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Create a good public opinion environment for enterprise development

Jin Guanping

08:27, March 27, 2024 Source: Economic Daily

Original title: Create a good public opinion environment for enterprise development

Encouraging and supporting the development and growth of private economy and private enterprises is an uncontroversial proposition. Over the years, the attitude of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has been very clear, and the position principle of "always adhering to 'two unswerving'," three unchanged ", and" always taking private enterprises and private entrepreneurs as their own people "has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

However, in recent years, some people have taken private enterprises and private entrepreneurs as examples. "Blackening materials", "splashing dirty water" and "stigmatizing" have not only disrupted the normal operation of enterprises, but also disrupted social investment expectations and damaged confidence in recovery. Superimposed by complex and severe domestic and international situations, as well as the "growing pains" and "problems in development" encountered by the private economy, the noise is exaggerated and magnified, which also makes the call of "private enterprises dare to venture" discounted.

The best way to refute all kinds of demagogues is to use facts. The Central Economic Work Conference held at the end of last year emphasized that "we should constantly improve and implement the system and mechanism of 'two unswervingly', fully stimulate the endogenous power and innovation vitality of various business entities", "promote the development and growth of private enterprises, and implement a number of measures in market access, factor acquisition, fair enforcement, rights and interests protection, etc.". During the two sessions of the National People's Congress this year, General Secretary Xi Jinping reiterated the requirement of "perfect implementation". An important starting point is to create a good public opinion environment for the legitimate operation of enterprises, so that they can be free and light, concentrate on business and development, and move towards a broader stage.

In the face of the injustice suffered by the enterprise in the public opinion, we should not hesitate to stand on the side of the truth and firmly stand on the side of the public interest. The disclosure of the disclosure, the treatment, the refutation of the rumor, and the support of the support will support the majority of legal and compliant business entities and the socialist market economy system. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen theoretical research and positive publicity, adhere to the principle of seeking truth from facts, being objective and fair, grasp the correct guidance of public opinion, guide the society to correctly understand the major contribution and important role of private economy, correctly treat the wealth gained by private economic people through legal and compliant operation, and give a good and stable expectation to the development of private economy.

Valuing entrepreneurship and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of private entrepreneurs are essential to the development of a higher level of socialist market economy. On the one hand, it is essential to create a good public opinion atmosphere for private entrepreneurs. To purify the public opinion environment is to optimize the business environment. Functional departments and relevant platforms should resolutely show their swords and never tolerate the false reports and improper remarks that distort and discredit private enterprises and private entrepreneurs. On the other hand, the rule of law is the best business environment. We should implement equal protection in all aspects of legislation, law enforcement, justice, and law-abiding. We should equally protect the property rights and legitimate rights and interests of all types of business entities in accordance with the law, and reduce power interference in normal business activities.

Recently, the legislative process of private economy promotion law has been accelerated; The work report of the Supreme People's Court proposed that "we should continue to optimize the development of private economy and strengthen the legal environment"; The work report of the Supreme People's Procuratorate proposed that "the rule of law enhances the confidence of enterprise development"; The National Development and Reform Commission will guide local governments to implement the new mechanism of cooperation between the government and social capital, and encourage and support private enterprises to participate in the construction of national major projects and projects to remedy weaknesses as much as possible... All departments are already taking action. By creating an open, fair and equitable business environment with stable policy expectations, clear public opinion space and a sound legal system, strengthening the coordination and mutual support of various policies, and delivering policy dividends to business entities, we can strengthen the confidence and expectations of private economic development, and enable more capable and willing entrepreneurs to take an active, proactive Show your skills.

(Editor in charge: Huang Jin, Wan Peng)
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