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A Brief History of Reform and Opening up (3)

Reform and opening up have taken the right path to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation

09:40, December 16, 2021 Source: People's Daily Online - Theory Channel

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. The Central Committee and the Working Committee of the State Organs, in conjunction with the People's Daily Online and the News Network of the Communist Party of China and other units, have carried out the reading activity of "learning the history of the Party, strengthening quality and setting an example" for the central and state organs, and invited well-known domestic experts and scholars to lead us to study the designated bibliography of the study and education of the history of the Party.

The Brief History of Reform and Opening up (hereinafter referred to as the "Brief History") uses more than 40 years of detailed historical materials and data of reform and opening up to guide readers to deeply understand the profound connotation of "good reform and opening up". The experts in this issue interpret the theme of "reform and opening up has walked out the right path to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation".

speaker: Wang Linggui, Vice President and Member of the Party Leadership Group of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

Guidance tips:

In the great practice of reform and opening up for more than 40 years, the Party has always adhered to emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, advancing with the times, seeking truth and pragmatism, unswervingly adhering to the guiding position of Marxism, unswervingly adhering to the basic principles of scientific socialism, and courageously promoting theoretical innovation, practical innovation, institutional innovation, cultural innovation, etc, Constantly endowing socialism with Chinese characteristics with distinctive practical, theoretical and epochal characteristics has formed the road, theory, system and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics. With irrefutable facts, it has demonstrated the vitality of scientific socialism. The great banner of socialism has always been flying high in China.

On the great journey towards the second centennial goal of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the socialist system with Chinese characteristics will be our greatest institutional advantage and institutional guarantee. We must continue to run through and reflect the leadership of the Party in all fields of reform, development, stability, internal affairs, foreign affairs, national defense, party, country and military affairs, and constantly improve the direction of the Party, pursue the overall situation, determine policies The ability and determination to promote reform ensure that the ship of reform and opening up always follows the right direction.     

Related links:

Deeply understand the profound connotation, rich practice, valuable experience and historical significance of reform and opening up

Reform and Opening up Is the Inevitable Historical Choice to Realize the Great Revival of the Chinese Nation

(Editor in charge: Song Meiqi, Qin Hua)
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