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Create a stable, transparent and predictable policy environment

Jin Guanping

08:22, March 28, 2024 Source: Economic Daily

Original title: Creating a stable, transparent and predictable policy environment

This year's Government Work Report proposed to enhance the consistency of macro policy orientation and create a stable, transparent and predictable policy environment. This is of great significance for serving the overall situation of economic and social development, effectively stimulating the innovation and development vitality of 180 million business entities, and improving the sense of gain, happiness and security of the masses.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, in the struggle to effectively address a series of difficult challenges, China's macro-control experience has become richer, the system has become more perfect, and the means have become more adequate. Last year, in the face of the complex and severe international environment and the arduous task of domestic reform, development and stability, all regions and departments adhered to the general tone of seeking progress while maintaining stability, increased macro-policy regulation, focused on expanding domestic demand, improving confidence, and preventing risks, and played a set of policy combinations to promote the recovery of the national economy.

At present, the complexity, severity and uncertainty of the external environment are rising, and China's economy is still in the critical period of recovery, transformation and upgrading. To promote the economic recovery, we face difficult challenges such as insufficient effective demand, overcapacity in some industries, weak social expectations, and many risks and hidden dangers. Therefore, the importance of strengthening policy coordination and creating a stable, transparent and predictable policy environment is further highlighted.

Only when expectations are stable and confidence is sufficient, can enterprises dare to expand investment and expand the market, and the consumption potential of residents can be better released. In the past, there were some problems in practice, such as insufficient preliminary research on some enterprise related policies, insufficient listening to opinions, uncoordinated policies, and no necessary adjustment period left, which led to some policies not achieving the expected effect.

To create a stable, transparent and predictable policy environment, we should further improve the forward-looking, scientific and effective macro-control. The active fiscal policy should be moderately strengthened to improve quality and efficiency; The prudent monetary policy should be flexible, appropriate, accurate and effective. At the same time, we should strengthen the coordination of fiscal and monetary policies with employment, industry, investment, consumption, price, environmental protection, regional, urban and rural policies.

As an important innovation of macro-control, the evaluation of the consistency of macro policy orientation is an important means to strengthen the overall coordination of policies. The focus of the evaluation is mainly to see whether the policy documents conform to the spirit of the Party Central Committee, whether they will have a contractive inhibitory impact on the economy, and whether they will have a negative impact on social expectations. Since this work was carried out in 2022, the synergy of various policies has been significantly improved, and the consistency with the macro policy orientation has been constantly enhanced. In the next stage, we need to further improve the evaluation mechanism for the consistency of macro policy orientation, scientifically and accurately evaluate the impact of policies, including non economic policies, create more policies conducive to stabilizing expectations, growth and employment, and prudently introduce contractionary and inhibitory measures. The introduction of policies should be timely and effective, and the transition between the old and the new should not be divorced from reality. For the policies that have been issued, we should speed up the adjustment and improvement of those that are not well considered, and timely clean up and abolish those that are inappropriate. It is also necessary to strengthen the consistency in the policy implementation process, promote all departments to strengthen policy coordination and work coordination, closely cooperate, work in the same direction, and form joint forces, so as to prevent problems such as layer upon layer overweight and "one size fits all".

The policy environment is stable, transparent and predictable, and the policy effect is accurate, effective and effective, which will help to unite the strong joint forces of the people of the country and promote the sustainable, stable and healthy development of China's economy.

(Editor in charge: Huang Jin, Wan Peng)
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