home page > Ranking of franchise stores > Ranking list of Shaomai franchises Friendly tip: Be cautious when joining in because of investment risks!
Popularity ranking
  • one  Majiashaomai
    Majia Shaomai Restaurant, located in the Xiaobei Gate of Zhongjie Business District, is an early restaurant in history. After more than 200 years of evolution and development, it has become a well-known hotel at home and abroad. There are eight chain stores, distributed in,,, and four direct stores, including stores, stores, Xiaonan stores, and stores. As early as the Jianian (AD 1796) of the Qing Dynasty, Ma Chun was engaged in the business of cooking wheat in Fengtian Mansion (the old city). He pushed a wheelbarrow and sold it on the busy street, which was the beginning of "cooking wheat". In the eighth year of Daoguang's reign (1828), his son Ma rented two plank houses of about 20 square meters on the horse wall outside the Xiaoxi Gate, and put up a plaque for business, which is known as "Ma Family Shaomai" in history. The Ma Family's roasted wheat is made of fine materials. Its name has spread far and wide. It is popular in Shenyang, attracting celebrities and scholars to taste it. Later, Ma Changyong, the third generation of the Ma family, managed it. In the third year of the Republic of China (1914), Ma Changyong gave it to the descendants of Ma Hongfang and Ma Mingqing. In June 1956, Majia Shaomai renovated a business office of more than 30 square meters in the east of Xiaobeimen Road, which was reopened by two brothers of Majia. In 1963, Ma Jiting, the fifth generation successor of the Majia family, inherited all the ingredients and unique skills of the cooking wheat, and adhered to the purpose of "one hundred gold to buy fame, one thousand gold to buy reputation", so that the traditional flavor of the Majia cooking wheat is more green than the basket. Since the reform and opening up, Majia cooking wheat has been successively awarded the top ten "excellent flavor" food awards, the "good flavor" award in the Muslim Grand Prix "Good Flavor" and "Gold Award" of the First National Halal Food Grand Prix. In December 1997, the Ministry of Internal Trade and the Cooking Association were recognized as "Chinese Famous Snacks" at the first "Chinese Famous Snacks" recognition meeting held by the Ministry of Internal Trade and the Cooking Association. In the same month, they were rated as "famous flavor products" and "famous flavor stores" by the People's Government. In 2000, it was rated as "Famous Site" by the Ministry of Internal Trade. In the fourth cooking technology competition in 1999, Ma's Shaomai won the gold medal of the two cup winners, the "Mass Feast" and the "Flavor Package", at one fell swoop with the gathering of heroes and experts Lin Lizhong. In July 2002, it was rated as the top ten flavor foods, "famous flavor products" and "famous flavor stores" by the Tourism Administration and the Commerce Bureau. In 2002, it was rated as "Famous Chinese Restaurant" by the Federation of Industry and Commerce and the Cooking Association. In June 2006, the production skills of Majia Shaomai were recognized as "intangible cultural heritage" by the government. In November 2006, it was recognized by the Ministry of Commerce as one of the first "Chinese old brands". In January 2008, it was rated as a "famous trademark" by the Administration for Industry and Commerce. In 2010, Majia Shaomai, which was recognized as "intangible cultural heritage" by the government, is a designated foreign tourism team and restaurant by the Tourism Administration. It receives a large number of tourists and visitors at home and abroad every day, including many foreign senior officials. He spoke highly of the products, history and culture of Majia Shaomai, and went to Japan, the United States, South Korea, Hong Kong and other regions to participate and perform at the invitation of the business and political circles. It has a great reputation at home and abroad, which has laid a solid foundation for the development of Majia Shaomai Restaurant.
    Intention to join: one thousand five hundred and nine people Store: eighty-five home Region: Liaoning
    Investment amount
  • two  Majiashaomai
    Founded in the first year of Jiaqing in the Qing Dynasty, Majia Shaomai is an earlier Hui restaurant in Shenyang's history, with a history of 220 years. After six generations of inheritance and development, it has kept up with the traditional production techniques, adhered to the business philosophy of "one hundred gold to buy fame, one thousand gold to buy reputation", and won a national reputation with excellent materials, beautiful shape, unique technology, fresh fragrance, and famous in the Northeast. Today, the management team of "Majia Shaomai" has kept learning, forge ahead, and introduced modern catering management concepts and systems in an all-round way. It will establish a talent pool based on logistics distribution, technology research and development, human resource management, and standardization of catering financial management, starting with the standardization, creation, and research and development of cooking and dishes, Establish an industrial chain with comprehensive management and control from upstream to downstream. We have a clear goal and development concept, love the catering industry, with the enthusiasm of becoming a bigger and stronger enterprise, and dream of making Majia Shaomai, a catering giant ship, sail to the country and the world! As early as the first year of Jiaqing in the Qing Dynasty (AD 1796), Ma Chun, a Muslim, started his business of cooking wheat in Fengtianfu (the old city of Shenyang). In the eighth year of Daoguang's reign (1828), Ma Guangyuan, his son, rented two plank houses of about 20 square meters in the horse wall outside the Xiaoxi Gate, and put up a plaque for business, which is known as "Ma Family Roast Wheat" in history. In the second year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty (1876), Zuo Guigui, a famous anti Japanese general and patriotic general, stationed in Fengtian and removed the "Ma Family Roasted Wheat" plank house when building a mansion at Xiaoximen. General Zuo sympathized with the difficulties of business and complied with the public opinion. He granted another place near the east gate of Shengjing City, so that the third generation of Ma Changyong rebuilt a spacious and bright house, and the "Ma Family Shaomai" was preserved. In the third year of the Republic of China (1914), Ma Changyong gave business to his descendants, Ma Hongfang and Ma Mingqing. In the 1930s, General Zhang Xueliang founded an army sergeant school in Daxiguan, Shenyang. Marshal Zhang Zuolin also likes Ma Family Shaomai very much. In June 1956, Majia Shaomai renovated a business office of more than 30 square meters in the east of Xiaobeimen Road, which was reopened by two brothers of Majia. In 1963, Ma Jiting, the fifth generation successor of the Majia family, inherited all the ingredients and unique skills of the cooked wheat, and adhered to the purpose of "one hundred gold to buy fame, one thousand gold to buy reputation", so that the traditional flavor of the Majia cooked wheat is better than the basket. As a special Muslim snack in Shenyang, Majia cooked wheat won the "Chinese old brand", "famous spot" "Liaoning Famous Trademark", "Provincial Intangible Cultural Heritage", "Liaoning Famous Flavor Shop" and many other good reputations. In 2015, the first year of the reorganization of Majia Shaomai, the company reached strategic cooperation with Hulunbeier Lvxiang Muslim Meat Food Co., Ltd. We will take 220 years of exquisite skills as the basis, take the responsibility of the Muslim industry leader as the alliance, take the inheritance and promotion of Chinese traditional Muslim food culture as the mission, take it as the vision that all the people in the world will eat Ma's cooking wheat, take the inheritance of Muslim food to share health culture as the core value, and strive to create a high standard platform for the whole system of Muslim industry.
