home page > Ranking of franchise stores > Ranking list of fish hotpot franchisees Friendly tip: Be cautious when joining in because of investment risks!
ranking Brand name Industry Investment amount region Number of stores trend Related Links
one Fanfan Stone Pot Fish and Rice Hot Pot > Fish Hot pot



one hundred

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 Kefan Stone Pot Fish and Rice

Introduction to joining The company adopts the business philosophy of "people first and work hard" and advocates the corporate culture atmosphere of "cooperation and integrity". Kefan Shiguo Fish and Rice Company has continuously improved its operation and management level to enhance its brand value

Operating products Fish Hot pot

two Dianjun Fish Hot Pot Hot Pot > Fish Hot pot




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 Dianjun Fish Flavor Hot Pot

Introduction to joining The popularity of fish fast food has prompted the opening of fish hot pot restaurants in the market one after another. As a brand focusing on this, Dianjun fish flavored fish hot pot has a very good development, which has formed a certain influence and further accelerated the development of the brand

Operating products Hot Pot

three Guo Lianguo Kitchen Fish Hot Pot > Fish Hot pot



one hundred

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 Guo Lianguo joined us

Introduction to joining It is made of river and lake fish (a dozen kinds of special live fish, including croaker, grass carp, chubby head fish, carp, crucian carp, etc.). With more than ten kinds of refined local (artemisia, jujube, medlar) homemade farm flavor sauce. Guo Lianguo Kitchen Fish

Operating products Hot Pot

four New Year's Record Fish Village Hotpot Hot Pot > Fish Hot pot



one hundred and twenty-four

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five Wengjiangyuan Pickled Cabbage, Fish and Rice Hot Pot > Fish Hot pot



one hundred

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six Fish You Meet Fish Hotpot Hot Pot > Fish Hot pot



one hundred

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