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[Preview] "Learning the History of the Communist Party of China, Strengthening Quality and Setting an Example": Introduction to Xi Jinping's On the History of the Communist Party of China

11:08, April 17, 2021 Source: People's Daily Online - Theory Channel

The book "On the History of the Communist Party of China" by Xi Jinping included 40 important manuscripts on the history of the Communist Party of China by General Secretary Xi Jinping from November 29, 2012 to November 24, 2020. This is a systematic and perfect book that reflects the important content of General Secretary Xi Jinping's comments on the history of the Party.

Entering a new stage of development is a great leap forward in the historical process of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. In the new era, the distinctive feature of our Party's leading the people of the whole country to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is the great leap forward, which is a core idea throughout the book.

This lecture is the first lecture of the reading activity of "learning the history of the Party, strengthening quality and setting an example" of the central and state organs. On April 19, Huang Yibing, Vice President of the Central Institute of Party History and Documentation, gave a speech, leading everyone to study Xi Jinping's On the History of the Communist Party of China.

The reading activity of "strengthening quality and setting an example" of the central and state organs has been held for 13 consecutive years for 138 times, which is a brand activity of theoretical learning for party members and cadres of the central and state organs. The 2021 reading activity will focus on guiding the reading of the designated bibliography of the party history study and education, with the theme of "learning the party history, strengthening quality and setting an example". Each lecture will invite experts and scholars, especially experts who participate in the writing of the designated bibliography, to guide the reading. At the same time, a relay contest for the learning of party history will be held for the party branches and youth theoretical learning groups of the central and state organs.

The reading activity is hosted by the Central Committee, the Working Committee of the State Organs, the State Press and Publication Administration, undertaken by People's Daily and the CPC News Network, and co organized by the People's Publishing House and People's Daily Press. It was first broadcast on the branch work APP, People's Daily Online, the CPC News Network, the WeChat official account of "Party History Learning Education", "Learning Great Countries", People's Video Client, "People's Daily Online+" client and other platforms, and expanded the coverage and communication of learning with the help of new Internet media, so that more party members and cadres can benefit from it.

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(Editor in charge: Song Meiqi, Qin Hua)
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