    Intention to join: two hundred and sixty-four people Store: one home Region: Liaoning
    Investment amount
  • three  Duyichu Shaomai
    Shaomai is a good breakfast choice for many consumers. Shaomai products are also very common in the market, which is not unusual. The market has a huge development space! Duyichu Shaomai, as the creation delicacy of Shaomai products, has been loved and welcomed by consumers once it is listed, and Duyichu Shaomai franchise has become a good project for entrepreneurs to become rich! Entrepreneurs always want to join in a good project of getting rich from a small budget. All of them want to join in the same project. Entrepreneurs don't need to take on the responsibility of joining in too much! Novices are good at joining, and they will first engage in some small joining. Duyishaomai entrepreneurship is undoubtedly a good project of "starting a small business, not worrying about entrepreneurship, low entrepreneurship", no matter how much money you have, you can start a business! Although it is a small business, the old place and good popularity can give you priority! In Duyi Shaomai franchise store, there are a great variety of food products. Consumers can not only taste Shaomai, but also have small dishes such as boiled peanuts, rose dates, Malian meat, and dried meat. In the 17th year of the reign of Emperor Qianlong, it was famous for the name given by the emperor and the plaque of "Tiger Head". During the Tongzhi period, Shaomai was added, which is not only thin in skin and full in filling, but also very delicious. The reason why consumers like Duyi Shaomai is that they like its characteristics! Duyichu Shaomai's delicious food is very unique and has won the public's love and support! Duyichu Shaomai adopts authentic Korean cuisine and sauce making methods. It's rare to really experience doing unique business and making unique wealth! Duyi Shaomai has the same source of medicine and food, and is healthy and nutritious: add precious nourishing herbs to make nutrition more balanced and convenient, so that healthy eating can be carried out anytime and anywhere!
    Intention to join: eight hundred and two people Store: one home Region: Beijing
    Investment amount
  • four  Laosuiyuan Shaomai
    Hohhot Laosuiyuan Shaomai Restaurant, founded in 2005, is a specialty restaurant mainly engaged in Shaomai and concurrently engaged in local flavor cuisine. At present, there are 10 direct stores and 5 franchise stores outside the district in Hohhot. It is a member of the Cooking Association, a director of the Inner Mongolia Catering and Hotel Association, and a designated tourism unit in Inner Mongolia. The business area of the restaurant ranges from 200-600 square meters, and the geographical location is selected in the prosperous area with concentrated urban residents and around high-grade residential areas. The restaurant is unique in dining environment and decoration design. Whether it is the front door, store front, store plaque, indoor environment, etc., it is loved and accepted by diners of all ages. The first thing I saw when I entered the old Suiyuan was the combination of the old and the new. Chinese lacquer screens, antique stone carvings, Suiyuan's old photos in the 1950s and 1960s, quadrangle farmhouse gates, bird cages in front of the gates, antique tableware, teapots, calligraphy and painting of celebrities, antique ceiling, western downlights, etc., reflect the simplicity and elegance of the old Suiyuan Shaomai Restaurant. The restaurant caters to the dining habits of consumers with high-grade and comfortable dining environment and low and medium consumption prices. Laosuiyuan Shaomai Restaurant has done enough work on the hardware environment of the store, and has put more effort on the purchase of raw materials. Ximeng Sunite mutton is used as the mutton for cooking wheat, which is fresh, tender, nutritious, fat and not greasy; The scallions are planted locally in Bikeqi, where the soil is fertile and the planting of scallions has unique natural conditions; The flour used for wheat husk burning is superior snow pollen produced by Bayannur Hengfeng Food Industry Co., Ltd; Hu oil adopts edible brand Hu oil; The starch is Jingpai corn starch produced in Zhangjiakou. From the history of cooking wheat in Guinea to the present, most of the cooking wheat is made by family workshops, and the quality of cooking wheat is mixed. In 2008, our company set up the Shaomai Research Institute. Through bold research and development, we created a new way to reform the traditional Shaomai. We completely used live sheep to kill and select the fresh mutton from the cut parts that were frozen for 24 hours. We also developed a new way to select high-quality mutton, good leg meat and good lamb meat according to the parts of mutton, and incorporate our own nutrition technology, More than 20 brands of Shaomai have been created.
