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Refuting the "Theory of Stagnation and Retrogression of China's Reform"

Commentator of Economic Daily

08:26, March 29, 2024 Source: Economic Daily

Original title: refuting "the theory of stagnation and retrogression of China's reform"

Recently, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, taking stock of the situation, proposed to accelerate the development of new quality productive forces, and stressed the need to further deepen reform in an all-round way to form a new type of production relations suitable for it. This year's Government Work Report also made it clear that we should deepen reform and opening up with greater determination and strength, and promote high-quality development to achieve new and greater results. Deepen the reform of the economic system, the scientific and technological system, establish a high standard market system, innovate the allocation of production factors, and break through the blockages that constrain the development of new quality productivity... A new round of reform is coming. At that time, there was a view that China's reform was "stagnant" or even "retrogressive", which reflected that some people did not understand the complexity and twists of China's reform enough, and they did not know enough about our determination, confidence, courage and perseverance to unswervingly and comprehensively deepen reform.

First, some people think that reform has slowed down or even stagnated when they see that the pace of reform in some areas is slow and small. It is not recognized that the reform has entered the critical period and deepwater area, and the speed and progress of reform in various fields will inevitably be different.

Since the reform and opening up, especially since entering the new era, the "four beams and eight pillars" of reform in various fields have sprung up, the basic institutional framework has been basically established, the easy and happy reform has been completed, and most of the rest are hard bones. Only when it is difficult can we show courage. The difficulty lies in the coexistence of interest promotion and interest adjustment. What we need to change is the system and mechanism, and what we need to do is to move the vested interests. We need to brave the resistance and continue to move forward. Every step requires more effort, wisdom and cost; The difficulty lies in the increase of the relevance and systematic synergy of the reform. One initiative is bound to move the whole body, and the courage to adhere to the organic connection, integration and close cooperation of the reform in the fields of economy, politics, culture, society and ecological civilization; The difficulty lies in the heavier weight of system construction, the failure of piecemeal adjustment and piecemeal repair, and the courage to institutionalize the reform achievements, so as to form a systematic, scientific, standardized and effective system; The difficulty lies in the fact that the greater the risk challenge, the more accurate the direction and steady the pace, grasp the time, degree and efficiency, correctly handle the relationship between reform, development and stability, and courageously consider the strategic focus, priority, main attack direction and promotion method of reform as a whole, so as to minimize the risk and avoid making subversive mistakes.

For more than 10 years, it is precisely because we have faced up to difficulties and challenges, constantly explored and summarized reform methodology, and broken through the barriers with the strategic determination of "flying through clouds calmly" that we have achieved great changes in the new era. In many fields, we have achieved historic changes, systematic reconstruction, and overall reconstruction.

Secondly, some people see that there are fewer major changes that "rock shatter the sky", and they judge that the efforts to promote reform have weakened. It is not recognized that many reforms, especially those in key areas, are at a critical juncture of deepening and refining, and they need less obvious "stone piercing skills" and "embroidery skills".

At the beginning of reform and opening up, the surname "public" or "private", "social" or "capital", rural or urban, planning or market... Every discussion and reform can trigger a strong impact from head to action. In the new era, reform has gone from partial exploration and breaking through ice to systematic integration and comprehensive deepening. The space for big breakthroughs and big achievements has been significantly narrowed. The reform fields are highly coupled, and "individual breakthrough" is difficult to achieve results. It is necessary to form a linkage integration of reforms in all fields through comprehensive and systematic reform to achieve the overall effect. I always hope to hear the "big bang". This expectation is neither realistic nor consistent with the law of development. The top priority is to make sure that the reform measures that have been determined take root steadily. This requires us to follow the spirit of nailing, promote reform from thick needle to fine needle, eliminate the phenomenon of lazy, slow, false, not able to change, and not in place, and make precise, coordinated, and continuous efforts to calculate big accounts and general accounts, so as to fully show the overall effectiveness of reform.

