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Strengthen the layout of basic research system

Jin Guanping

08:31, April 29, 2024 Source: Economic Daily

Original title: Strengthening the layout of basic research system

This year's Government Work Report proposed to strengthen the layout of basic research system, support a number of innovation bases, advantageous teams and key directions in a long-term and stable manner, and enhance the original innovation ability. This is a strategic plan made by deeply grasping the laws, characteristics and development trends of basic research, which points out the direction for promoting the high-quality development of basic research in the new era and new journey.

Basic research is the source of the whole scientific system and the general organ of all technical issues. Its major breakthroughs often lead to disruptive technologies. Its level determines the foundation and stamina of a country's scientific and technological innovation. From neutrinos to stem cells to brain science and quantum communication... Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China has put the improvement of original innovation ability in a more prominent position, the overall strength of basic research has significantly improved, and individual frontier fields have achieved from following to leading. It should also be noted that compared with the goal of building a world science and technology power, China's basic research weakness is still prominent, especially the pattern of weak original innovation ability and key core technologies being subject to people has not fundamentally changed.

At present, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation is in the ascendant, the interdisciplinary integration is closer, the scientific research paradigm has undergone profound changes, the transformation cycle of basic research has been significantly shortened, and the international scientific and technological competition has moved forward to the basic front. Standing at a new historical starting point, to promote the construction of a new development pattern and achieve high-quality development, it is urgent to strengthen the layout of the basic research system, and consolidate the foundation of self-reliance of high-level science and technology from the source and bottom.

We should adhere to the combination of goal orientation and free exploration. The scientific problems faced by basic research mainly come from two sources, one is the development of science itself, and the other is the economic and social development. Therefore, on the one hand, we should fully follow the characteristics of basic research laws and encourage curiosity driven free exploration; On the other hand, we should adhere to the "four orientations", condense and propose scientific issues from economic and social development and major national strategic needs, systematically promote strategic oriented basic research, frontier oriented exploratory basic research, and market-oriented applied basic research, and promote interdisciplinary integration and interdisciplinary research, Build a high-quality discipline system with comprehensive and balanced development.

We should adhere to the combination of an effective government and an effective market. R&D investment is the material guarantee of basic research. To strengthen the layout of basic research system, we should not only continue to increase central financial support, but also gradually build a diversified investment mechanism combining free competition and stable support, guide and encourage local, enterprise and social forces to increase basic research investment, and jointly promote the comprehensive development of scientific research, basic research platform and base construction.

To strengthen basic research, innovation is the key. To strengthen the layout of basic research system, we should pay attention to the leading role of national laboratories, the organizational role of national scientific research institutions, and the role of high-level research universities as the main force. We should also strive to play the role of science and technology leading enterprises as "issuers", "respondents", and "reviewers". In addition, we should vigorously promote the spirit of scientists, improve the assessment and evaluation mechanism, cultivate a world-class team of basic research talents, and strive to create a research environment for their dedicated research.

If the source is dredged, the stream will grow; if the root is deep, the leaves will grow luxuriantly. Only by continuously optimizing the layout of the basic research system and stimulating the surging momentum of scientific and technological innovation can we promote the "China Ship" to move steadily forward in the wave of global scientific and technological competition.

(Editor in charge: Huang Jin, Wan Peng)
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