    Intention to join: two thousand seven hundred and forty-seven people Store: eighty-five home Region: Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region
    Investment amount
  • five  Shenyang Majia Roast Wheat
    Shenyang old brand flavor snacks - Majia Shaomai Restaurant is located in the west of Zhengyang Street, Xiaobeimenli, Shenhe District, Shenyang. The history of making Ma's Shaomai can be traced back to more than 190 years ago. As early as the first year of Jiaqing in the Qing Dynasty (1796), Ma Chun, a Muslim, pushed a cart to various busy places in Shenyang every day to sell roasted wheat while wrapping it. Because of its excellent selection of materials, unique technology, and many customers, Ma Chun has become famous. In the eighth year of Daoguang's reign (1828), Ma Guangyuan, his son, inherited his father's business and opened a shop at the horse wall at the Xiaoxichengmen Gate in Shenyang. The shop hung the sign of "Ma Family's Steamed Wheat House", which became increasingly famous. The characteristic of Majia Shaomai is to roll the noodles into lotus leaves by hand, with thin edges and medium thickness; The stuffing is fresh meat without skin and tendons, and the meat, oil and water are not mixed; Rice flour is used as the cloth surface, and the skin is flexible; When eating, the stuffing is fragrant and juicy. It tastes delicious and does not touch the teeth. In 1961, Majia Shaomai Restaurant was moved to the Xiaobei Gate in the city to further improve the production process and form its unique flavor, which is famous in the three northeastern provinces. However, in the mid-1960s, due to the shortage of raw materials and the neglect of traditional production methods, the quality of cooked wheat declined and its reputation suffered. Since 1978, the municipal government has vigorously supported its development, expanded the area of the Shaomai Pavilion by three times, allocated affordable beef, raw materials, etc. to restore the traditional feeding standards, selected Ma Jiting, the fifth generation of Ma Chun, as the technical guide, and changed the mechanical pressing of noodles to the traditional manual rolling of noodles. The quality of the Shaomai Pavilion is better than before. It is not only delicious, but also beautiful in shape, which is highly praised by customers. Many Islamic visitors go to Shenyang to taste. Now Majia Shaomai has been named as Shenyang brand flavor food by the municipal government. Majia Shaomai is a famous Muslim snack in Shenyang, which has a history of more than 180 years and is famous in Shenyang. "Shaomai" is a special steamed flour food with stuffing in the north. Because the shape of Shaomai is like the white flowers blooming on the wheat, Liu Dongren, a poet in the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, once praised the delicacy of Shaomai with the poem "Shaomai Wonton is full...".
    Intention to join: nine hundred and seventy-two people Store: eighty-five home Region: Liaoning
    Investment amount
  • six  One basket, one steamed, one grade of braised wheat
    Many people like to eat Shaomai. The Shaomai in the Shaomai franchise store is not only delicious, but also beautifully shaped, and drool when looking at it. If you want to build and operate a snack bar, it is very suitable to open a franchise store of "one basket, one steamed, one tasted" Shaomai. You can easily join and enjoy wealth. What are the advantages of "one basket, one steaming, one product" of Shaomai? Today I will take you to know more about it. Combining the characteristics of oatskin and the unique flavor of Jiangnan snacks, the headquarters of "One Steamed One Steamed One Steamed One Steamed One Steamed One Steamed" has also developed a series of products such as oatskin Shaomai, and established the brand of "One Steamed One Steamed One Steamed One". The oatskin is made of fresh lean meat and high-quality potato powder, and is refined by special processes such as manual hammering. Its characteristics are as thin as paper color, smooth in taste, tough and powerful, and can not be spoiled after steaming for a long time. The special food is unforgettable. One basket, one steaming and one product of Shaomai are unanimously appreciated by the majority of consumers. One basket, one steaming and one product of roasted wheat can not only make people eat well, but also save time. It is very popular. Food can be served in 60 seconds, and the turnover rate of the store is fast. Of course, the goal will not stop! For many people who are pressed for time, steaming in a cage is a good choice. Delicious and nutritious, it can attract most customers from the whole street every day! If you want to succeed in running a snack bar, you need to rely on the help of the headquarters to open a franchise store of "One Steamed One Steamed One Steamed Wheat". The headquarters provides comprehensive support, and there is no blind corner training in many aspects. In addition, the investment promotion department of "One Steamed One Steamed One Steamed Wheat" supervises the regular tour of the store, so that you can really combine theory with practice. The practical experience of centennial heirs and numerous stores is imparted without reservation, and the experience is shared regularly by the headquarters. It is relatively simple to operate a food project. It is less difficult to join a basket of steamed and roasted wheat. It is enough to open a shop for tens of thousands of yuan. A small shop of several square meters can start. If you are interested in the joining project of "one basket, one steaming, one product", then don't hesitate to contact us.
    Intention to join: four hundred and twenty-eight people Store: three hundred and thirty-three home Region: Zhejiang
    Investment amount
  • seven  Zhixin Shaomai
    Zhixin Shaomai All kinds of delicious heavy oil Shaomai and three fresh bean skins are the characteristics of Yan Laoyao's family. When it comes to Wuhan's Shaomai, Yan's Shaomai can be said to be the best. It is well-known in Wuhan's snack industry. Yan Laoyao continues the characteristics of cooking wheat with heavy oil and is deeply loved by consumers. In the course of years of development, Zhixin Shaomai, based on the catering market, has innovatively added modern food technology to the production process of traditional specialty snacks, while improving/increasing the pure manual production of each delicacy, presenting delicious snacks with excellent quality and outstanding taste to customers. Now food health issues have always been highly concerned, so we must choose a formal, green and healthy catering brand when joining in the franchise project, so that people can eat up to the standard. Joining in the Zhixin Shaomai project has broad market prospects and high brand degree. Such a brand is worthy of our choice. Zhixin Shaomai has reformed and improved the skin, stuffing and ingredients of traditional Shaomai. Today's Zhixin Shaomai not only inherits the advantages of traditional Shaomai, but also timely reforms the shortcomings of some traditional Shaomai in ingredients and processes, making it more responsive to modern people's requirements for taste and nutrition. Zhixin Shaomai has also been recognized by customers, and all stores are full, with a continuous stream of diners. District leaders and city leaders have tasted intimate Shaomai for many times, and highly praised it, making it bigger and stronger, and developing Shaomai into an industry for the benefit of one party. In order to better meet the needs of our friends, we are constantly improving our management level, the quality of cooking wheat, and the quality of service. In the process of operation, we have explored a branch cooperation mode with our own characteristics. Taking full account of the interests of each entrepreneur, we strive to reduce the level of each entrepreneur to a low level, truly achieve mutual benefit, and never break away from the cooperative relationship. This effectively supports the quality of each store's roasted wheat, and the management and service of each store are the same.
