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Promote accurate and direct access to corporate dividends

Jin Guanping

08:26, April 10, 2024 Source: Economic Daily

Original title: Promote accurate and direct access to corporate dividends

Private enterprises play an important role in stabilizing growth, promoting innovation, ensuring employment and stabilizing foreign trade. In recent years, due to weak expectations, poor circulation, increased risks and other factors, some private enterprises have difficulties in operation. Since the issuance of the Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Promoting the Development and Growth of the Private Economy in July last year, various regions have successively introduced supporting measures, releasing a positive signal to help enterprises develop.

Since the beginning of this year, various departments around the country have continued to introduce high-value policy measures to support the development of private economy. Eight departments, including the National Development and Reform Commission, for the first time issued a negative list of policies and measures in the field of bidding. The Central Cyberspace Office carried out special actions to rectify the confusion of enterprise related infringement information. Zhejiang Province accelerated the cultivation of private economic headquarters enterprises, and targeted to solve practical problems such as fair competition, research and development funds, and public opinion environment that private enterprises are highly concerned about, Various assistance policies have been implemented continuously and effectively.

It should also be noted that in many places and fields, private enterprises are still faced with hidden barriers to market access, differentiated treatment of bidding, restrictions on key elements such as land and energy use, arrears of accounts and other pain points and difficulties. In addition, the operability of some enterprise related policies is not strong, and the expected effect has not been achieved.

Policy quality is more important than quantity. To help private enterprises relieve difficulties and consolidate the economic trend, it is required to make policies more precise and operational, effectively solve outstanding problems in market access, factor acquisition, fair law enforcement, rights and interests protection, and promote the accurate and direct delivery of preferential corporate dividends.

To adhere to the problem orientation, we should first establish and improve the statistical monitoring system, integrate financial, tax, employment and other data, strengthen the analysis of the operation of the private economy, and grasp common problems; It is also necessary to improve the regular communication and exchange mechanism between government and enterprises, conduct in-depth research on representative enterprises in different industries, different scales, and different stages of development, and understand the personalized needs of enterprises in detail.

At the same time, the channels for private entrepreneurs to participate in policy formulation should be unblocked and expanded. The policy formulation cannot be separated from the interaction with enterprises. Private enterprises have the most profound understanding of the practical problems such as how to make credit more accurate and how to better guarantee land demand. Their suggestions should be an important reference for the introduction of policies. Especially in the process of formulating industrial development plans, important reform measures and enterprise related policies and regulations, we should fully listen to the suggestions of enterprises to ensure that the policy effect is visible and real.

The market situation is changing rapidly, and the introduction of policies should not only focus on the "window period", but also do a good job in the transition. For the policies that have been issued, the implementation should be tracked and checked with practice. For those that are not well considered and difficult to implement, the adjustment and improvement should be accelerated. Those that are inappropriate, out of shape and deformed should be timely abolished and cleaned up, and improved with the times.

Ten million policies, implement the first. At present, some places still have the phenomenon of implementing policies to make choices, make adaptations, and discount, making good policies an "pie" that can't be eaten. Overpromises and empty promises also affect the enthusiasm of enterprises for development. It is necessary to supervise and assess the implementation of enterprise related policies in various forms, improve the fast response and problem solving mechanism for enterprise demands, and ensure that the policies fall from "paper" to "ground", and the implementation is free of moisture and dead space.

Grass roots is the "last mile" of policy implementation. It is necessary to compact the responsibilities of relevant parties, and combine the policy essence with the concerns of enterprises according to local conditions and circumstances; It is necessary to clarify the responsible departments, strengthen work coordination, and promote the transformation from "enterprises looking for policies" to "policies looking for enterprises", so that enterprises can truly enjoy the policy dividend.

(Editor in charge: Huang Jin, Wan Peng)
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