop king, Gillette shrimp, tempura shrimp, fruits, desserts, and nearly 100 varieties, including Japanese sake, wine, all kinds of beer Beverages and fresh juice. Japanese Sashimi platter: fat Norwegian salmon, Japanese octopus, tuna, sweet shrimp, and rattlefish are loaded on board. Teppanyaki Imported Lamb Steak: The imported lamb Steak is fried on the Teppanyaki until its skin is fragrant and tender. With the seasoning ingredients of * *, it is particularly tasty. Imported oysters: imported oysters with a light sweet taste of seawater. Add lemon juice and garlic to roast slowly to highlight the flavor. Steamed Eggs with Goose Liver: First, steam the prepared eggs on an iron plate, add the crabs, and taste soft, smooth and fragrant.
    Intention to join: five hundred and fifty-seven people Store: forty-two home Region: Shanghai
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  • nineteen  Original skewer of roast pork
    The original skewered roast pork has always been committed to developing new products, employing many talents, constantly innovating, and constantly introducing new products and styles to meet and attract the attention of consumers. The market sales are good, the brand recognition is high, and the development space is large. Nowadays, in the barbecue industry, the market share of the original skewer roast pork is still increasing. In many franchise stores of the original skewer roast pork, almost every store has a continuous stream of consumers, and the profit of franchise is also very considerable. Business philosophy The company has always adhered to the business philosophy of "Let all people who love food enjoy healthy and high-quality leisure snacks", adhered to the use of quality raw materials, dishes with fine and scientific processing processes, and committed to the development and production of each product, so that customers who come to the original skewer of grilled pork can have a comfortable experience. The company has developed for many years and accumulated a lot of experience. Now it has a mature and sound operation team and research and development team, and has adopted advanced production technology, and has a fast and convenient logistics distribution center. The management team of the company escorted the original skewer of grilled pork, making it a famous food brand in China! Brand introduction The original skewer of grilled pork is ingeniously used. It tastes good, tastes delicious, and tastes delicious. The original skewer of roast pork with streaks of pork has a persistent fragrance. The taste is fresh and tender, fragrant but not greasy, and the taste is unforgettable. As mentioned by the brand, the original skewer of roast pork is fragrant to the point of eating dregs. The original skewer of roast pork with streaks has a unique taste, which is hot and delicious, numb and delicious, sweet but not greasy, and nutritious and healthy. The original skewer of grilled pork will provide every customer with a sensory feast integrating vision and taste. Market analysis In the current catering snacks, barbecue is a favorite snack. After technical production, the barbecue snacks are marketable, good quality, healthy, fashionable, reassuring, and worthy of joining and trust. As a characteristic and high-quality barbecue snack, this kind of product has a good market development, good quality, different production skills, healthy quality, good brand, rich taste, good quality, which is loved by everyone and attracts much attention. Among the numerous delicacies, the original skewered roast pork has many advantages, rich fashion, healthy quality, and is worth joining.
    Intention to join: seven hundred and twenty-one people Store: sixty-four home Region: Hubei
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  • twenty  Braised Pork with Chili Sauce
    The development potential of the barbecue industry is very strong, which has always attracted the attention of the franchisees. When talking about the good franchise brands in the barbecue industry, there must be streaky meat in my mind. As the leader of the barbecue industry, streaky meat has always been the favorite of the franchisees. As a famous chain brand in the barbecue industry, instant lukei pork is always a brand in the market. The main products are barbecue, etc. By virtue of market positioning, products and services, it stands out in the same industry, and its market share continues to increase. Such a hot franchise market has attracted more and more franchisees' attention for the purpose of successful entrepreneurship and realizing their wealth dreams. It is more popular to join a powerful brand to open a shop of Lukei Pork. Entrepreneurship has become a very popular trend at the moment, which makes more and more young people want to open a barbecue franchise store. After all, the barbecue industry has low operating costs, low crisis and large profits in the market. Let more young people see hope in the industry. However, when opening a store in the market, entrepreneurs should not only understand the cost of opening a barbecue franchise store, but also master some skills to attract customers. If you want to join the catering industry, you must seize this opportunity to find a good barbecue joining project, which can make you more easily start a business. The joining fee for immediately cooking pork is also not high. The company headquarters also provides many guidance for the joining business, reasonable market positioning, and entrepreneurial guidance, so that every joining business can easily open a shop successfully, I hope that after the introduction of the small editor, many franchisees can learn about the barbecue franchise project. There are many opportunities in the market today. Operators need to find a good barbecue franchise brand if they want to successfully open their stores, and a suitable franchise brand can help franchisees grasp more profits, which is also the basis for the rapid development of their career. Therefore, operators must be cautious in choosing the brand to cooperate with. Before choosing a brand, they must first recognize their own strength, Of course, it is more likely to benefit from the operation of big brands, and the crisis is also relatively small. However, the threshold for the operation of big brands is generally high, and it is also necessary to do what you can to open a barbecue shop.
    Intention to join: five hundred and six people Store: one hundred and fifty-seven home Region: Sichuan
    Investment amount
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