    Intention to join: seven hundred and twelve people Store: one hundred and seventeen home Region: Hubei
    Investment amount
  • eight  Tongshunju Shaomai
    Tongshunju Shaomai Restaurant adheres to the business philosophy of "customer first, quality first, honesty based, and human management", and aims to build an excellent brand enterprise in the catering industry and revitalize national fast food. The combination of the three Chinese characters of "Tongshunju" contains a profound meaning: "Tongshunju people" hope that the good service quality and characteristic food of "Tongshunju" will leave the place of "Tongshunju" in the memory of customers forever, and place the strict requirements of "Tongshunju people" for self-improvement and self-development and realistic and pragmatic service attitude! Tongshunju Shaomai Restaurant faces greater market opportunities and enterprises also face more and greater challenges. Product standardization and management standardization have become new challenges for industry development; Product standardization is an issue that enterprises should consider before launching every major project. In this regard, the three founders conducted in-depth research and discussion on hamburger stores and fried chicken stores, and established the kitchen of Laoshengchang to improve/increase the quality of Laoshengchang's products; Old Shengchang Management Company was established to manage all stores in a unified way. Tongshunju brand has entered a higher platform in the fierce market competition. At the same time of the rapid development and brand expansion of Tongshunju Shaomai Restaurant, Tongshunju deeply regards food safety as the foundation of the enterprise's survival. While strictly grasping the product quality, we also closely control the link of joint operation and alliance. The high requirements and strict standards for joint operators have improved/increased the quality of all stores to maintain the same level. At present, more than 90% of direct stores and confirmed affiliated stores are managed by the company, ensuring that the product quality is under strict control and supervision, so as to ensure your meal. Tongshunju Shaomai Restaurant is a successful enterprise. Customers are sincere friends and valuable wealth. We offer you green, healthy, delicious and nutritious food; Let's welcome a better tomorrow and go to glory together!
    Intention to join: six hundred and ten people Store: one home Region: Shandong
    Investment amount
  • nine  Laosuiyuan Shaomai
    Laosuiyuan Shaomai, originated in Hohhot, Qingcheng outside the Great Wall of Inner Mongolia, is an old brand specialty restaurant that mainly deals in Shaomai and concurrently runs local flavor dishes. At present, the company has nearly 20 direct stores in Inner Mongolia, Beijing and other places, and more than 10 franchise stores outside the region. It is a member of the Cooking Association and a designated tourism unit in Inner Mongolia. The company has successively won the title of Excellent Catering Chain Enterprise in 2010 and Top Enterprise in Specialty Catering; People satisfied catering enterprises in 2012; It has the honor of growing brand. For three consecutive years from 2012 to 2014, Shaomai, as the representative of the "support unit" during the National Two Sessions, presented the special food of Inner Mongolia - Shaomai to the representatives and members of the National Two Sessions, which was highly praised. The restaurant caters to consumers' dining habits with a classy and comfortable dining environment and moderate consumer prices. Inner Mongolia Homeland Food Co., Ltd., founded in 2001, is a specialty restaurant mainly engaged in cooking wheat and concurrently engaged in local flavor snacks. It is a member of the Cooking Association, a director of the Inner Mongolia Catering and Restaurant Association, and a designated tourism unit in Inner Mongolia. Its geographical location is located in a prosperous area with concentrated urban residents and around a high-grade community. The restaurant is unique in the dining environment and decoration design. Whether it is the door, store, brand plaque, indoor environment, etc., it is loved and accepted by diners of all ages. The first thing I saw when I entered the old Suiyuan was the combination of the old and the new. Chinese lacquerware screens, antique stone carvings, Suiyuan's old photos in the 1950s and 1960s, quadrangle gate, birdcage in front of the gate, antique tableware, teapots, calligraphy and painting of celebrities, antique ceiling, western downlights, etc., reflect the simplicity and elegance of old Suiyuan's wheat cooking. The restaurant caters to the dining habits of consumers with high-grade and comfortable dining environment and low and medium consumption prices. Laosuiyuan Shaomai has done enough work on the hardware environment of the store, and has put more effort on the purchase of raw materials. Ximeng Sunite mutton is used as the mutton for cooking wheat, which is fresh, tender, nutritious, fat and not greasy; The scallions are planted locally in Bikeqi, where the soil is fertile and the planting of scallions has unique natural conditions; The flour used for wheat husk burning is superior snow pollen produced by Bayannur Hengfeng Food Industry Co., Ltd; Hu oil adopts edible brand Hu oil; The starch is Jingpai corn starch produced in Zhangjiakou.
    Intention to join: one thousand three hundred and five people Store: one hundred home Region: Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region
    Investment amount
  • ten  Steamed Yunqi Steamed Wheat in a Cage
    One cage, one steaming, Yunqi Shaomai Steaming, good taste, long time love for you and Yunqi Shaomai healthy diet concept, a variety of special products to create a new snack brand Qiaoyanfang "One cage, one steaming" (Yunqi Shaomai) is a new snack brand launched by Hangzhou Qiaoyanfang Catering Management Co., Ltd. after improving on the basis of "Qiaoyanfang". It mainly promotes the business model of "no oil, no open fire, no cook", and its main products are featured Shaomai, oatskin wonton, lotus leaf steamed rice, pickled rice, vermicelli pot, rice noodles, vermicelli, etc. All products adopt the "steaming" process and the "cage" presentation, advocate the life concept of "steaming tastes good", and organically combine the healthy life concept, superior ingredients, modern and traditional processes. Carefully knead the selected food ingredients and slowly make the four-color roast, which makes you can't help but choose the unique face of Inner Mongolia. With the fresh breath of the prairie, slowly rub the human feelings into it. The cold and warm seasons have always been inseparable. The thin four-color roast wheat bran is dark, reserved and mysterious; Green, fresh and refined, warm as jade; Yellow is enthusiastic and unrestrained, with smiling eyes; White crystal clear, slim and graceful. You can choose a variety of delicious food to satisfy your taste buds. Bamboo shoots are selected from the Yunqi Bamboo Path by the Xizi Lake. The mountains are high and the dock is deep, and the bamboo forests are dense. You have had enough of the spring water flowing down the river, and you are used to hearing the bell chime and Zen in the depths of the bamboo forest. Bamboo shoots are sold with a ray of spirit. Conscientious materials for fish cake and rice noodles, the ingenious secret recipe is made by combining the sour soup sauce developed and concocted after eight months with Wenzhou characteristic handmade fish cake, the beef bone soup boiled for eight hours as the base soup, and the Jianshui rice noodles, a national professional rice noodle. Swallow skin wonton uses only high-quality starch and whole refined meat to make swallow skin by hand. A hundred kilograms of sweet potatoes produce less than 20 kilograms of high-quality starch. A pig has less than 3% of the whole refined meat suitable for making swallow skin. It takes about half a year for about 1 gram of swallow skin to arrive in your bowl. It is crystal clear without words. The length of steaming time and temperature of steaming cage convey our sincerity. We travel all over the country from the bank of the West Lake to bring you better steaming. Please accept this warm greeting and friendship. The glutinous rice steamed with lotus leaf is delicate and refreshing, and the duck leg is mellow and delicious. It is blended with the fragrance of lotus leaf, which makes people want to eat.