The reform needs to be pushed forward step by step and made breakthroughs step by step, so as to bring tangible benefits to the people and promote the economy and society to move forward with a solid pace. Since the introduction of reform and opening up, China has embarked on a practical and gradual reform path. From the exploration of land contracting in Xiaogang Village to the experiment in coastal special economic zones, from the initial reform strategy of "crossing the river by feeling the stones" to the establishment of the grand goal of building a modern and powerful socialist country, China has followed the pragmatic line of "easy before difficult", Seek steady progress from point to surface. The success of China's reform practice logic has been fully proved by history.

Third, some people saw some adjustments in policies and measures, and they doubted that the reform would wander or even go back. It is not recognized that the exploration of "crossing the river by feeling the stones" will inevitably lead to detours, and it is also necessary to summarize experience and correct deviations in time.

Reform itself is exploration and innovation. It has always been bumpy and circuitous. There is no ready way to go, and there is no so-called "perfect plan". It must move forward in the process of "trial and error correction trial and error adjustment". Further, the focus, path and task of the reform have obvious phased characteristics. The effective reform measures in those years may become the reform targets now. The deeper the reform develops, the more complex the internal and external situation becomes. The problems in development and emerging problems after development, general contradictions and deep-seated contradictions, unfinished tasks and newly proposed tasks are intertwined, and a more effective fault tolerance and error correction mechanism must be established. There may even be some unexpected "black swans" in the development, for which there is neither practical experience nor theoretical consensus. It is necessary to watch while walking, change while tuning, and gradually improve.

No reform can be perfect, nor can it be accomplished overnight, let alone once and for all. For a grand undertaking that is always updated, dynamic adjustment is normal, and we should be fully prepared for it. We often say that China has gone through the historical process of developed countries for hundreds of years in just a few decades, and has achieved fruitful results in industrialization, urbanization, marketization, and internationalization. At the same time, we will encounter contradictions and problems in this process, which will be more concentrated and more acute. Timely adjustment by means of reform and solution by means of development are the essence of our determination to "carry out the reform to the end".

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), a series of reforms have been pushed forward like a tide, and China has entered a new "reform time". As early as July 2013, General Secretary Xi Jinping made an important conclusion when he held a forum for leaders of some provinces and cities in Wuhan: "Facts have proved that reform and opening up is the source of vitality for the development and progress of contemporary China, an important magic weapon for the cause of the Party and the people to catch up with the times in a big step, and is the trend of the general trend and the aspiration of the people. There is no way to stop and go back."

The Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China opened a new stage of comprehensively deepening reform and promoting reform through the overall design of the system, involving 15 fields and more than 330 major reform initiatives, directly pointing to the deep-seated problems of the system and mechanisms and the interests of entrenched barriers. The international community calls it the "most ambitious reform plan" in the world today. By the end of 2020, a total of 2485 reform plans will be launched from all aspects, and the reform goals and tasks proposed at the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee will be completed as scheduled. We have stimulated institutional advantages by comprehensively deepening reform, accelerated the construction of a more systematic, scientific, standardized and effective institutional system, constantly improved the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity, and the cause of the Party and the country has shown new vitality.

Adhering to the principle of high-quality development in the new era and shouldering the major task of developing new quality productivity, this year is another important year of reform, which depends on our scientific plan to further deepen the reform comprehensively. The more this time, the more we need to eliminate interference, unify our thoughts, and forge ahead bravely. We should not only clear up vague understanding and correct wrong views in a timely manner, but also carefully listen to opinions and suggestions from all sides, and concentrate our efforts on solving outstanding problems that are urgently needed for high-quality development and that the masses are in dire need of. With perseverance and the courage to break through barriers, with the consensus that "reform is always on the way" and the determination to "carry out reform to the end", we will anchor the direction to deepen reform, and turn the attention and expectation of China's reform at home and abroad into the power to study reform and promote reform. We will surely create new miracles after miracles, new glory after glory, and achieve the building of a strong country The grand goal of national rejuvenation.

(Editor in charge: Huang Jin, Wan Peng)
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