    Intention to join: three thousand nine hundred and sixty-four people Store: one home Region: Zhejiang
    Investment amount
  • eleven  Early morning original roasted wheat
    Morning Original Roast Wheat is a chain organization integrating the development of featured traditional snack technology, catering operation training, promotion and franchise. In the morning, Yuanshaomai has been engaged in the development, research and promotion of Shaomai food for a long time, focusing on mastering the market orientation of Chinese pasta, and guiding the small and medium-sized catering industry to join. Early morning original roasted wheat is a project with high stability, franchise value and development potential. Early in the morning, the original roasted wheat joined in the school, full-time teaching, practical operation, hand to hand teaching, teaching and meeting. Until independent operation. Can go home and open a shop. We let students master solid basic skills for the purpose of systematic learning and reaching the standard of independent and successful store opening. The brand adopts a business model focusing on single store operation and regional authorized agents and franchises, providing various business guidance for each operator, helping them fully master the skills and relevant technologies of market development and operation, and achieving the ability of independent store operation. There are many kinds of special flavor snacks developed for the franchisees in the morning. The varieties developed are advanced in the market and easy to operate and apply. The products are color, fragrance, taste, shape, nutrition, and suitable for all kinds of people's tastes. According to the requirements of small and medium-sized entrepreneurs, they can operate in a fixed store or multi store chain, which meets the requirements of the majority of small and medium-sized entrepreneurs. The store operation franchise is about 10000 to 20000 yuan, and the working capital is only about 2000 yuan, which can not only save funds for entrepreneurs, but also enable franchisees to start businesses easily and become rich quickly. Since its establishment many years ago, Yuanshaomai has been operating in good faith, cashing in more than, and with real technology and good service, it has been recognized by the majority of entrepreneurs. Many franchisees have come to the headquarters to study. Morningmorning Original Shaomai Joining Headquarters is dedicated to catering projects for small businesses, creating a new platform for people who want to start businesses on a small scale, providing more unemployed people, migrant workers, and people who want to start businesses with an opportunity to show their ambitions, and it is our great wish that every entrepreneur can join Morningmorning Original Shaomai to realize their dreams. The hope of the company is to help each other and mutually benefit with each franchisee who comes to learn, and expand the characteristic traditional snack industry through constant discussion! Be strong!
    Intention to join: nine hundred and forty-three people Store: one hundred and sixty home Region: Shanghai
    Investment amount
  • twelve  Mutengyuan Shaomai
    Polytengyuan Shaomai is a chain organization integrating technology development of characteristic traditional snacks, catering operation training, promotion and franchise. Polytengyuan Shaomai has been engaged in the development, research and promotion of Shaomai food for a long time, focusing on mastering the market orientation of Chinese pasta, and leading the small and medium-sized catering industry to join. Polytengyuan Shaomai is a project with high stability, franchise value and development potential. Polytengyuan Roasted Wheat Franchise comes to school on arrival, full day teaching, practical operation, hand to hand teaching, teaching and meeting. Until independent operation. Can go home and open a shop. We let students master solid basic skills for the purpose of systematic learning and reaching the standard of independent and successful store opening. The brand adopts a business model focusing on single store operation and regional authorized agents and franchises, providing various business guidance for each operator, helping them fully master the skills and relevant technologies of market development and operation, and achieving the ability of independent store operation. Polytengyuan Shaomai has developed a variety of special flavor snacks for franchisees. The varieties developed are advanced in the market and easy to operate and apply. The products are color, fragrance, taste, shape, nutrition, and suitable for all kinds of people's tastes. According to the requirements of small and medium-sized entrepreneurs, they can operate in a fixed store or multi store chain, which meets the requirements of the majority of small and medium-sized entrepreneurs. The store operation franchise is about 10000 to 20000 yuan, and the working capital is only about 2000 yuan, which can not only save funds for entrepreneurs, but also enable franchisees to start businesses easily and become rich quickly. Since its establishment for many years, Polytengyuan Shaomai has been operating in good faith, cashing in more than, with real technology and good service, recognized by the majority of entrepreneurs, and a continuous stream of franchisees came to the headquarters to study. Polytengyuan Shaomai Joining Headquarters devotes itself to catering projects for small businesses, creating a new platform for people who want to start businesses on a small scale, providing more unemployed people, migrant workers and people who want to start businesses with an opportunity to show their ambitions, and it is our great wish that every entrepreneur can join Polytengyuan Shaomai to realize their dreams. The hope of the company is to help each other and mutually benefit with each franchisee who comes to learn, and expand the characteristic traditional snack industry through constant discussion! Be strong!
    Intention to join: six hundred and sixty-nine people Store: one hundred and twelve home Region: Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region
    Investment amount
  • thirteen  Yan's Braised Wheat
    Yan's Shaomai, which teaches the secret of delicacy, is famous in the catering world. It has been sharpened for 15 years just to make more delicious food. Yan's braised wheat has its own unique flavor, which can be selected from a variety of delicious dishes. In Yan's Shaomai, you can learn more experience in catering production, one-on-one training, unreserved teaching, standard procedures, and comprehensive support. The catering market is competitive, and it is difficult to become a big thing without characteristics. Yan's roasted wheat is delicious and not fake. It is a down-to-earth person who works hard and gathers unique flavor in one stop. Yan's Shaomai has been improved and created many times on the traditional basis. On the basis of not using any additives, it has developed a natural flavor soup that is good for human nutrition and beauty by matching the big bone soup and spices. It is perfect for all kinds of sauces. It has its own experience in the matching and nutrition of various vegetables and vegetables, Yimaitianxia is a good choice for small restaurants. Yan's Shaomai has done enough work on the hardware environment of the store, and has put more effort on the purchase of raw materials. Ximeng Sunite mutton is used as the mutton for cooking wheat, which is fresh, tender, nutritious, fat and not greasy; The scallions are planted locally in Bikeqi, where the soil is fertile and the planting of scallions has unique natural conditions; The flour used for wheat husk burning is superior snow pollen produced by Bayannur Hengfeng Food Industry Co., Ltd; Hu oil adopts edible brand Hu oil; The starch is Jingpai corn starch produced in Zhangjiakou. There are more delicacies in Yan's Shaomai. Yu San Uncle's crisp pie is delicious after frying. It is made of two kinds of flour and still crisp when eaten cold; Lefeng cooked food, pig, chicken and beef are all enjoyable; The jar flavored chicken has upgraded its stewing process, and its taste is pure and delicious. Delicious secret script moves to win, and the taste of delicious food is not afraid to challenge! Yan's cooking wheat, support and comprehensive service are in place, online and offline business is busy. Yan's Shaomai is selected for catering franchise, which has a large brand, good reputation and more obvious advantages, making entrepreneurship easier for entrepreneurs. Perfect support policies have freed franchisees from worries. Yan's Shaomai is also willing to protect the interests of franchisees!
    Intention to join: one thousand three hundred and eighty-eight people Store: one hundred and thirteen home Region: Beijing
    Investment amount
  • fourteen  Morning Source Roast Wheat
    MorningSource Shaomai is a chain organization integrating the development of featured traditional snacks technology, catering operation training, promotion and franchise. Morning Source Shaomai has been engaged in the development, research and promotion of Shaomai food for a long time, focusing on mastering the market orientation of Chinese pasta, and leading the small and medium-sized catering industry to join. Morning Source Roast Wheat is a project with high stability, franchise value and development potential. In the morning, Yuan Shaomai joined in the school, full-time teaching, practical operation, hand to hand teaching, teaching and meeting. Until independent operation. Can go home and open a shop. We let students master solid basic skills for the purpose of systematic learning and reaching the standard of independent and successful store opening. The brand adopts a business model focusing on single store operation and regional authorized agents and franchises, providing various business guidance for each operator, helping them fully master the skills and relevant technologies of market development and operation, and achieving the ability of independent store operation. There are many kinds of special flavor snacks developed for the franchisees. The varieties developed are advanced in the market and easy to operate and apply. The products are color, fragrance, taste, shape, nutrition, and suitable for all kinds of people's tastes. According to the requirements of small and medium-sized entrepreneurs, they can operate in a fixed store or multi store chain, which meets the requirements of the majority of small and medium-sized entrepreneurs. The store operation franchise is about 10000 to 20000 yuan, and the working capital is only about 2000 yuan, which can not only save funds for entrepreneurs, but also enable franchisees to start businesses easily and become rich quickly. Since its establishment for many years, MorningSource Shaomai has been operating in good faith, cashing in more than, with real technology and good service, recognized by the majority of entrepreneurs, and a continuous stream of franchisees came to the headquarters to study. The headquarters of MorningSource Shaomai franchise is dedicated to catering projects for small businesses, creating a new platform for people who want to start businesses on a small scale, providing more unemployed people, migrant workers and entrepreneurs with an opportunity to show their ambitions, and it is our great wish that every entrepreneur can join MorningSource Shaomai to realize their dreams. The hope of the company is to help each other and mutually benefit with each franchisee who comes to learn, and expand the characteristic traditional snack industry through constant discussion! Be strong!
    Intention to join: one thousand one hundred and fifty-six people Store: one hundred and nineteen home Region: Beijing
    Investment amount
  • fifteen  Yuanxiyuan Shaomai
    For the brand of Yuanxiyuan Shaomai, Xiaobian has a very good impression on it! Many of them have high evaluation of the brand in the market! According to my understanding! The brand has a high demand for food ingredients. Noodles are airlifted from Hohhot headquarters, and meat is selected from sheep's hind legs buns and Niuyuanbao in the four banners of animal husbandry. This requirement is to improve/increase the taste of meat. Yuanxiyuan's team has gone through thousands of experiments, realizing the standardization of Yuanxiyuan's Laohu and Shaomai's material selection. The store also has such Slogan, The flavor is fresh, thick, not greasy, and refreshing. It follows the traditional flavor in the establishment. This is the "rule" of Yuanxiyuan for the production of Shaomai. That's why Yuanxiyuan Shaomai ranks first among the customers of Hohhot Shaomai, and is a snack brand with more than 30 branches! Yuanxiyuan Shaomai is affiliated to Inner Mongolia Yuanxiyuan Catering Management Co., Ltd., headquartered in Hohhot. Speaking of Shaomai, northerners can't be more familiar with it. Yuanxiyuan is a real Shaomai restaurant, which sells two kinds of Shaomai. One is ordinary steamed. The other is fried. I prefer fried ones. They are thin in skin and big in filling. The fried food has a crispy taste. The operation room is fully transparent. You can see the production process and free dishes. Yuanxiyuan Shaomai has been improved and created many times on the basis of tradition. It teaches the secret of delicious food and is famous in the catering world. It has been sharpened for more than ten years to make more delicious food. On the basis of not using any additives, we have developed a natural flavor soup that is beneficial to human nutrition and beauty through the combination of big bone soup and spices. We have a good taste for all kinds of sauces, and we have our own experience in the combination and nutrition of all kinds of vegetables. If one person is busy, one wheat world is a good choice for small restaurants. Yuanxiyuan Roasted Wheat has its own manufacturing process, and you can choose from a variety of delicious dishes. In Yuanxiyuan, you can learn more experience in catering production, one-on-one training, unreserved teaching, standard process, and comprehensive support. The catering market is competitive, and it is difficult to become a big thing without characteristics. Yuanxiyuan Shaomai is delicious and not fake. It is practical to be a man and do things, and gather together with special flavor in one stop.
    Intention to join: five hundred and fifty-six people Store: thirty-five home Region: Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region
    Investment amount
  • sixteen  Xiasha Shaomai
    Xiasha Shaomai is a kind of Shanghai cuisine, and it has been passed down for a long time in the catering market, because the traditional food Xiasha Shaomai has been passed down to the present. Xiasha Shaomai is a kind of delicious food that is rolled out by hand. The stuffing in Xiasha Shaomai can be made with various ingredients, so Xiasha Shaomai will have more forms of taste. Xiasha Shaomai is a popular food brand, and the taste of food is also diverse, so Xiasha Shaomai has set off a wave of Shaomai in the consumer market and on the Internet. Now there are many brands selling Shaomai in the market, because this traditional food popular in the southern city is constantly developing, There are many innovations and changes in taste and production form, so the current Xiasha Shaomai is more suitable for customers' taste. Xiasha Shaomai, a food brand, has many branches in the market, and the food making method of Xiasha Shaomai has been inherited from ancient times, so Xiasha Shaomai is a food with great food value in the industry. In the process of food production, the brand of Xiasha Shaomai will also strictly follow the principle of healthy and delicious food, and the filling of Shaomai has many flavors in the market. Thus, the Shaomai made in the traditional way will sell well in Xiasha Shaomai stores. Xiasha Shaomai is very stylish in the market of leisure snacks, and the characteristics of the food are also obvious. Because the ingredients used in its food production are healthy and fresh, Xiasha Shaomai is also balanced and healthy in taste and food value. Xiasha Shaomai is a delicacy that can not be lost and lacked in the traditional Chinese specialty snack market, because it has the embodiment and value of food culture in the diet, and the food brand Xiasha Shaomai is also easy to expand in the market. Now not only southerners like to eat Xiasha Shaomai, Many northern customers also have an undisguised love for Xiasha Shaomai, because it is unique in taste.
    Intention to join: six hundred and twenty-five people Store: seventy home Region: Shanghai
    Investment amount
  • seventeen  One wheat for the whole world
    How much is the franchise fee of Yimaitianxia Shaomai? The feature of this project is that the franchise cost is low, but the franchise support is comprehensive, and the franchisee can easily earn money. With years of promotion, Yimaitianxia Shaomai franchise has good market opportunities. It has always won the recognition of many franchisees with excellent taste and excellent quality support. Yimaitianxia Shaomai franchise has support, and is not worried about making money and getting rich. All the products of Yimaitianxia Shaomai are processed in a standard way, and the food is served quickly without waiting. The new products of Yimaitianxia Shaomai are constantly operated flexibly: new products are produced regularly according to the season to meet the needs of customers, and the complex operation is competitive at all times. Yimaitianxia Shaomai is sold at a high price for ordinary people: it is positioned as a delicious food that is affordable for everyone, and is popular and better managed. Yimaitianxia Shaomai has a small joining fee and a quick fortune. Yimaitianxia Shaomai offline stores for special catering: choose a good location to open a complex business, build a comprehensive snack specialty store, and lock one customer to lay a foundation for operation. Online orders bring more customers: offline stable operation, online expansion of business scope, customers can order online delicious food to home, and business outside the store is busy. The franchise cost of Yimaitianxia Shaomai is tens of thousands of yuan. Yimaitianxia Shaomai has been improved and created many times on the traditional basis. On the basis of not using any additives, it has developed a natural flavor soup that is good for human nutrition and beauty by matching the big bone soup and spices, The collocation and nutrition of various vegetables are also my own experience. One person is busy and a hundred people see it. One wheat world is a good choice for small restaurants. In order to improve/increase food and quality, Yimaitianxia Shaomai has its own kitchen. Each procedure is strictly checked and tested every day. The ingredients of each day are uniformly distributed to each restaurant by the refrigerated truck of Yimaitianxia Shaomai. Improved/increased freshness, qualified food and happy food! Food market competition and different food businesses can attract public attention. When joining Yimaitianxia Shaomai, businesses can obtain training guidance from the headquarters, easily master core technology, and win market competition by taking unified delicious food as the selling point. Its operation is simple, and it is easy to start without basic businesses.
    Intention to join: five hundred and sixty-four people Store: two hundred home Region: Guangdong
    Investment amount
  • eighteen  Muslim Shaomai Restaurant
    The Halal Shaomai Restaurant has its own manufacturing process - it uses the self developed technology of Shaomai stuffing to create a unique brand of Halal Shaomai Restaurant. It uses live sheep to kill the fresh mutton frozen in the selected sections for 24 hours, locks in the nutrition of mutton, and pursues the fresh, tender and delicious taste of Shaomai. There are more than 30 processes - from the purchase of raw materials to the production and processing of finished products, the Muslim Shaomai Restaurant has gone through more than 30 processes, and each process is strictly controlled. Selected raw materials - good flour. The wheat in Hetao Plain is seasonally mature and good. "Zhongculiang" makes processing flour for Muslim Shaomai Restaurant. It has strong wheat flavor, sweet taste, chewy head, and strong texture without sticking teeth; Good meat, pure Xilingol grassland sheep, has the reputation of "ginseng in meat". The meat is fresh, tender, juicy, without mutton smell, thick and compact, high protein, low fat, rich in various amino acids and fatty acids needed by the human body, and easy to digest. By means of instant freezing, the nutrition of mutton is locked, and the taste of roasted wheat is improved/increased; Good oil. The main components of sesame oil are unsaturated fatty acid, oleic acid and linoleic acid, and it also contains linolenic acid, a kind of oxidant that helps to help to resist lack of oxidation. It contains protein, sesamin, lecithin, sucrose, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other minerals, and is a nutrient rich edible oil; Good onion - Shandong green onion contains more protein, vitamins, amino acids and minerals, and is rich in trace element "selenium", especially vitamin A, vitamin C and allicin with strong bactericidal ability. From the history of cooking wheat in Guinea to the present, most of the cooking wheat is made by family workshops, and the quality of cooking wheat is mixed. In 2008, our company set up the Shaomai Research Institute. Through research and development, we reformed the traditional Shaomai by using live sheep to kill and select the fresh mutton frozen in the split parts for 24 hours, and developed the best part of mutton, good specialty lamb leg meat and good lamb meat according to the parts of mutton, mixed with our own technology to create a variety of Shaomai.
    Intention to join: seven hundred and ninety-nine people Store: five hundred and eighty-eight home Region: Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region
    Investment amount
  • nineteen  Shedford Shaomai Restaurant
    Since its establishment in the catering market, Shedford Steamed Wheat Restaurant has always insisted on the creation and upgrading of barbecued wheat products with rich tastes in the market, and is committed to enabling consumers to find products suitable for their own tastes. Now Shedford Steamed Wheat Restaurant has met the needs of consumers and become a better developed brand, Therefore, franchisees who join the headquarters for entrepreneurship can also get a good market. Since its establishment in the food and beverage market, Shedford Steamed Wheat Restaurant has been focusing on the production of roasted wheat products with unique taste to meet the vast number of consumers, and has also been persisting in the creation and upgrading of the restaurant according to the tastes of consumers. Now after more than ten years of development, Shedford Steamed Wheat Restaurant has well met the needs of consumers, At the same time, it has also become a more marketable brand. Franchisees who join the headquarters to start businesses can start businesses more easily, which will have a good development prospect. Inherited from the essence of North China cuisine, Shedifu Shaomai Restaurant has a variety of dishes and varied tastes, giving consumers a lot of choices. Shedifu Shaomai Restaurant has attracted a number of loyal consumers because of its good quality, cheap price and comfortable environment. Shedifu Shaomai Restaurant also has a large share in the market. Adapt to the changes of new catering in a new way of thinking and change. Shedefu Shaomai Restaurant adapts to the changes of the consumption era and wins its own place in the highly competitive catering market. In the future, the continuous development will not be possible without the participation of the franchisee. Shedehu Roast Wheat Restaurant will attract investment and join the whole country, looking forward to a better tomorrow! Shedford Shaomai Restaurant has a mature business model: through the design of a unified store image, it helps to achieve the overall results of a unified brand, so that all franchisees can maintain a consistent image and service, so that you can easily manage franchise operators and share operating benefits. Based on the essence of food culture, Shedehu Shomai Restaurant uses unique recipes and cooking methods to optimize and improve taste. This makes the food in Shedehu Shaomai Restaurant more unique and popular with consumers.
    Intention to join: six hundred and twenty-six people Store: eighty-six home Region: Tianjin
    Investment amount
  • twenty  Longjuxiang Steamed Wheat Restaurant
    Shanxi Jinzhong Longjuxiang Barbecue is a chain organization integrating the development of featured traditional snacks technology, catering operation training, promotion and franchise. Shanxi Jinzhong Shaomai has been engaged in the development, research and promotion of Shaomai food for a long time, focusing on mastering the market orientation of Chinese pasta, and leading the small and medium-sized catering industry to join. Shanxi Jinzhong Shaomai is a project with high stability, franchise value and development potential. Shanxi Jinzhong Longjuxiang Barbecue and Franchise Club will learn at any time, teach all day, practice, teach hand by hand, and organize teaching and meetings. Until independent operation. Can go home and open a shop. We let students master solid basic skills for the purpose of systematic learning and reaching the standard of independent and successful store opening. With unreserved teaching and standard process, we fully support the brand to adopt the business model focusing on single store operation and regional authorized agent and franchise, provide each operator with multifaceted business guidance, help them fully master the skills and related technologies of market development and operation, and achieve the ability to operate independently. Longjuxiang Steamed Wheat Restaurant, which teaches the secret of delicious food, is famous in the catering world. It has honed a sword for 15 years, only to make more delicious food. Longjuxiang Steamed Wheat Restaurant adopts its own manufacturing/refining process for its unique flavor, and you can choose from a variety of delicious dishes. In Longjuxiang Steamed Wheat Restaurant, you can learn more experience in catering production, one-on-one training, unreserved teaching, standard process and comprehensive support. The catering market is competitive, and it is difficult to become a big thing without characteristics. The Longjuxiang Steamed Wheat Restaurant is not fake. It is practical to be a man and do things, and gather together with special flavor in one stop. The pure flavor Spicy Dragon Juxiang Steamed Wheat House has been improved and created many times on the traditional basis. On the basis of no additives, it has developed a natural flavor soup that is good for human nutrition and beauty by matching the big bone soup and spices. It is also perfect for all kinds of sauces, and has its own experience in matching and nutrition of various vegetables, One man is busy and a hundred people are busy. One wheat world is the choice of small restaurants. There are more delicious foods in Longjuxiang's Barbecue House. The crisp and fragrant pies of Uncle Yu are delicious after being fried. They are made of two kinds of flour and still crisp when eaten cold; Lefeng cooked food, pig, chicken and beef are all enjoyable; The jar flavored chicken has upgraded its stewing process, and its taste is pure and delicious. Delicious secret script moves to win, and the taste of delicious food is not afraid to challenge! Longjuxiang Steamed Wheat Restaurant, with full support and service, is busy with online and offline business.
    Intention to join: six hundred and twelve people Store: seventy-eight home Region: Shanxi
    Investment amount
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